

  • Good for you! You look fabulous too!
  • You should be proud!! Great motivational it!
  • That's amazing! You look great and great job for making your what if others don't share in your success. At least here, we all root for each other!! I'm inspired...
  • Awesome job! You should be proud of your progress so far! I hope that your sugar levels are normal; I know how diabetes can be so destructive. Both my parents had it, my mom passed away due to complications. But, you're doing great!
  • I heard that 40 is the new, it's not impossible as long as you are motivated and willing to make little steps towards your goal. It's a life change you are committing to, not to see if you can bench press this much weight, or go crazy with the cardio . Go forth and conquer!! And good luck on starting this journey...
  • Make your own home made ice cream with frozen bananas and you add a little of chocolate silk soy milk to help with the consistency and presto, chocolate ice cream. If you don't like chocolate, you can substitute low fat milk and throw in frozen strawberries instead.
  • Go to and check out the Bikini Blaster 2 Sexy Legs Workout (or you can find it on youtube), there's the calf raises she makes you do....believe me your calves will scream at you!
  • Good for you! It's all about making the little changes and so far you're doing a fantastic job. :bigsmile:
  • Welcome and here's to a good start for you and the rest of your life. I agree with most, that the word "diet" is so out dated. I too, love "life style change" or is it "change in life style"? Oh well, you get the picture. Looking forward to seeing you share your progress.:smile:
  • Awesome, you are the first I've encountered here that is from way across the pond. :bigsmile:
  • I'm from San Jose. Where in the Bay Area are you from?
  • Great job!!! I am inspired right now and just started here a month ago. I can't wait to see your progress.
    in Progress Comment by msalmaj July 2012
  • Welcome, I just added you as a friend. :smile:
  • Hi, I just turned 40 this year and decided to join mfp to change my eating habits. I feel for you, I lost both my parents in the last two years and losing them was the most hardest thing to experience. Because of their health issues, I wanted to try adjusting my lifestyle into a more healthy one....I will cheer you on and…
  • Hello back...your neuralgia sounds like a bummer. What types of exercises are good for you and less painful? Welcome anyways...I'll cheer you on.:smile:
  • I'm from good ol' San Jose.
    in CALIFORNIA Comment by msalmaj July 2012
  • Hi Roger8086, had me at "loquacious" add me and let's all try to support each other here.:smile:
    in Greetings! Comment by msalmaj July 2012
  • Hi there, I read your post and would love to add/be added as a friend. I am also new to mfp and have adjusted my life style since last month; ie: changed eating habits and started exercising 6/days a week -which is something that I hate to do in the first place. But, listen, life has a funny way of taking more priority…
  • How awesome for you!! I'm happy that you decided to channel your frustration (over what that drunking Idiot) into productive walk. I'm sure it gave you a good chance to clear your are not alone here and it's great how the support is here. I hope you are back on track and that LOSER is nothing but wasted air…
  • Every ow and then, you are allowed to feel not so motivated. You're only human, but here's the beauty of the next day; you get to start fresh and get through with renewed strength. So I am sending some positive vibes your way so that you can start is after all a second chance you get to have from this new day…