Weighing and logging your food HELP

I am having some difficult time logging and measuring my food!! Any tips, suggestions, tutorials or step by step instructions More Than Welcomed!!!



  • Hey "H" hope had a good mornin, you can try getting a food scale, to measure your food, or do your planning every night on the food postings,as I do, to see how much food in take you can have in order to stay with in your daily calorie alotment. If you can get a hold of a weight watchers points counting book, and convert it to calories would help. Good luck, keep up the struggle we will succseed.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    what problems are you having?
  • hafdis
    hafdis Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks, I guess I need to rearange my kitchen and pull out the measuring cups, scale and measuring spoons. see how that helps!
  • hafdis
    hafdis Posts: 43 Member
    MikeSea - Well I think its really when I cook I just make normal food, like spaghetti but I have no idea what its in calories or how many serving it has.. so I guess I have to rethink my cooking - work up some kind of game plan.. start simple or something..
    What do you do?
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    When I cook, I weigh every main ingredient with a food scale (I do not do this for spices, herbs, or garlic - with those I measure with a teaspoon or add by clove). I add these ingredients into the recipe tracker. When the meal is complete, I determine the number of servings it made. Sometimes this is easier than others - soups are harder for me to determine servings, and in that case I just estimate because I'm too lazy to measure it out by cup. I figure what I'm doing is working well so it's working for me!

    So when you make spaghetti, weigh the pasta and weigh each ingredient that goes into the sauce. Then either measure the sauce by cup or estimate its servings.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I either weigh the items (like chicken breasts) or i take a guess at how much of the package I'm using. Eyeballing the percentage of the package (pasta for example) isn't super precise and probably takes about as much time as just weighing it. it also relies that whatever company that packaged the food actually put the same amount in the package as what's listed on the label.

    The short answer to your question about what I do, is that I guess :) So far it's worked, but I'm sure I'll get to a weight where i can't get away with that. Someday I'll get more disciplined about my food scale...probably the same day i get an HRM :)