Why I stopped telling folks about mfp.



  • leggymomma64
    leggymomma64 Posts: 66 Member
    Keep it up, don't let the others keep you down! If they choose to join, fine, if not it's THEIR LOSS!!! Stay strong!!!

    I thank GOD my friend got me started on here, I don't think I would have lost 42 lbs without MFP!
  • LadyBarb
    LadyBarb Posts: 116
    Whatever I posted here MFP, it also posted on my twitter and facebook accounts. I'm only taking care of me. If my friends and co-workers want to join that is great, and if not that is great too. This lift style changing for weight loss, has come out deep down out of one soul's adn that is what happen to me! So I think once that person get that deeeeep down desire to truly change, it is not going to happen for them!
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    My friends call it a fitness facebook
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    The only thing posted on my twitter and facebook accounts are when I complete my journal and when I exercise and also when I weigh in. Everything else is left for MFP only. I like to think of this as my own little slice of heaven where I can chat with like minded individuals.

    I've told several people about the site and they seemed a little disappointed that there was no magic spell or secret potion when they got to the site. Even the coworker who told me about the site is not my friend here because she says she rarely uses it.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    No way I want my coworkers knowing what I say here. I get enough raised eyebrows as it is.

    me too!!! oh wait, my friends already know I'm crazy & perverted

    Yeah my friends would be surprised how guarded I behave on these boards! THEY know I am crazy and perverted and living this one life and using it up as much as I can before I have to turn the body back in (hopefully for a better model), y'all here don't...yet. :devil:
  • alyssa83202
    The same thing happened to me!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    No way I want my coworkers knowing what I say here. I get enough raised eyebrows as it is.

    me too!!! oh wait, my friends already know I'm crazy & perverted
    +1 :laugh:
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I tell people about it, but never give my name to them.

    I like that MFP is MY site. It's where I come to talk about the things I don't talk about to work acquaintences, etc. If I told everyone about it, I would be less inclined to be so open.

    I protect my space, and I'm aware that it's selfish, but I need to do this for me.
  • mr_ashley
    I think that's a good justification for you to just quit telling close associates, co-workers, or friends about MFP. I don't bother either, unless it's a total stranger, because no one around me is serious about dropping the pounds. To be sure, no one else in my house (meaning spouse), cares about it. And people give me a hard time because I don't appear to be overweight with my clothes on. But they don't quite comprehend that I've got to look BETTER than average in my career field, and in my chosen recreation, which is cycling. Do be competitive in that sport, body fat is your enemy. Eating healthy, energy filled foods is of utmost importance.

    I'm good for average. But there are millions of Americans who went from average to obese because they quit trying, or they just gave up once they found that sig other. I'm married, but I'm not dead.
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    I was just talking about this with a friend. I am tired of hearing about everyone on here talking about how they screwed up today and "oh well tomorrow is another day." Well I used to say that my whole life, and it just got be fatter and fatter and fatter. But for the last 5 months I never once said that and I really like it- LOL!

    77 pounds, wow...excellent.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    No way I want my coworkers knowing what I say here. I get enough raised eyebrows as it is.

    me too!!! oh wait, my friends already know I'm crazy & perverted
    My coworkers only have a smidgen of an idea how bad it really is. Probably why I am still employed.
  • mr_ashley
    It's an eye opener and i think a lot of people aren't prepared for that! They don't want the responsibility of knowing what they're eating! Ignorance is bliss.

    This is one of the most applicable phrases that descibes all of us. When did burying our heads in the sand become so engrained in our culture? We aren't straight with ourselves about what we eat, how hard we work, or work out, how many bills we have, how we feel about our spouses, etc, etc, etc....Ignorance being bliss has driven America into becoming fat, complacent, and lazy. And even though I'm only one man, I refuse to allow that to happen to me. I want to have a healthy, happy physically active existence, combined with a career that is useful and actually somewhat enjoyable, and top all of that off with having a family that shares those same qualities, and sees that in me. It's about not letting things drop through the cracks, or letting time be compromised by junk like TV.

    TV and the automobile: doing more to keep America fat than America could ever do on it's own!!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I have told so many people about this site after they ask me about my weight loss and working out. But I have found that everyone wants a magic pill to lose weight. When they ask me how I've lost the weight and I say eating right, working out and mfp, they look disappointed. lol.

    Thats why! They wanted it to be easy without effort! A few will think about it. A few will even try. And the very few (us) will actually have what it takes!
  • tara473
    tara473 Posts: 18 Member
    I guess I'm still new at this...I've told everyone. I LOVE having friends support.

    But, then again, I've only been at it for 40 days.

    I've tried alot of programs, and this site and app, is BY FAR the easiest to use. I am SO excited, I want to scream it to the world (for now)!

    Keep it up everyone....

    One thing that keeps me going on is something that was said on this season of the Biggest Loser (and the first time I have ever watched it). The biggest guy on the show (I can't remember his name) was so upset because he had 350 lbs + to lose. He was getting so caught up in how could he EVER lose THAT much weight. Bob said to him, 'you can't get caught up in how much you have to lose, rather what you have to do TODAY to get there'.

    I LOVE that quote (okay, so it may not have been verbatum - but you get the idea)

    I keep telling myself that...and if my friends want to stick around, GREAT. If not, I really feel like THIS IS MY TIME!!!

  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I have had about 7 people join because of me. They add me, are all excited. Then I start seeing....blah hasn't logged in for 3 days. Blah hasn't logged in for a week. Blah hasn't logged in for a month. Whatever....:grumble:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I think it comes down to people wanting to lose weight but not wanting to put the effort into it, or they get discouraged and quit because they don't lose 10 pounds in a week. I've had many teachers at my school ask how I lost my weight but they don't do it. I guess it's easier to think that some people have a higher metabolism then they do and that their body won't ever change. It's amazing how many people say, "I can't lose weight like you. I don't have your metabolism." I just want to say, "If you do it the right way, you will actually increase your metabolism."
  • rachel1975f
    I am currently winning the weight loss contest at my office, so I don't want the other participants finding out my secret weapon. I'll never tell them about MFP!! :bigsmile:
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I think it comes down to people wanting to lose weight but not wanting to put the effort into it, or they get discouraged and quit because they don't lose 10 pounds in a week. I've had many teachers at my school ask how I lost my weight but they don't do it. I guess it's easier to think that some people have a higher metabolism then they do and that their body won't ever change. It's amazing how many people say, "I can't lose weight like you. I don't have your metabolism." I just want to say, "If you do it the right way, you will actually increase your metabolism."

    So true. That was actually my problem for a while, I wanted a quick fix and not a general lifestyle change. It took me time to get to realize that.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I like to think of it as my dirty little secret :) Besides, I hold nothing back on here, and some of that stuff would be better left unsaid to people I really know... like my starting weight.

    I find a sense of safeness here as well. I wouldn't go put my weight on blast on FB, but I can talk openly about weight loss here. I like that atmosphere, and I kind of like that I know NONE of you in person, but one of my best friends that is sticking by my side on this site.