Download the Strava app - it's a biking app that uses GPS and also accounts for hills and what not. It's good.
It can depend on your body's physics. Depending on the length of your thighs, calves, torso, etc, can change the way you feel squats. Regardless of what you actively engage. For instance, I never feel sore in my quads, I can tell they are working and they are tired, I just don't get sore. However, my bum is another story.…
Amazingly badass.
::Blush:: Though, you should know that he made fun of your coffee habit. :P
Thank you so much!
I got totally giddy. :)
I love you.
Happy birthday!
I've made real friendships - like we have met and/or spoken off this website. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to make a romantic connection. Every situation is different. The worst that can happen is that they say no. Go for it no matter what.
Mmm delicious.
mmm...naps are great. If you have the leisure, go for it. You should only be sleeping for about 30-90 minutes though. Anything more and it might be something else. (Such as depression, lack of sleep at night, etc)
You sound emaciated. I recommend seeing a doctor.
I pay about $55/month for a membership at the Y. However, because we are a major city, it has a lot of amenities. I think it's worth it. A lot of gyms where I am are about 50-100$ a month. I think location has a lot to do with it.
tag, you're it
You say you splurge a bit, you are probably eating more than you think. I would be super diligent about weighing your food. Otherwise mirena is just progesterone, so I don't think you would have the same weight gain as you might with an estrogen.
Yay! Congrats!
You ignorant slut!
So in!
Protein and lift heavy. :)
Sock bun. That works for me.
Cardio after. You don't want to be tired while lifting as you can really hurt yourself. The more you do it the easier it gets to maintain. Have a little snack between (like an orange).
Totally. Be GGG baby!
Depression and feeling bad are not the same thing. Please exercise some empathy.
I'm on Lexapro and haven't had any issues. I don't think the pill itself makes you gain weight, but instead may make you hungry and therefore you may eat more. So as long as you stay within your calories you should be fine.
$120 - 140 ish. I suggest finding a pair that feel good to you and spending the money. Running is hard on your feet and body and good shoes can make a huge difference. When you run and wear a pair out and then go to a new pair for the first time you'll realize how important they are. You can often find deals on last…
Gah! HOrrifying lol
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