saratf Member


  • I don't think think you "need" it, but it does help meet protein requirements. I don't eat meat, so there are days that it really helps me. I just use the trader joe's brand, but I'm interested in what others recommend. I'd like to find something that tastes good just mixed with soymilk.
  • Pretty much any cheese will work. I like swiss, but my husband usually uses extra sharp cheddar. Watch out though, it's easy to go overboard with your cheese servings, especially when slicing from a block. I usually add some greens and a tomato to mine to make it more filling.
  • Black beans Cheddar cheese Brown rice Romaine lettuce Plain yogurt Oatmeal Soy milk Peanut butter Flat bread Berries
  • For me, it's the right combo of two sports bras that makes the difference. My bottom layer is the normal one piece stretchy sports bra. Next is one that zips up the center and has more "individual" support. Then, I usually wear a reasonably tight shirt. I've also used an Enell bra and like it, but don't have the money to…
  • Mirena is hormonal. I haven't had problems with losing weight with the Mirena.
  • I had a breast reduction when I was 22. There will be scarring, there's no way around that. The recovery was much more painful than I expected--it was difficult to move around for a few weeks. My insurance covered the surgery, which is why I had it done when I did (all of my insurance since has specifically excluded it).…
  • I've had my original fitbit since October 2010 and haven't had any problems with it.
  • Pregnancy = lots of bloating, swelling, etc., in addition to actual weight gain. I didn't weigh myself during my pregnancy, except for at the doctor's office. I wouldn't worry about your weight gain unless your doctor is concerned. That being said, it's okay to not gain a lot in your first trimester. And, even if you can't…
  • One of my favorite lunches! I use lots of veggies and not too much cheese.
  • Most ingredients are in the food bank (a surprising lot of them!). You can create meals with all of your different ingredients. I find that it works best to plan meals ahead of time and enter them before I cook. But sometimes I just remember what all went into the pot and enter the ingredients after dinner.
  • I measure everything and then make a recipe on MFP. If I know about what I'm going to cookahead of time, I make a recipe ahead of time and then just update it after I've cooked in case I find I had extra of something (or used less of something).
  • I love cabbage! Maybe it's the Polish in me, but I crave cabbage all the time. I like making slaw for tacos. Last time I used half a head of cabbage (shredded), several grated radishes, a diced jalapeno, juice of one lime, about 1 tsp of olive oil, a few pinches of salt, and some green onion. Let sit in the fridge for at…
  • If there is something I really want, I eat it. Not on a specified day, and I don't think of it as a reward or a cheat, just something I want. BUT, I make sure I'm still near my calories for the day, or I eat a little less the next day. For me, this is sustainable. Sometimes, it's worth going over my calories for the day,…
  • Those look amazing! Do you use dry or fresh porcinis?
  • Just dumbells, no bench. I'd like to join a gym in the next few months though, so I'll keep these in mind.
  • I have the thirty day shred videos. Maybe it's time to dig them out.