Eating by serving size

MericoX Posts: 199 Member
Needing some tips/ideas on how to eat properly as I have not done very good the last couple of days on my "diet" and I am not trying to get discouraged.

If a box of (for example pasta) says 1 cup of cooked pasta is one serving.... should I eat only that one serving and not go for two servings if I am hungry.

Or is it okay to go over some "serving size" food items, like meat and veggies?


  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    Personally I say you can eat all the veggies you want....and I try to make my plate about 75% of that. Then add in lean meats like chicken or turkey which you can eat a good bit of to because their low in fat and high in protein. Try to weight a chicken breast before eating it to give you an idea on the size because I am bad a guessing. Then after you have eaten that see if you can eat only the 1 cup of pasta or carbs. I make myself eat my veggies, then meats, then I can have my carbs. I do that because it gets the veggies out of the way since I don't care for them and I am a totally carb junkie. Hope that helps!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    Only if you stay within your calorie limit for the day should you eat the second serving.
    Personally, I like to eat more veggies as I get fuller for longer and they're "cheaper" calorie-wise.

    I never could feel full on pasta in the amounts that are suggested for serving sizes.
    I long ago switched to eating spaghetti squash as my base for pasta sauce and veggies. It took a little getting used to but now I don't miss the pasta at all.
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    Only if you stay within your calorie limit for the day should you eat the second serving.
    Personally, I like to eat more veggies as I get fuller for longer and they're "cheaper" calorie-wise.

    I never could feel full on pasta in the amounts that are suggested for serving sizes.
    I long ago switched to eating spaghetti squash as my base for pasta sauce and veggies. It took a little getting used to but now I don't miss the pasta at all.

    I second the spaghetti squash.....hate veggies but LOVE that!!
  • Lynnah
    Lynnah Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! Sorry to hear you're feeling a little demotivated, but hopefully you'll be back on track in no time!

    In my opinion, it's probably best to go for the single serving of pasta - otherwise you might find yourself eating all of the two servings without truly feeling hungry. I know if I make too much food I feel like I 'should' eat it all (I don't want to be wasteful!). However, with vegetables I see no problem whatsoever in going over the recommended serving size (it's only recommended after all, and they don't know anything about you) - they're healthy and full of fibre (and fill you up without being calorie dense).

    So I'd stick to the serving sizes for pasta and stuff until you get a feeling for how much you should be eating. It's probably better to have a snack an hour or so after the meal if you're still hungry, rather than eating until you're completely full. I've found that eating slowly really helps, as it gives my brain time to 'catch up' with how full I am. I think I read somewhere that it's best to eat till you're not hungry anymore, rather than till you're actually full :).

    Hope that helps, and good luck!
  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152
    I bulk out the meals by adding loads of veggies - stick to the serving size.

    Also if you buy smaller plates 10" instead of 12" you can address the psychological effect of seeing the serving on a plate.
  • jim0822
    jim0822 Posts: 19
    Personally I've found extremely helpful to get a food scale. I use mine everyone and prepare my meals according to correct portion sizes. When I eat my meals, especially if I'm really hungry, I have a plan for what to eat IF I'm still hungry - like a banana or an apple. But first, I finish my meal, then wait! The majority of the time after 15 minutes, I don't want anything else. Remember, as a whole, Americans don't have a firm grip of the reality of what a normal serving size looks like and we are relearning. You will be surprised to see that you CAN be satisfied with less and actually enjoy it more - savor each bite instead of just wanting more!

    PS - I also brush my teeth as soon as I'm done so I'm less apt to eat again.
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks guys!
    I am going to try eating my veggies, then meat, then pasta/carb for dinner (single servines on pasta/carb) and see if that helps. And then have a desert shortlyish after.

    I also made a stupid realization today, that I should log in my foods before I eat, to see if I've gone over for the day, duh me! LOL
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Another trick I use is to eat a serving or 2 of raw veggies before dinner or while I am preparing it. ;)

    I am then less hungry, and have polished off a serving of veggies.

    Another trick I have used with success is to swap my starch with beans. The beans are starchy, but they have extra fiber and protein. Chickpeas and cannelini beans are great replacements for most items. Or I just switch out some for the beans. I also add some veggies to the starch too.

    For example, you can make a pilafy rice with some onions and/or roasted peppers. When you serve it, mix it with 1/2 cup of arugula or spinach. The greens will wilt into the rice and you get nearly 2 serving of veggies with your side dish!

    I have also been doubling up on the veggies. Serving 2 with dinner. I'll add some red peppers to my green veggies. Or sautee my greens with some 1/4 c onion first. Or add a side of steamed carrots. Or mix 2 different ones in the sautee. This week I have combined radicchio with my spinach.