Lynnah Member


  • Me too! Dragged my boyfriend along for a ~25 minute run and he kept me from getting bored by chatting to me - I couldn't chat much back by the time we got to the top of the hill! Good work :) isn't it nice to not be so scared of a long run?
  • If you eat that little the next day, you'll probably get really hungry and end up eating more anyway! It's best not to get into a cycle of eating loads and then hardly any, so if you eat a bit more than planned one day, just accept it and move on and eat 'normally' the next day. 2200 isn't really that much anyway, and 850…
  • How strange, this morning I had almost exactly the same thing! Skimmed milk, water, oats, 1/2 banana, a couple of sliced strawberries and some cinnamon. What a coincidence! (mine was a slightly inferior microwave version though since I'm at university with no proper kitchen access) It's the first time I've ever tried it,…
  • These all sound great ! Maybe do a different one on different days, this way you won't get bored just doing one type of exercise, and it's great for your body too - using different muscles will strengthen your whole body so you'll look toned all over. And as for early morning workouts, I usually work out in the morning,…
  • Maybe you could try some lower impact exercise like pilates or yoga? It's great for toning, and still burns calories - a bit less harsh on your body than running etc though. Hope you feel better soon!
  • That's a great idea about breaking it down into 5lb chunks, I'm not sure why I've never looked at it that way before. I'll try and forget about 11st for a while, and just concentrate on getting a little lower a bit at a time!
  • I can identify with so much of this! I'm hovering around 12st at the moment, and I'd really like to get down to 11st or somewhere near that point. I started around 13 and a half stone, and over the summer I managed to get down to around 12st 5, but I seem to have hit a mental block recently! I'll add you as a friend -…
  • Hi :) I'm 20, and also aiming for 11stone (I've got about 16lbs to go) - it'd be great to have someone else with similar goals to keep me motivated, and also give a bit of motivation back in return!
  • Hi, It takes around 30mins in total, maybe a little less, and that's including a warm up/cool down. There are 3 sections, each consisting of 3min strength, 2min cardio, and 1min abs, plus the 2 mins of warm up and cool down. So 22 min in total, plus a bit of chat :). There are 3 levels, so it gets harder as you get better!…
  • haha I'm in exactly the same boat as you (southerners too) - we'll just have to keep it up and hopefully see some nicer numbers next week :)
  • The title seems to have been cut off, so I'm not quite sure of the question. However, if you're trying to calculate a weight loss 'winner', then percentage seems to be the fairest way - this factors in starting weight as well as weight loss. The weight comes off a bit quicker for heavier people :).
  • I just got the dvd yesterday too, and this morning I did the second workout of level 1. I felt a bit like you after the first one, as in I didn't feel so exhausted as I have done in the past (I tried one of my friend's Davina's dvds too). However, I can still definitely feel it in my chest (argh push ups...) and bum, so I…
  • Hi! Sorry to hear you're feeling a little demotivated, but hopefully you'll be back on track in no time! In my opinion, it's probably best to go for the single serving of pasta - otherwise you might find yourself eating all of the two servings without truly feeling hungry. I know if I make too much food I feel like I…
  • Sounds like a great idea - I'd like to join the South team :) (shall send a message too)