One of those days..

Its been just one of those Cheat days.. I feel horrible, and I keep telling myself that tomorrow will be better, but I have been saying that for days now. I just want to feel better and not have to hide.

I could really use some encouragement at the moment.

Please help, some nice words would be very appreciated.

Thanks so much everyone, and Good Luck on your journeys(:


  • CynthiaAnnGA
    Pick yourself up & start over! Do better the next time. Don't beat yourself up over your failure, just keep going. Tomorrow is a new day. I think I've said everything, now just do it! Love you.
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    You need to get back on track. Don't limit yourself and not allow any "cheat" foods. Everything in moderation and it will also help keep you on track and stuff from random binges of those foods later. You have lost 11 pounds which is great and it is proof that you can do this! Everyone gets off it's just time to get back on track :)
  • just_raven
    Omg this is me ... its scary ... its like I wrote it! thats exactly how I feel right now and think :( we can do it!
  • amsohs85
    amsohs85 Posts: 166
    I was like that all weekend....and now i fell sluggish and just plain yuck!!! All i can do is start over tomorrow with a new mindset towards doing better. This is about lifestyle and we will struggle every day but in time it will get easier. I takes years to form bad health habits so you cant expect to resolve them over night. Dont be too hard on yourself...switch the negative energy to positive and just go for it again!! :flowerforyou:
  • msalmaj
    msalmaj Posts: 21
    Every ow and then, you are allowed to feel not so motivated. You're only human, but here's the beauty of the next day; you get to start fresh and get through with renewed strength. So I am sending some positive vibes your way so that you can start is after all a second chance you get to have from this new day and so forth. :flowerforyou: