I don't know how to feel good about myself.



  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    For me, as far as self esteem goes, it's really hard to feel good about yourself when you have felt bad for so long. I understand how you feel. I have not joined a gym because I am self conscious. You have already done that and that is awesome! I workout in my basement. I figure when I am ready and comfortable enough to join a gym, then I will.
    The way I look at it and how it has been helping to motivate me is that whether I workout or not, the time will pass. I don't want to sit here for another day of regret. Because I feel like I have been doing that for a long time now.
    I hope that you can find it in yourself to just continue to push forward. You will lose weight but it will take time. You can do it and if you really want to you will.
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    You have to go through feeling blobby to feel good.
    You have to put in the work.

    Weight loss isn't only hard because of changing your habits, it's hard because you have to force yourself to be uncomfortable.
    Get out there, make yourself do it. Be strong. Don't wait for motivation. Just -do- it.

    I don't know your size, or I'd help you pick out a cute workout outfit. :] Try target and Walmart.

    Like I said, you have to feel crappy for awhile until you feel good again. Decide if it's worth it, make your choice, and then make yourself do the necessary work.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Men just lose weight easier and faster than women. However, they die younger and WE have multiple orgasms, so it evens out. :)

    My poor husband didn't even get the faster/easier weight loss he was promised. :frown:
  • Bel0602
    Bel0602 Posts: 135 Member
    I actually hate jean shopping. It makes me feel frustrated. But I love buying shoes! No matter what they will always fit! Also, an occasional mani-pedi is always good for boosting up your mood. Don't feel discouraged. You will lose weight. (:
  • kgillis87
    kgillis87 Posts: 43 Member
    Oh hunny, I'm sorry you feel so cruddy! I know that feeling, and it's tough. For me, the biggest (and hardest) thing to do was to really accept myself the way I am right now. I don't think you can really work towards positive change until you acknowledge where you're starting from. It's really hard, and it kind of sucks because you do have to see yourself in that way you've been trying for a long time to avoid, but it's like trying to make your way around in a dark room and then turning the lights on - when you can actually see what your dealing with, it will go so much better. So, I guess my advice is to try and just sit with those negative feelings for a little bit - try to figure out where they're really coming from, and what they are trying to tell you. Then they'll go from being big, overwhelming things to manageable problems (that will still need effort to work through) that are no longer impossible obstacles.

    Best of luck! Please keep posted on your progress!
  • doctorwhome
    Well this site provides lots of motivation! Feel free to add me as a friend! I'm on every day. Also, you may want to consider counseling. It is possible to be addicted to food. You have to really, REALLY want this in order for it to work. I tried many diets, but it wasn't until something just clicked with me, that I actually stuck with a lifestyle. You CAN do this!!

    I agree with this. You may want to consider finding a counselor. I have horrible self esteem and get overwhelmed with things very easily. I found a good counselor that has helped me change some of my negative thinking and bad habits.
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    First thing you need to do , stop comparing yourself to your husband. Men alway's lose weight faster then woman. My husband and I started our journey together on Jan 15 this year, he has reached his goal, and lost 32 lbs in 2 1/2 months, I have lost 42 lbs to date (4/29/13) taking me 3 1/2 months to lose, and I have 38 more to go. As for starting to eat healthier, just start, Mind Over Matter!!!!! I know it's hard but all things are when you first start, and it does get easier. And you can find low cal versions of all your fav foods, using fat free, low fat, etc...... Trust me I used to eat out 4/5 times a week, eating all fried foods, pizza, ranch dressing on everything, and now I eat out 1 time a week, and use light ranch, and broiled or grilled foods wiyhout butter or oils..... Good Luck with your journey, and feel good about yourself.... Feel free to request me as freind, for support...
  • mgpage
    mgpage Posts: 123
    I have to agree with what others are saying, stop comparing yourself to your husband. I also think that wearing his old clothes is really bothering you. Go buy your own workout close, it doesn't have to be skin tight spandex, I started by going to the mens department and buying basketball shorts. The point is they won't be his old clothes that he can't wear anymore, they will be yours and when you find the workout that is right for you, you will be back to the store buying new clothes because your old ones don't fit anymore.

    I am the only one in my household that is trying to lose weight, but my husband and daughters have been very supportive. We even cook together now and have made changes to some of our favorite foods to make them healthier. Maybe you could do the same with some of your favorites.

    Also, set mini goals don't focus on the main goal. I used to set mini weight goals, but recently changed that to completing the Insanity workout. I have four weeks to go. Just some ideas, don't give up you can do this.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I log everday and have an open diary so you can see all my oops days!
  • cinram3
    cinram3 Posts: 1
    Every woman no matter what their weight has times when they don't feel good about themselves. Losing weight will not automatically open the "door" to happiness. It is great that you exercise because in the long run you should be exercising for health and not weight loss. Maybe you need to stop comparing your successes or failures to your husband's or for that matter anyone's. Frankly be proud of yourself for getting to the gym or eating moderately that day. Whenever I feel too overwhelmed with negativity about myself I go for a walk preferably in the forest or even just around the block. And like YolieCreator said wearing cool kicks always makes me feel better.
  • kmdowd1
    kmdowd1 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't know what size you are, but I have had some luck with fitness attire in the Women's Department at JCPenney. Both in store and online. I love JCPenney, as I feel they cater to all shapes and sizes. Finally, I have capris and a shirt that match! And they're the wicking fabric. Bonus! And without even thinking about it, they also match my running shoes. And they aren't super fitted. As for feeling like a bouncing blob on the treadmill...don't. When I see someone on the treadmill or elliptical that's bigger than me (again, I don't know your size), I draw inspiration from that. I think...if they are here putting forth effort, there's no reason I can't. So who knows...YOU might be someone's inspiration!
  • karenbrooks14661
    karenbrooks14661 Posts: 9 Member
    i feel your pain, i lost 2 stone last year, and have put one back on again, but i am back on track now! (5 stone still to go) the trick is to never give up on yourself! you are worth it, you quite obviously want to lose weight, but you are scared of failing again! just start, change your mind set, we are not "dieting" we are getting fit & healthy again, we are eating proper food, no junk, no rubbish, just good wholesome food that makes us feel better, we can and will do it! gyms are always full of "skinny lycra lovlies", i avoid it, do the excercise YOU like, i go to a fitness class twice a week, walk the dog, cycle to work, put a cd on and dance while doing housework, whatever makes you move is great!!! you deseve to feel good, we all do, but you just have to start! count your calories, make healthy food choices, do some excercise everyday! i plan my weeks menu, only buy what i need, (no biscuits, crisps etc) so i cant be tempted, and stick to it! add me a friend if you like!! good luck, but please just start! xx
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    Nobody worth caring about at the gym is looking at you at all. And anyway, it isn't anyone else whose opinion counts. It's yours. And you're being so hard on yourself.

    Don't wear your husband's clothes. They seem to be a way for you to punish yourself. Lands End has comfortable cotton clothes up to size 26 (and note that their X sizes are larger, a 3X is a 24-26, not the usual 22-24, so keep that in mind when ordering) that are relatively inexpensive (cash back if you start a transaction through edeals, get on the Lands End email list and you'll know when percent off and no shipping sales are), durable, wash and wear, and easy to work out in. Get some that fit...not tight, not overly loose, just fit.

    Set interim goals for yourself. At x lbs lost you'll get a massage, a facial, a new pair of shoes, something nonfood reward. At 2x pounds off you'll go on a day trip to someplace you've always wanted to see...gardens, museum, state park.

    Log log log. Log WHILE YOU EAT, so you catch yourself when you start eating more than you can afford to of something calorie dense, rather than find yourself logging after you've kept eating past what is healthy for you.

    Now that the weather is nice, walk outside. Stride out and enjoy the world. Hold your head high.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    First of all, you sound like you could use a hug. You remind me of someone I know very well: me. You can do this. One day and one step at a time. For nearly twenty years I didn't like myself. Wouldn't even look in a mirror because then I'd have to see what I didn't want to see. I finally got tired of that and made myself look. I've got a few ideas for you.
    Number one, give hubby his old clothes back. Do they make cute workout clothes in your size? Research it. If you don't find something you like, find a pretty top and a pair of shorts or yoga pants that you like. Make sure they are comfortable enough to work out in and pick colors that bring a smile to your face. Wearing clothes that are too loose make you look bigger and more importantly, it makes you feel bad about yourself.
    Next, about those food items that are hard to resist. What works for me is I either don't buy them or make them unless I truly, truly want it. Even then, I don't allow much of it within reach. If your downfall is chocolate, like mine, buy one good candy bar when you want it. If I know there is chocolate in the house, I tend to get cravings for it and start justifying a brownie here or a mini chocolate piece there until I gain five or 6 pounds (which is what prompted me to check out MFP in the first place. I got tired of the numbers going up). If it's cheetos that cause you to eat till the bag is empty, either buy the snack size bags one at a time or put the snacks in serving size bags and put them in an out of the way spot. My hubby keeps his sodas in the car because although I've taken myself off of Pepsi, if I see it in the house I'm more likely to want it. Fill the fridge and the pantry with bags of veggies and small containers already portioned out with a single serving of hummus or whatever your favorite dip is.
    Now. Talk to your husband about what type of support you need. Give him your thoughts. As for the gym, are there classes that do fit into your schedule? Would you be able to work with a trainer?
    And finally, don't compare yourself to your husband or anyone else. Losing 30 pounds is a great accomplishment! You've done it once, you can do it again. There is lots of support here on MFP, plus you have your husband. And you can feel free to add me if you wish. You can do this if you're ready. :)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    "Why does everyone have to be so mean!!!!"

    WTF? This was meant to be funny. There is NOTHING mean about it. Jeez...

    perhaps my sarcasm font was broken . . . :bigsmile:
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    At some point, you will make the decision to be healthier. Not to be skinny, not to compete with your husband, not to compete with anyone BUT yourself. At that time, nothing will stand in your way. No excuse, no deep-fried something, no cute gym clothes will prevent you from reaching your goal. You will slip up and you will come back. This is not a race, it is an obstacle-filled journey. And it's not how you end the journey, but how you handle the obstacles that will make you a strong, healthy person. You will do exercises you never thought you could. You will hate them at the time, then you will be proud of yourself for completing them.

    I can't make you do any of this. No friend, no family, no personal trainer can set you on this path. You are the only one who can decide that TODAY is the day I make ONE small change to a healthier me.

    Bon voyage!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member

    OP - you need to find your motivation within. No one else can give it to you. The good news about that is no one can take it away either.

    ^he's right. but you have also come to the right place! we offer lots of motivation and inspiration on MFP...plus, it sounds like your husband genuinely cares for you and loves you and wants you to do well. perhaps seeing a therapist will also help (i do, for other issues--which are all related--since you, as a person, are a composite of all parts of yourself--ooh, head hurts now). eat healthy, work out. start small. get a fitbit. walk.

    learn to like yourself....then slowly learn to love yourself.
  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    What makes you feel motivated?

    Someone commented they bought some hot running shoes - good starting point. Put in the effort to make yourself feel good. I dont think wearing your hubby's old gym clothes is really helping your case. I wouldn't feel good running around in my hubby's current clothes let alone in his old clothes from 100lbs ago (not that he has lost 100lbs). Get my point though?

    Life is a series of choices and you have the choice to make good decisions to feed your mind, body and soul. Make choices that you make you proud and feel good about yourself. Start small, buy new runners. Buy a cute gym outfit, and do what you like to do.

    Also, you could try to just record for the new two weeks everything that you have eaten. Don't try to cut out anything just keep going the way that you have been. Then, focus on cutting down 300-500 calories per day from what you were at. You'll be able to see easy places to cut. Example, you have a glass of juice for breaky so now, only have a half glass of juice. Say you normally have a bowl of ice cream for dessert, now, just have 3/4 of a bowl or half a bowl and slowly you'll see those cals add up but in a deficit.
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    Everything is in your brain. I am sad for you because I think I can recognize myself in some ways... At least before I started my life changes one year ago.
    First, you need a trigger, anything but food that makes you feel good about yourself (new clothes, new running shoes, new iPad to register on MFP, anything... the cheaper the better, of course, for your wallet!) Then grab on this good feeling and try to be pleased with yourself everday by doing what is right for you. Important: Keep a diary of all the positive events and feelings you experience on a daliy basis. It is forbidden to use negations or negative verbs or sentences. If you are unhappy about something you did and can't turn it around, just don't record it.Concentrate on rebuilding your self-esteem. This is what I've been doing myself...
    It is a long and difficult road but here on mfp, there are so many people that are making it. Get a support group and you too, you will make it. Believe in yourself. Anything is possible IF you choose it. One baby step at a time. Choose activities that you like doing and try to enjoy your life (food should be your friend not a dependance). You've got only one life, make it beautiful! Good luck!
  • Peg_M
    Peg_M Posts: 34
    Men just lose weight easier and faster than women. However, they die younger and WE have multiple orgasms, so it evens out. :)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    As hard as it is to see the person beside you losing faster than you, you need to stop making it a competition. Think of it as your mutual journey to health. Yay for him; yay for you. It's an exciting thing.

    You're only 24; you're so young. I wish you could know for a little while what it feels like to reach 40 and still be fat, knowing you wasted two more decades of your life being fat. That's a fate I don't wish for anyone. Imagine your life throughout your 20s and 30s being thin, sexy, confident, comfortable and happy. You can totally have that...or, you can let overeating take that from you. It's all about how much you're willing to give up for that bag of cookies. Cute jeans, roller coasters, never having to worry about whether or not you'll fit -- anywhere, because you will, being able to breathe easily and move freely. You deserve all of that.

    Just relax; set up MFP so it works for you; plan out your day's menu in advance; work in a satisfying snack at the end of the day; have a day once in a while where you can enjoy the things you crave, and just do it. The feeling of losing weight and shrinking out of your clothes is so much more enjoyable than that icky, depressing feeling you have after eating 4000 calories of junk.

    Oh, and the feeling good about yourself part is something that will come in time and something you can work on. I don't feel good about myself yet, but it's not stopping me from losing the weight and getting healthier. If I were you, I wouldn't force myself to go to the gym if it's not something I felt good about. That's counterproductive. Weight loss, especially in the beginning, is more about diet. Find an activity you actually enjoy (try Just Dance on the Wii).