hafdis Member


  • Hi OP here :) so I did not know how HOT TOPIC this was.. sorry! Ok I don't have any health issues, I am finally at a healthy weight.. I'm 5'2 and weigh around 122-125 lbs.. so keeping it that way is my challenge... I'd like to thank everyone for their advice or sharing their info... I have to admit it is kind of ironic how…
  • wow do not want to start an argument lol... I pretty much been doing what you have been doing so far and had great success.. I just wanted to make an attempt to eat healthier..
  • wow thanks guys :)
  • I plugged my numbers in and in order for me to "lose" weight I need to eat about 1300 calories with some exercise... i weigh 133 and I am 5ft 2. Just to give you an idea
  • yeah I was wondering the same thing.. there are pretty cool tools online.. you just plug in your weight height and age and it tells you how many calories you need to lose weight.. then once you loose the weight you adjust your calorie intake!! 1200 is like starve mode
  • thats great... I'd like to do a half one day.. maybe that shoud be my goal before I move... do the disney princess one half.. before I move from Florida.. is it doable from beginner in 3 months?
  • well if you can break down into like 6 small meals that helps.. what helps me is to look at calories as money and I'm going shopping and I like to get the biggest bang for my bucks lol!!! having said that it doesn't always work!! but I try
  • hmm what about protein shakes that buil muscle
  • uhh I don't think binging is ever healthy lol not matter in what form... If you keep eating healthy but throw in a snickers here that might help lol
  • welcome to the club, I lost most of my percentage by walking and cutting out crap food!! it is doable I went from 40% body fat to 35%
    in Hello! Comment by hafdis December 2012
  • yup I can really relate to stomach problems!! its what I eat.. crap food and drinking insane amount of coffee!!
  • Im in Florida, but used to live in Oxford.. always looking for good friends
  • I did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD - I really liked it It was like 10 dollars at walmart and all you really need is a couple of weights and thats it..
  • Hi :) there so many tools online now to help you!! but best is to talk to the professionals. I plugged in you information in one of the calculators and this is what it come up with CALORIES/DAY Fat Loss 2420 CALORIES/DAY Extreme Fat Loss 1815 but as I said its best to talk with your doctor about it
  • Don't you just love that!! I've noticed my gut isn't as much as it used to be!! I am so happy for you!! take those words and hit the ground running! make them your motivation and mantra!!
  • I love to make this goal !!! 1: Do the Jillian Micheals 30 day shred every day. 2: Wake up 2 times a week early! and go to the gym!!!! 2: Log food and exercise everyday! 3: Drink more water. 4: Lose 5 lbs. Wish all of you good luck!
  • uhh I never had blister , but I know it is completly different to run on the treadmill and outside.. somehow the treadmill takes the weight off your feet .. I cant explain it.. lol not that i'm helping you in anyway but I notice a difference between treadmill vs. outside
  • That would be my husband, when we were in our twenties!! He could eat everything and anything. He is in the military, when He joined basic he was measly 140 pounds and after 8 weeks of it he packed on 30 pounds.. but now in our 30 his motabalism has slowed down.. he is still very lean but if he packs food away like he used…
  • After having a baby, 2 yrs later still not hitting my prepregnacy weight... For me having a baby made me aware of my mortality.. not in a horrible way but realizing that I want to be there for her as long as I possibly can!!
  • That is sooooo Amazing!! job well done!! I hope to do as well!
  • MikeSea - Well I think its really when I cook I just make normal food, like spaghetti but I have no idea what its in calories or how many serving it has.. so I guess I have to rethink my cooking - work up some kind of game plan.. start simple or something.. What do you do?
  • Thanks, I guess I need to rearange my kitchen and pull out the measuring cups, scale and measuring spoons. see how that helps!
  • welcome!! I have P90X but haven't dared to start it.. I've been doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day shred... it works for me so far if I can stick to it!!!
  • welcome!! I have P90X but haven't dared to start it.. I've been doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day shred... it works for me so far if I can stick to it!!!
  • Great that you decided to join!!! its an awesome place!! feel free to add me :)
  • Welcome!! it took me a little while to get the hang of it.. love the phone app!!! helps me out a lot!!
    in Hello Comment by hafdis April 2011
  • I remember in biology they said you digest greens faster but protein and carbs slower... ... meaning you feel fuller.. does that make sense?
  • are you keeping with in your calories?
  • Way to go!! that is pretty amazing!!! keep it up! :)