Road trip lunches & snacks?

tara473 Posts: 18 Member
We do a lot of road trips (and are getting ready to go on one).

What are some good choice/ low calorie snacks and lunches to pack for the drive???

You know, aside from the fresh fruit that end up getting bruised and not used...



  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    I love celery with peanut butter on a road trip. It keeps me so busy chewing that I don't oversnack.
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    hummus and carrots, yogurts, maybe make some spinach tortilla roll-ups with lean meats and cheeses, fruit, pretzels, maybe make a quinoa dish that can stay cold (high in protein) get some of those almond butter packets (individual servings) with apple slices
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    i always pack almonds and granola bars
  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    I took a road trip this past summer from Central California--Nevada--Utah--Idaho--Wyoming--Colorado and then back to California... let me tell you. It was one interesting month. I didn't gain much but there was some gain (>5lbs over the month) some of that due to water weight, a lot due to sodium, some due to sitting on my *kitten* in a car all day and some more from eating a bit more crap that usual. My fav snacks on the drive were:

    We packed a little lunchbox sized cooler with a blue ice pack and:
    Baybel Light Cheese

    I also kept water and crystal light packs on hand at all times and anytime we stopped I tried to eat a salad, a boring ish one with no dressing. Get out of the car and move around as much as you can.
    Coffee was a good snack for when I was hungry. I would get a short skinny latte at Starbucks, and it was only 60 cals.
    Rice cakes, some are only 45 cals a pop.

    I'm sure wherever you are going is bound to be beautiful and distracting so enjoy your trip and I hope this helps!!!
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    With kids I always have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Since out road trips usually end with an exercise, they can use that for energy. For us, I have a natural almond butter and honey I put on a whole wheat pita half.

    Cut fruits and veggies, lots of water and some jerky.
  • s_waser
    Trail mix...almonds, craisins, and no butter popcorn is a good healthy one!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    We drove to Orlando last year from Toronto (it's a great drive actually, surprisingly easy, stayed at Embassy Suites in South Carolina after 13 hours then 8 to Orlando about 2500km total). I packed pb&j sandwiches, granny smith apples which we love, celery for me and chips for him and a couple granola bars just in case.

    It was more than enough food. We only stopped to get gas/pee and who wants a twinkly from a gas station? Not very appetizing, lol!

    Breakfast was free at the Embassy which I knew so I brought a Rubbermaid and made 2 pb&j bagels. I packed enough apples and granola bars for the 2 days.

    Spend a total of what, $5 on food for 2 days, such a deal + super low on calories even compared to Subway stops.

    Ps: jealous of Subway USA. The chicken breast is on your $5 foot long menu but it’s on Canada's premium menu so like $8 BOOOO! Plus you guys have spinach as a toping which is fun. No bbq sauce though which is lame since hubby only eats the veggie sub with BBQ sauce.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Anything that doesn't end up all over the seats/carpet!

    Cereal bars are a favourite for me.
  • wccafe
    wccafe Posts: 20
    Snack ideas:
    Nature Valley Oats and Honey Granola Bars. 2 per pack, 190 cals. Granola Thins 80 cals.
    Dried fruits
    Nuts (pre count/weigh and put in baggies. fixes the eating too many problem)
    Taking a little cooler? How about cheese sticks 70 cals.
    Want chocolate? Frosted mini wheats mini bites chocolate 52 biscuts (dry) 200 cals. I put 26 biscuts in a little ziplock for a great chocolate treat for 100 cals.
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    There are loads of different things you can think of at home and package up that will almost all be better than what you will find at your average gas station. I tend to like a lot of choices so I tend to over-pack and know that I will end up throwing a good amount away. I know this is wasteful, but I would rather do this than eat crap on the road.

    Another thing I like to put everything in individual zip lock bags. This gives you a sense of the calories and portions that you are eating. One big bag of nuts, for example, doesn't work as well for me.

    Good Luck!!!

  • scd78
    scd78 Posts: 77 Member
    I have been buying the 100 calorie pack snacks...just watch the grams of fat too. Quaker mini rice cakes-caramel-are good too.
  • reikichris
    Our favorites to bring are cut veggies (carrots, red and green bell peppers, cucumbers and celery), baby bell cheese, yogurt and pretzel sticks.
  • ramonaquimby
    ramonaquimby Posts: 55 Member
    when we go on road trips, i make sure to make veggie light cream cheese. i worked in a bagel shop for years, and know how to make it. super easy. light cream cheese, beaten with your mixer, with a splash of soda water (to make it incredibly spreadable), a sprinkling of soda water and whatever finely chopped veggies you want! usually broccoli, scallions, carrots, and celery.

    Or you could make a salmon cream cheese spread the same way with a little bit of capers. we make sandwiches with these or purchase whole grain bagels from the bagel shop and split one. We also really like to make a mash of avocado, lemon juice, and garlic to spread on a bagel topped with sunflower seeds.

    As an aside, I drove across country from Minnesota to San Francisco by myself a couple of years ago. I had a cooler full of fruit, veggies, bread, etc. I pulled off the interstate to get gas, and when I was on the on ramp, there was a homeless man on the side of the ramp with a sign asking for food or whatever. I offered him pick of the cooler, and he was sooo ecstatic at the site of a banana. He mentioned really needing the potassium, and emphatically thanked me. It warmed my heart, because in the past I've offered food, and he was the first to take me up on it.
  • tara473
    tara473 Posts: 18 Member
    Options guys are SO supportive. Thank you so much. As I was reading the replies, I was jotting notes down.

    I can't wait to pack up for our trip...I'm certainly gonna have some yummy snacks for my family this time!
  • LWesselink
    LWesselink Posts: 8 Member
    100 cal ideas for snacks-1/4c plain popcorn,1tbsp choc chips,1/2tbsp plain peanuts.....1tbsp plain peanuts and 2tbsp dried cranberries....1/4c shredded wheat(spoonsize)mixed with 2tbsp sliced almonds and 1tbsp raisins~put all in individual ziplock bags for snacks!!:)