bodiva88 Member


  • Do you mean Samson? Not sure why the p is in there.
  • Not fond completely raw, but just blanched is nice with hummus.
  • Not a bad idea to work with a trainer to be sure your stroke is efficient and won't cause injury. I use hand paddles to increase the upper body workout and take pressure of my elbow so I can swim more often without tendinitis. I don't do a particular routine, but I watch people who do and once you've found one you like I…
  • If you can, think of eating well and exercising as prescriptions for your depression. I have a long history of depression, and find that a good 30-60 minute session of aerobic exercise makes a huge difference in mood. And they don't call it a cycle of depression for nothing. You can feed the depression, or you can feed…
  • I kind of wish there were a way to just screen for the non * entries. It's nice to have one where you can get blueberries by the oz, gm, cup in one place--depending on what and how you are measuring yourself it makes it easier. And those basics are the ones I tend to need. I don't eat a lot of processed stuff. I also wish…
  • She's perfectly aware her sister and father aren't traitors. She is in a position where she has to say what the people in power around her want her to say because if she doesn't she'll die. She's not stupid. She's trapped. As for dreaming of a rich and powerful husband, isn't that what she was taught was her goal in life…
  • Set yourself up to lose a pound a week. More sustainable to eat that way in the long run and more realistic expectations. You aren't dieting, and looking forward knowing you are eating much the way you always will helps you set up a lifestyle you really can live and thrive with. Be sure your activity is what you say it is.…
  • On the days I swim so that I weigh in on the same scale each time. So, typically Sun, Tues, Thurs. And I don't worry about a few pounds either direction. Just about the trend. If I were a worrier, I think I'd just weigh Sun.
  • You can do it now, and learn how to live happily and healthily. Or you can find yourself not just out of shape, but obese and disabled. Do it now.
  • Not just rude, but you really should pay attention to checkout. Not that you'll be cheated, but legitimate mistakes are made. Things can be double scanned or the wrong produce number can be keyed. Much easier and less stressful to fix those as they happen than after your done with the transaction.
  • add it and veggies to a nice spicy broth for soup.
  • pros and cons. only you know your situation and the ability of each of you when it comes to managing money.
  • It gives me a realistic idea of what importance exercise has in a balanced healthy lifestyle. I don't see eating as a reward for exercise or exercise as a punishment for eating. I see eating well and exercising regularly as two sides of the same healthy coin. And I realize that without exercise my food intake will be so…
  • Women often experience changes in thyroid hormone production as they get older. For me, it was Hashimoto's Thyroid that got mine slowed to a crawl. I was exhausted. Now I have plenty of energy. But the Synthroid didn't start my weight loss. My decision to eat less and be more active did. I am glad that I already had dealt…
  • You can't change that. You're a pear. Embrace who you are and dress to flatter yourself. You can read up on how to dress to make you look more balanced from the front. Things that make you look broader shouldered and narrower waisted. A bateau (boat) neck can make you look more balanced. A well fitted shirt dress belted to…
  • You are misinformed. They provide support in the form of product to troops on deployment all the time. In addition to their national programs, I was able to work with my local Starbucks to get discounted VIA for my care packages sent to friends deployed in Afghanistan. Always…
  • I don't do that exactly. But I do try to always have a few servings of chili and soup in the freezer to use when I'm just beat coming in the door. Supplement them with veggies (adding some fresh veggies to the soup can really perk it up and add variety so it's not the same soup every time you eat it). I find chicken and…
  • I had disordered eating when I DIDN'T count calories and I DIDN'T recognize there needed to be a balance between intake and burn.
  • We used to go to McDonald's about every other Saturday. It certainly was not why I got fat. There was plenty of other behavior more damaging than a burger and fries every couple of weeks. Now, I am breaking the bad habits around portion size and food selection. But that doesn't mean I don't occasionally have a burger and…
  • Neshmi, good luck. It was realizing that I was making myself disabled that got me going a year ago and it's been amazing. Just moving more, and upping your distance a little each day, will help prepare you for your trip's activity level. Be sure while you're there to hydrate and be kind to yourself. On the food front,…
  • Sounds like in your head you haven't made a lifestyle change but you're on a diet. Won't work. Decide what you want. Do you want to be healthy and fit? Then plan what you need to do and CAN do over the long haul (forever) to accomplish that. And take a couple days off exercise every week or you'll burn out, hurt yourself,…
  • I bought a few pair of slacks after 40 pounds. But basically am waiting to buy jeans until I just can't wear the old ones any more (they literally fall off). I hate jeans shopping. And I got all new pants for summer because the old ones were falling off. And I got new shirts/tops for summer because they aren't that…
  • The only one of my doctors who ever pushed me toward Gastric Bypass was my gyno, who is a surgeon. It was my primary who suggested My Fitness Pal. My endocrinologist never recommended surgery, often suggested I work with a dietician. And when I showed up 40 pounds lighter to my annual visit in December he was thrilled and…
  • It's a good time to get people to think about this on the holiday weekend.
  • If you need to avoid the kitchen but want your cup of tea, have one of those little immersion heaters in your living room/office. Or an electric kettle. Keep tea things where you can use them without temptation. It may seem silly. But whatever it is you have to do you can see as serious business.
  • Basic math says 1300 plus 400-500 is 1700-1800. What did you use to come up with 1300 calories as your goal?
  • Nobody worth caring about at the gym is looking at you at all. And anyway, it isn't anyone else whose opinion counts. It's yours. And you're being so hard on yourself. Don't wear your husband's clothes. They seem to be a way for you to punish yourself. Lands End has comfortable cotton clothes up to size 26 (and note that…
  • Love this. And believe me it isn't the first time anyone at the gym has seen someone overcome with what they're accomplishing. Good for you!
  • Salt pool. Cardio area always on a different level than weights at all the locations. plenty of equipment so there's seldom a wait. Not a meat market. And only a few dolts who don't realize dropping weights makes them look like idiots.