Mom on a mission!

HappyWith_3 Posts: 22 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there!

I never post on message boards, but wanted to introduce myself. I am a busy, stay-at-home mom of 3 beautiful little boys, with a journey of about 100 pounds to lose. I know that with God and the support of family and friends, this will be a journey with a rewarding end. I have a hard time with accountability and seldom finish what I start, this time has to be different. My prayer is that with the help of this awesome MFP community and self-motivation, I can meet or exceed my final goal.


  • tara473
    tara473 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi 'mom on a mission'!

    Might I start by telling you (as if you don't already know) just how ADORABLE your boys are!!!

    Hey girl...I'm in the same boat - I have just about 100 lbs to lose. At times it's overwhelming, but my family only just started watching this season of the Biggest Loser. Something Bob said to one of the contestants really hit home. The contestant (the heavest one on this season) was SO upset about having to lose 300lbs. Bob told him 'you can't worry about how much you have to lose in total, rather think of what you have to do TODAY to get to the final goal'. WOW...that hit home for me!

    Feel free to add me as your friend, I will pray for sucess for you!

  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    Welcome! You came to the right place!
  • HappyWith_3
    HappyWith_3 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks so much Tara473, I will add you to my friends list. Funny enough, I worked at Jenny Craig for a few years and helped a number of people lose over 100 pounds. My advice to them was 1. Nothing taste as good as thin feels and 2. The more you have to lose the easier it is to come off, I have to start taking my own advice. I will pray for your success also, we can do this!
  • HappyWith_3
    HappyWith_3 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks amehrkens!
  • Hi there moma! I'll keep you in my prayers along with many others and pray that God sees you through your weight loss and fitness journed :) Congrats on joining and we're all here for support!!
  • Welcome!! I love the saying nothing tastes as good as thin feels, I remind myself daily how far I've come and that she who stuffeth puffeth. Im hoping that I'll find the accountabilty on here to take back the control I've lost.
  • CampinGal34
    CampinGal34 Posts: 84 Member
    I Love it!! MOM ON A MISSION!!! That is awesome!! you have beautiful babies!! I would love to be your friend! I am too a stay at home mom and I'm always looking for new ways to get out of my rut!! I'd love to swap motivation!
  • reginafloyd
    reginafloyd Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome! And this is a great community to be in. Lots of support, great ideas, and success! I have found that logging my food and exercise has helped me tremendously in my weight loss goals. I can easily see where I need to improve and resolve to make better food choices. Plus the occasional slip up is put into perspective when I've been doing really good all week.

    Great to have you here and I look forward to hearing about your success!

  • HappyWith_3
    HappyWith_3 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks everyone for all of the support! I weigh in tomorrow, after a shady Sunday (Superbowl festivities) - wish me luck!
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    You can do it! How can you lose with the incredible motivation of God and your wonderful sons on your side! Feel free to add me as a friend, I would love to help encourage you!

    Be Blessed! Janice
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