tara473 Member


  • OH WOW...what an amazing post. Thank you SO much. I began my 'running' journey 4 weeks ago - have some advise from some people I met at my gym. Right now, I'm thoroughly enjoying working my way UP to running! I am at the point where I can do every 3rd minute for a full minute of running! NOW...I'm a big girl (not for long…
  • Oh Candice...THAT is just about the sweetest thing I've heard!!! Give that hubby a BIG hug from me! Way to earn some brownie points JAY!!! lol
  • woops...I mean 150 CALORIES per 1/4 cup serving
  • I guess I'm still new at this...I've told everyone. I LOVE having friends support. But, then again, I've only been at it for 40 days. I've tried alot of programs, and this site and app, is BY FAR the easiest to use. I am SO excited, I want to scream it to the world (for now)! Keep it up everyone.... One thing that keeps me…
  • Oh my gosh, I am laughing a the 'deflated balloons' comment! I totally hear you! This happens to me everytime I lose weight...but this time it seems to be slower coming off this area. Could it be that I am approaching 40???
  • David's teas are fantastic (I'm sipping on the cranberry green tea blend right now). You could also try a little bit of splenda (I like mine sweet)!!! Best of luck!
  • Hi 'mom on a mission'! Might I start by telling you (as if you don't already know) just how ADORABLE your boys are!!! Hey girl...I'm in the same boat - I have just about 100 lbs to lose. At times it's overwhelming, but my family only just started watching this season of the Biggest Loser. Something Bob said to one of the…
  • Oh Tiffany...I SO hear you! I'm in the same boat, but it's been about 21 years since highschool for me :( I'll add you as a friend, let's keep in touch and I look forward being motivated by you AND helping you stay motivated as well!!! tara473
  • Just found this recipe...at this link http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/161508-jillian-michaels-quinoa-granola?hl=quinoa#posts-2157630 Jillian Michaels' Quinoa Granola Makes approx. 10-2 tbsp servings Ingredients 1 cup quinoa (uncooked, rinsed and drained) 1/4 cup whole flaxseed 1 tbs honey 1 tbs olive oil Parchment…
  • thank you mariabee! Going to go look there now!
  • xoxmalsxox - thanks for answering faefae's question, because I'm not sure I would have been able to!!! lol
  • Welcome, welcome my dear friend Lori! SO glad you have joined...you'll love it and the people are ALL so friendly and helpful!!!
  • WOW...you guys are SO supportive. Thank you so much. As I was reading the replies, I was jotting notes down. I can't wait to pack up for our trip...I'm certainly gonna have some yummy snacks for my family this time!
  • Do you use frozen bananas for smoothies??? I have a WHOLE bag in my freezer as my family is very fussy about any amount of 'brown' spots on their banana's!