Goals for October!!

So I was debating where to post this but I thought this would be a good place because I honestly feel like I am going to have amazing success this month and from here on out!!! So I got this idea from one of my MFP friends home page "thanks Kathleen" about posting goals for October so here's mine.
1: Do the Jillian Micheals 30 day shred every day. Day one finished.
2: Track every day and try to stay within my calorie allowance.
3: Drink at least 8 glasses of water and to just stay positive.
4: Lose 10 lbs.

To keep my motivation going I even posted before pics on my fridge and pantry to keep me from being tempted by the junk with a big sign that reads " You DON"T need that you want a BABY!!!!" It's going to be a great month. Here's to a new beginning :) Thanks everyone for your support!!!!


  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    My September was chock full o' my legs taking me further than ever before (350+ miles total cycling/walking/running). That was my goal, to push myself harder than I ever had. DONE. For October, I start multi-sport training for a triathlon next year. Thus, my goals change:

    1) Core training (2x/week)
    2) Strength training (2x/week, probably same day as core)
    3) Lose 6 pounds so I can get back into my swim trunks (I refuse to buy a larger pair)
    4) Get in the pool
    5) More evenly disperse my walking/running/cycling (Sept was very cyclo-centric)

    Best of luck to you!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My goals....

    Run a 10k (tomorrow!!!) in under an hour. I'll do a happy dance if I'm under 55 minutes, but under an hour will be just fine.

    Lose that one last vanity pound to reach 9 stone by my Halloween party. (October 15)

    Collect another medal at a 5k. Or set a new PR. (October 22)

    Continue strength training.

    Enjoy running in crisp Autumn air.

    Relax a bit on the calorie counting, because sometimes it makes me feel a bit insane. :laugh:

    Give my brain time to catch up so my mental image of how I look matches how I really look.
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    Awesome goals you all have set!

    Let's see.. mine will be

    1) 30 Day Shred every day. Do not quit just because you think it's hard. Look at your signature for crying out loud. Follow that quote!

    2) Stay within calories and watch that sodium. I know your favorite snacks but sometimes we got to give a little to get something we want. Somehow I don't think giving up the pepperoncini's and pickles will kill you.

    3) Track, Track, Track! If you eat it you best write it down. You're not doing yourself any justice by ignoring what you put in your mouth.

    4) Decide if you're actually hungry or if it's something else going on. If you're bored - find something to do. If you're tired - take a nap. If you're thirsty - drink! If you're in a snacky mood - try fruit and if you don't want fruit you don't need to eat.

    5) Remain focused and positive. Life throws us curveballs and sometimes we just have to know when to swing and hit it and other times we just have to know how to miss and move on.

  • Karlirosem
    Karlirosem Posts: 73 Member
    Goals! I love it. I am getting out of a 1 month frump so its time to get motivated!

    1-30 day shred! So hard but I need to stick with it

    2-log everyday! Even when it feels inconvenient!

    3-loose 5 lbs!

    Heres hoping!
  • hecallsmeroses
    Mine are:

    1- commit to the October challenge I signed up for (30DS) and see it through with daily posts

    2--focus on reducing my daily sugar intake

    3--daily tracking of food and exercise

    4- commiting to myself by following through on these goals.
  • jlanab
    jlanab Posts: 89 Member
    These are my October goals. May seem like a lot but its only 1 hour of exercise 4 days week and 30 minutes the other 3 days. September was the month I ran for 30 minutes straight FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE!!!! I plan to keep doing so as I am nearing the end of my C25K program

    1. 30DS every day! This will be my second round of 30DS. I made it two weeks the first time with great success and progress and honestly dont know why i stopped
    2. Run 30 minutes straight 2-3 days a week (M/W maybe Friday)
    3. Zumba 1X weekly (Sat)
    4. Log daily
    5. 10 glasses water per day (minimum)
    6. Incorporate more fruits and veggies
    7. Cook 3 days a week (I did it this week and it felt amazing! For those of you who think its not possible INVEST IN A CROCK POT)
    8. Loose 5lbs

    Sunday will be the start of things for me so good luck to myself and everyone else on this journey. Check in frequently and let us know your progress or if you need encouragement
  • jeanaustin
    My October goals are....

    1. Keep up with the October challenge I joined.

    2. Run 3 times a week. Get up to 4 miles of running. Currently at 5k/ 3.1 miles.

    3. 2 days of strength training

    4. Track everything I eat and drink. Try not to drink too much wine.

    5. Lose 5 pounds!!
  • sweetxsour35
    1. Crack down on my sodium intake

    2. Reach my first mini goal of 184 lbs.

    3. Get halfway through Couch to 5K
  • MountainMamaof2
    Can't believe it's October!! My goals for this month are:

    1. Drink 8+ glasses of water/day
    2. Track daily
    3. Lose 10 pounds
  • Jazzyjules71
    Jazzyjules71 Posts: 150 Member
    Great idea to post goals. I was just thinking of these, as I've definitely fallen off the wagon.
    My October goals starting Oct 3rd (gotta regroup Oct 2nd and plan!)

    1. Track everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly- take ownership of it all
    2. drink only one can of soda a day (I mostly drink diet pepsi, but I believe it still screws up your metabolism)
    3. Do a Jillian Michaels workout 3 days a week (RI30 or Burn fat, boost metabolism)
    4. Do at least 30 minutes of Elliptical, or 60 minutes of walking 3 other days not doing Jillian
    5. One rest day a week!
    6. Drink 100 ounces of water a day
    7. Take one day at a time, and get back to it if I have a bad day. Just keep working at it......
    8. Try to limit carbs to 90 gm a day
  • shrinkinglily
    I have just completed my first month on this plan - and it is working! My goals for September were to track every day and exercise 3-5 times a week, which I did. I lost 7.5 pounds.

    My goals for October:

    1. Work out 5-6 times per week, including 45-60 minutes of varied cardio and 3 days of strength training
    2. Stay within my calories every day, except for 2 free days in the month (I still stay accountable to my journal but I can go over if I want)
    3. Lose 5 lbs - get into the 170's again!

    (I am saving the Shred and Ripped DVDs for the winter when I am stronger from working out and needing a shake up in my routine.)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My goals....

    Run a 10k (tomorrow!!!) in under an hour. I'll do a happy dance if I'm under 55 minutes, but under an hour will be just fine.

    Yay! Ended up with 53:12 and a 2nd place in group medal!
  • The_Wallflower
    The_Wallflower Posts: 111 Member
    Since I'm soooooo close to my overall goal.....

    1. Lose the last 10 lbs
    2. Log everyday
    3. Work out at LEAST 3 times a week
    4. Drink more water
    5. Look good in my production the last week of October!!
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    oh loads of goals..... im gonna take this as an excuse to change my entire lifestyle not just weight loss..... :)

    1. Track each n everything i eat......
    2. Drink lots n lots of water even if i have to pee every hour :P :drinker:
    3. Do the 30 Day shred..... today was my first day
    4. Try to eat healthy food and also take care of skin...... :flowerforyou:
    5. Spend atleast 30 mins everyday cleaning messy corners of the house and doing chores.
    6. Stop becoming a couch potato.....
    7. Watch over my expenses...... track down each n every buck i spend and not to exceed my monthly budget :noway:
    8. Try to avoid using my car... use the train instead!!!!!!!!
    9. Log into MFP every day!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
    10. Loose 5Kgs by the end of this month!!!!!

    Reward for doing all these 10 things???? I'll buy myself a blackberry!!!!! :glasses:
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member

    7. Cook 3 days a week (I did it this week and it felt amazing! For those of you who think its not possible INVEST IN A CROCK POT)

    I found a nice Crockpot at Target for $18.
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    Love my crockpot! Love it so much I have three.. :laugh:
  • hafdis
    hafdis Posts: 43 Member
    I love to make this goal !!!

    1: Do the Jillian Micheals 30 day shred every day.
    2: Wake up 2 times a week early! and go to the gym!!!!
    2: Log food and exercise everyday!
    3: Drink more water.
    4: Lose 5 lbs.

    Wish all of you good luck!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Yay! Ended up with 53:12 and a 2nd place in group medal!

    Nice work!!!
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    Run a 10k (tomorrow!!!) in under an hour. I'll do a happy dance if I'm under 55 minutes, but under an hour will be just fine.

    Yay! Ended up with 53:12 and a 2nd place in group medal!

    Woot! Great job on that hun.
  • tigerlilyblu
    my goals:
    do the C25K program at least 3x a week- and do something on the off days.
    Follow my eating plan
    consistently track my food and exercise
    not give up after a few weeks
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