AnitaS71 Member


  • Um...just about anything, even if I don't like it.
  • I have lost 65#. I have 25# to go. It has been 21 months since I started losing weight. I still don't feel good about it. I will feel good when I'm not fat anymore.
  • Cheesy or not, it's a huge milestone. I know I was ecstatic when I hit it! Now I'm looking forward to being 'within normal limits'! I'm quite certain it'll be a while though!
  • Dr. Joel Fuhrman has a few books out that address what you're saying. I know one is Eat to Live and another is Disease Proof Your Child. He doesn't say that you have to be completely vegan (though he is), but he does advocate eating a lot fewer animal products than the average American eats. I read Eat to Live and found it…
  • My son is autistic. We've had some bizarre ones. The first two to come to mind are, "Get your sister's underwear out of your mouth!" and "It's not ok to poop on your dresser."
  • I don't think that very many of the people responding have taken your advice and Googled DHMO. Personally, I've known the dangers of DHMO for years, and I find the DHMO Research Division website fascinating, yet I continue to consume the stuff in large volume. <sigh> ;-)
  • CONGRATULATIONS! You have every reason to be proud of yourself! :-)
  • Wow...we have almost identical stats. I'm down 48 and have 42 to go. Nearly identical starting point.
  • self-acceptance (does hyphenating it make it one word?) ;-)
  • Congratulations! It's a great feeling, isn't it? Are you doing the Couch to 5K training program or just winging it on your own? I started Couch to 5K in June (WHAT was I thinking starting in JUNE? LOL) and completed all the weeks. I remember having that first 20 minute run looming ahead of me when my longest segment to…
  • I could run about a minute and a half without too much difficulty when I started running in May. Three minutes kicked my butt! My longest run in recent days was 6 miles. I usually "only" run 4 though.
  • I am right there with you. I think the scale is finally starting to move again, thankfully, but I sat parked for so long even while eating under my calories and exercising hard. I was getting so discouraged, but I just had to keep reminding myself that even if I never lose another pound (which I don't really think will…
  • I just made this one yesterday, and it was FANTASTIC. My husband said it was missing steak, but we all loved it anyway, including him. ;-)
  • Definitely worth it. I think it will be a little harder with your schedule. That F, Sa, & Su will probably be a little rough, but you can do it. I would recommend adding some walks with the baby during the week if it's possible, just to keep you moving. Couch 2 5K is such a great program!
  • I don't mind it unless they're gushing on and on about it. I don't like to have that much attention focused on me. The thing I really hate though is when they tell me I look great., I don't look great. Yes, I have lost 43 pounds since Feb, but I still have 47 left to go (my profile picture is an old one meant to…
  • I remember that even if I never lose another pound, I'm a lot healthier than I was 43 pounds ago. Occasionally I'll go back and find a picture of myself from back then and remind myself that I don't ever want to go back there. I also TRY to remember that my eating habits are changed forever, so it doesn't matter how long…
  • Anyone who doesn't know it's a sport has never seen cheerleaders at work! My daughter cheers on her middle school squad, and I've spent a lot of time watching them practice and cheer at games. Those girls work hard!
  • My thought exactly! I was going to suggest that you try a 16W. The Ws are cut very differently. They're made to accommodate "the junk". ;-)
  • HAHAHA! How much (more) did it say you would "weigh in 5 weeks if every day were like today"? ;-)
  • The number would not concern me. Being light headed and dizzy would. When I was in my 30s and in great shape, I would sometimes even hit the 190s in a hard run, but I felt fine, so I wasn't concerned. Now that I'm in my 40s and in horrendous shape (my profile picture is old & meant to be motivational), I don't have that…
  • Beans, beans, and more beans! My daughter decided she wanted to be a vegetarian a couple of weeks ago, so I've been preparing a lot of vegetarian friendly meals. I sometimes go a couple of days without eating meat (and I sometimes eat a lot of it like today ;-) ) I never have problems getting enough protein. I'll eat a…
  • 1/12 or .083T Though I don't know if I'd bother to log those 3.33 calories. You'll probably burn more than that typing it in. ;-)
  • Eat lots of green leafy vegetables and drink tons of water. It helps eliminate 2 of the factors of major weight fluctuation, AND it's good for you! :-)
  • I was totally in your shoes not long ago. I used to run 15-20 miles per week. I had a head injury and wasn't able to run for a year. I tried to get back into it a few times & just when I started getting into the groove, I would be sidelined with an injury (broken ankle, surgery, broken toes, etc) or we'd have an illness…