

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome Reba!:flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,797 Member
    dont worry Joyce I am stubborn too, once I hit a #, until I go down I keep it where it is at :laugh: had a healthy dinner. but have been bad during the day.. sometimes it is not a good thing to be home, because that means more snacking, and snacking on bad things:frown:
    I don't know how many are on facebook, but anyone wanting to be friends with me on there,is welcome to:happy:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Thank you for the welcome:bigsmile:
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Hi All { new & Old},

    I just dripped in to say hello..I haven't visited in awhile..hope you are well and enjoying the sunshine for you lucky people who have it...rain has been the fare for too long here..but that dear 'ol sun has to show his face sometime...
    The losing weight is not happening...I have got to regroup and go at this a different way...there are many ways to lose it I have to decide which one....
    .{{{Grandmallie}}}....I know what you mean by..being at home lets you closer to the snacking...

    {{{Joyce stubborn in Indiana...}}} I know how you feel..I lost at first now it is glued at that spot..or goes higher :sad: I am not giving up either...

    {{{ Cityjane }}}..I have discovered that I was exercising so I could eat more..I agree that everyone has to do what works for them...it just takes time...

    So nice to be here where others struggle as I do..and you do not give up..you are my inspiration for losing..so on I go.....

    Liz fr Halifax NS :flowerforyou:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Evening ladies. I've read all the posts but don't have time to respond to all of you individually. DD and I just finished a 14 mile or so bike ride and I'm exhausted and hungry. She really pushed me which was good, but I told my DH if he wanted to walk the fur babies tonight he was on his own - I'm just too tired to do any more.

    Cooking lessons were fun last night. It did take 2x longer to get dinner on the table but you should have seen the kids faces when they tasted the food they cooked! They did confide in my DD that they would have been happy to leave out the veggies as they liked the meat the best, but at least I'm trying to get them to eat more healthfully. They didn't complain about having it on brown rice either. I did agree to teach them to bake so next week: it will be chocolate chip cookies, but I'm also going to teach them how to grill fajitas. Lots of peppers, onions and avocado instead of cheese.

    I can hear my DD is done with her shower so I need to go pull together something for dinner - her request - protein.

    FYI re: eating exercise calories and plateau busting here are my thoughts for what its worth - I finally broke my plateau by actually eating more calories (did the BMR calculator), but I try to leave some of my exercise calories on the table everyday. I really had to look at what I was eating not just the calories. I added in more protein and upped my veggies (Renny - any new challenges coming up?). Plus water, water, water. You are going to have to play around and see what works for you. Also, I found what works for awhile doesn't always keep working. Sometimes you have to shake it up.

    Anyway - have a great night and I hope to respond individually tomorrow. Jodios
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone! Today was busy busy. I grocery shopped for all my week of company and put on 2 miles on the fitbit! Worked on the book, planted the last of the plants, picked up cat medicine and things for my dad, who then called wanting more items, and went to the bank. WHEW! Right now I’m procrastinating on the book.

    DebCNY: I have not yet synched the fitbit here; I’m not sure how to do it!

    Lin: if not drinking made your migraines better, I’d stay away from it!!! I am a big wine lover but only have a glass or two a week. Actually I pretty much like all alcohol….it’s like food….hard to find any I don’t like lol!

    Barbie: jalapeno corn soup?>?? Now that sounds delic! I’m going to have to find a recipe for that!

    Michele: our farmer’s markets just started last week. I’m itching to go!

    Katla: maybe I’m blind to it, but I think our hardwood floor looks pretty good. Not perfect, but after 2 dogs, it has very few (visible) scratches. Our dog now doesn’t run around too much and the cats don’t have any claws. Anything will be better than this stupid carpet!

    Cityjane: yum homemade bread. I used to make a lot of it, but stopped for many years. Last year I made a loaf that was a good imitation of a brick!

    Grandmallie: are you getting enough protein? Seems like lots of women here upped their protein with good results.

    DeeDee: I’m dreaming of your salmon dinner!

    Janemartin: enjoy your date!

    DrKatiebug: my summers are usually like yours…all filled in before they start. I am trying ever so hard to get away from that!

    Kathyszoo: I wanna do water zumba too!

    Brooke: yes, the polish is gel/shellac and gets baked on. It lasts for 3 weeks or so; until my nails grow out. The carpet is past its warrantee. Unfortunately I waited too long to complain; we tried cleaning it several times then when I called them they said the fibers had probably been dyed by the stains. We had never used this distributor before but that’s where our builder sent us and we had problems with the tile, the vinyl, the rubber gym floor, and the carpet. No advocating there! The best I could do was a letter to the BBB! Congrats on your nsv!~

    Bjmcq: that post was amazing! So inspiring. You have remotivated me! Thank you!

    Rebamae: welcome to the group. Come back often

    Lucy: yes the shellac is gel… I think the brand the salon uses calls it shellac.

    Connie: can’t wait to see that garden bed blooming and growing!

    M3x43: everyone will have their own answer to your question. You have to find what works for you. I typically do not eat my calories back because I have a pretty generous allotment and I don’t burn a ton. IF I routinely burned 500 or more a day, I would eat them back.

    Liz: nice to see you again!

    Well sorry to cut this very short. I know I have missed many but you are all in my thoughts and prayers daily. Back to the book! This chapter was due yesterday and I asked for a 2 day extension, so It has to be done! Take care, busy Meg in Omaha
  • m3x43
    m3x43 Posts: 40
    Good evening ladies and thank you all for your input. I will try to be patient with myself and figure out what works for me. Not my usual style...I like to have a formula that works every time, all the time! :smile: But, we are not machines, are we?

    Goodnight and sweet dreams!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just a quick note to tell all my MFP friends that the TX tornadoes were in my town. The most devastation was about 3 miles across the lake and it also touched down in my housing area but about one mile from my house. We didn't have power for 12 hours and when we went out to eat this morning we saw the damage only a mile from our house. That really scared me. Spent the day picking up debris and answering the phone. Anyway, I'll try to catch up with everyone tomorrow. Lots to be thankful for tonight.
    Sue in TX
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Sue in Texas

    So glad you are okay. The devastation looks horrible on the tv news. I still remember seeing the aftermath of a tornado when I was 5 years old!

    Please stay safe. I will be praying for your town and the people in it!

    Eileen near San Diego
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Joyce - I'm not into getting a fitbit, either. I'm sure its a great motivator for some people. But I'd like something that does more than count steps. I'd like a heartrate monitor too and probably some other features

    katla - great that you divided your lunch. I guess one advantage to counting calories is that you have a lot of leftovers....lol which translates into less cooking...which always works for me.

    Did the ASAP Sculpt DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some HIIT. I'm hoping to burn extra calories since we'll be having the bowling party here at night. I'm going to the Green Room to volunteer and then when I'm finished I'll go to Aldi's and get the hamburgers and rolls

    Sounds like the workers are here to finish up the pergola. Going to go out right now, give them the muffins and see what's up before I have to leave.

    drkatiebug - so sorry to hear about your mom's sister. You certainly have your priorities straight. Boy, you sure are one busy lady!

    brooke from CO - great NSV!!!!

    bjmcq - you truly warmed my heart with your post. You're so right, we CAN do anything with persistence and patience.

    Rebamae - welcome! Everyone here is so supportive and nonjudgmental, you'll love it. It doesn't matter if you're 17 years past 50, 27, 37, even 47, welcome!!!

    Lucy in DE - yea for you getting rid of those totes. Just think -- you're going to be helping someone else out. I'm with you, I don't like the low riding jeans. Guess I'm a bit of a fuddy duddy. I also look terrible in skinny jeans, and there aren't a whole lot of bootcut jeans in colors other than black, brown, some olive green (not many) and white. Don't know why they make white jeans for petites. The fashion rule is "light on top, dark on bottom". I'm small on top, I sure don't want to appear smaller. And I have big hips, so I certainly don't want to emphasize them. I can very seldom (more like never) find pants to fit me in thrift stores, probably because they don't have a lot of petite sizes. But I can (and do) find shirts and sweaters. After the landscaping (which I'm suspecting might take a long time since there are so many different things we want to do) I fully intend to just float in the pool, sit in the spa and relax.

    Connie - happy birthday to your dh. I have one rebounder DVD but would like to get more. I have to search on Amazon for another one. I'm surprised how much of a workout I get, but there is very little impact.

    Don't know why, but I woke up at 5 this morning. I thought for sure it was time to get up so I went and went on the Wii (he's still being indecisive...and they say women can't make up their minds!)

    jmkmomm - how frustrating when the scale says you've gained and you're thinking that you didn't. I hear you're sadness. It WILL get better. You do so much with having MS.

    Went to volunteer at the Green Room today. The lady who relieved me lives in my development! She was asking about my children and I mentioned that Bryan was getting married. Then I said to her that I really had to leave (well, I did have to get those hamburgers and buns) mainly because I really didn't want to go into the fact that he refuses to let us talk to Dianna. I don't feel right lieing so I just left.

    m3x43 - ah, how well I remember the May/June school things. In one sense, I miss it, in another, I don't. I don't eat back my exercise calories. I found that when I added in exercise calories, I wound up eating junk just to get the calories up. What I do is log it in the "notes" section. Then, on those days when I do go over, deep down inside I know that I have a "buffer". Now this is just me, but even if I'm low in calories, if I eat something late at night, I can be guaranteed of a gain the next day. Never fails. It may not be a huge gain, but it's a gain just the same. Usually, I lose it the next day -- IF I don't have something to eat late at night. Even a piece of fruit can do it to me.

    Juanita - what a neat idea to make a pillow out of your daughter's special sweater

    rori - so sorry you lost your pedometer. Have a great rest of your vacation. Wishing I was with you.

    grandmallie - when Vince has a burger on the grill, I usually have a veggie burger. What is your facebook name?

    Liz in Halifax - I find that when I'm in the house, I too snack. But if I'm outside in the pool or doing the landscaping, I usually have a cup of carrots and just take a few when I come in the house. I do usually have my Bubba mug (which holds 54oz) with me full of water and I usually can finish it

    jodios - awesome bike ride. Being with your daughter only made it that much better. Your cooking lessons sound just awesome. You're really helping those kids instilling in them life skills

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :flowerforyou: Another busy day with two line dance classes, dog walking, and a haircut…..Jake is back from his overnight trip and our family is happily together again.

    :flowerforyou: I started eating back my exercise calories the day I came home from a two hour walk and thought I was going to faint….that’s when I realized that my body needed fuel for all the work it was doing…….another important point is to constantly assess your food diary and be sure that the food you are eating is actually nourishing your body….the basic rule---“eat healthy food, don’t eat crap”

    :yawn: :yawn: :heart: :heart: bie from NW Washington

    “The only real freedom a human being can ever know is doing what you ought to do because you want to do it.”
  • 21angelic
    21angelic Posts: 11 Member
    Yes looking at the two pictures side by side they do look similar :laugh: , I think they are great pictures.
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    Chair Antics - seems right up my alley

    Jodios - great biking, and I really need to watch what calories I eat instead of total

    MegBlair - good for you for putting miles on the FitBIt

    SuebDew - scary! glad you are all right.

    ExerMom - I'm new on my FitBit but I have a HRM also :-)

    BarbieCat - dancing class was going to be my new year's reso, but something else took its place. maybe 2014

    Everyone else - Hello again, I'm still trying to be a regular around here. I'll try to pop in soon!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,797 Member
    well i am up,but holy moly the allergies.. my left ear is totally blocked and driving me crazy:grumble:
    oh well. my balance is a little off because of the ear so no gym for me today..
    Meg- yes I am not a good sit down and have a meal person,more of a grazer,so yes I need to up my protein..I just love my PB2, both the regular and the chocolate. so lately I have been having toast with the pb2 on it in the morning..
    going to have steamed veggies and a hard boiled egg for lunch..I think it is all the snacky things that get me in trouble..
    Sue in Tx- so glad you made it unscathed.. that must have been so scary..I have never seen nor do I want to see a tornado, have been on the fringes out in the midwest when we have been visiting the grandkids.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Hi all :heart:
    Small NSV to report! I noticed yesterday that I have now a slight shape at the top of my arms, they go in and out again a bit :laugh:
    Now I don't want Madonna arms, but I am more than pleased to see a shape!:drinker:
    An update on my face exercises - I think my eyes look more wide awake now and I have not got so much lid droop. The sad hangdog look is much improved. I'm afraid the spare skin on my neck shows no sign of shifting though :laugh:

    The bread I make (No Knead Bread) is the easiest thing in the world. It comes out like a huge ciabatta. I will only be having a slim slice, but I think making bread for guests is a really cherishing thing to do for them. DBIL is now on his way from Australia.

    Today we will be planting our carrot seeds in a box which we can lift up out of the range of the carrot fly. Apparently they only fly close to the ground!!!! Also giving the patio a spruce up for our visitors. The dahlia is now safely potted, but as last year, looks completely dead.:bigsmile: We also got in lavender, scabious etc. They are bee friendly as British bees are severely under threat from pesticides. It sounds as if I got through a lot of calories, but unfortunately the gardening consisted mainly of me pointing and instructing and DH actually digging!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Love to all. We saw the tornadoes on our TV.. Glad you escaped the worst of it and thoughts to those who suffered.:flowerforyou:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Good morning, all!

    Thanks for listening to my whining yesterday. I'm in a better frame of mind today. I don't usually go into school on Fridays so I am getting some much needed housework done. (Technically I am 49% time.) Maybe I'll even go with my husband on both of his walks. I usually just go once and not even with him. He goes at 8 and 10. I usually have to go in the afternoon or evening after work. He is retired, does most of the housework so that I can do other things, but the poor man is not good at bathrooms or changing the sheets. I also need to catch up on the bills & budget and balance the checkbook.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Cityjane:smile::smile: I love the "pointing and instructing" exercise:laugh: ! Congrats for getting shape in your arms!!! I would love to have Madonna arms, I`m sure she works out a lot for the body she has! Maybe if I set my mind to it I could do it too:huh: :noway: :laugh: :tongue: ! Sounds like you`re getting everything ready for your company!

    Sue in TX:smile: So glad you and your family are okay:flowerforyou: !

    I`m headed out the door...I got the rest of my flowers yesterday:happy: , I didn`t get them in the pots though:frown: , so I`m going to do that right now before it gets too warm. They are saying we could have thunderstorms this afternoon and evening, I`m hoping I`ll get a little time to sit and relax on the deck and admire all the beauty before it happens.

    Have a great day beauties!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in sunny NC:glasses:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hello there and happy Friday!

    Whew, what a week. Sun up to sun down go go go. This morning I'll pretend the house is the track and do my jogging around with the broom in one hand, dust cloth in the other. If I look at it that way, I'll get it all done. Interesting how this time of year the gardens are immaculate but my poor little house, well, need I say more.

    I agree with you Barbie, eating nutritional foods and staying away from crap is certainly the way to go. It takes a bit of doing to clean up our eating habits, but once the wheels are in motion it can become second nature. If we have a problem with certain foods calling our names a bit too often, (for me, it's chips) then we can take the necessary steps to get those things under control. Reminding myself that satisfying the crunch factor is celery's job.

    The gardens are happy with the cooler weather - picking asparagus, spinach, lettuce and radishes now, broccoli coming on quickly. Our tomato plants are faring well, their cages still wrapped with plastic, giving them protection from the wind. Planting Brussels sprouts, parsnips and more broccoli this weekend.

    Time for me to grab the broom and get busy. Wishing you a wonderful day filled with self-kindness and gratitude!

    :smile: jb in Portland where a multitude of gorgeous flowers are coloring the landscape
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Just a quick note to tell all my MFP friends that the TX tornadoes were in my town. The most devastation was about 3 miles across the lake and it also touched down in my housing area but about one mile from my house. We didn't have power for 12 hours and when we went out to eat this morning we saw the damage only a mile from our house. That really scared me. Spent the day picking up debris and answering the phone. Anyway, I'll try to catch up with everyone tomorrow. Lots to be thankful for tonight.
    Sue in TX

    I am so glad you are OK. We live in western Kansas so definitely understand. Please know our prayers are with all of you ( am I allowed to say that on these boards??)
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Good morning to all!!
    I had a fun evening - DDIL invited me to go to the circus with them. Three DGC and the two of us. What a wonderful time!! The circus was very small but it was still fun :happy:
    My only problem - I could not sleep when I got home. Finally at 3:00 a.m. I was able to go to sleep. I fight this problem often, but has not been this late in a long while. Needless to say, I am a bit tired today:sad:
    I am ready to walk but need someone here before I can do that. It is a beautiful morning again - no wind :bigsmile:
    I will see you all later. Have a fantastic TGIF!