

  • Welcome to MFP hon. I've tried many different weightloss programs but this seems to be the one that works for me. You have friends at the tip of your fingers day and night to help support you and share all the good and bad times along your journey. You've made a great choice! Feel free to add me :)
  • Firstly, I would ask why you are getting up so late, unless you are working night shifts? Get up, get moving. The more you do, the hungrier you will be and you will definitely want to eat more. Just make sure that it's all clean eating.. lots of fresh veg and lean proteins such as chicken and fish. Green veg are great for…
  • I'm sorry your friend ended up so demotivated by the comments of a few. I use the forums but have never even looked at the chitchat part myself. As one of the other posters said, try to encourage him back and show him all the POSITIVE posts from people who are serious about their health and wanting to lose weight. We all…
  • 2 Shredded wheats and 200ml of 1% fat milk ... YUM!
  • I know just how you feel hon. I am coming out of a slump myself right now. I gained back almost 5lbs of what it's taken me over 2 months to lose and it really hit me hard. I drink around 2-3 litres of water a day now (it's much easier than it was at the start!) I have had to reduce exercise due to a knee injury still…
  • I am on the same page as the OP. I am sick of looking in the mirror and seeing bleh! I want to be my former slim self, just a lot healthier and fitter this time. Pure vanity! I will NOT grow old gracefully or quietly! LOL
  • Thank you for fixing it! LOL. I will get the hang of this if it kills me!
  • It looks like a trip into town is on the cards for me today or tomorrow then! I am loving the idea of zero bounce (post children boob bounce is just awful! LOL). I've got a bruise on my back right where the clasp of my normal bra goes and it's very tender! And, I am worth the cost of a decent bra or two all in the name of…
  • Jillian Michaels - No More Trouble Zones .. targets muffin tops, saggy bottoms, saddlebags, flabby triceps and slims down the inner thighs. Give it a try :smile:
  • Hi Becky! UK here too, up in North Yorkshire. Welcome to MFP, the best site for making friends and losing weight at the same time! The spectrum of help is absolutely immense and incredibly helpful too. Good luck on your journey hon, and if you need extra support, feel free to add me x
  • Feel free to add me hon. I log and post every day, and have even been known to throw in a little humour now and then *grins*
  • I agree with the previous posters. Mini goals is the best way to get through those dark times. For the last 2 and a half weeks my weight has stayed the same, not even a tiny fluctuation on the scales and I was starting to lose all hope of ever getting it going again. I had a little reshuffle of my calories (I upped them to…
  • I'm a late night snacker! It's just something I can't seem to kick, so I decided to work WITH it instead of against it and I keep a few 100 cal snacks handy for those times. A couple of pieces of dark chocolate, fruit, raw veggies. I don't think it's so much WHAT I eat as the fact that it's the action of eating that's the…
  • I am obssessed with chicken salad too! I use the usual salad like lettuce, cucumber, cherry tomatoes.. then throw in celery, spring onions and red cabbage. I like to mix it up and add halloumi and/or crispy bacon (cut into teeny pieces) and a lovely dollop or Heinz salad cream 70% less fat! I tend to use chicken breasts…
  • I LOVE the Weeping Angels! Scariest Doctor Who ever! *high 5*. Now, about tattoos, I think you.. I mean your friend... Should do whatever *they* like! I am currently sporting 22 of my very own and have quite a few more planned! I think the only thing I would consider a crisis during middle age would be to STOP wanting yet…
  • Welcome to the forum and to MFP! I've found the support network on here to be absolutely priceless! I've tried so many other *fads* but this one is the one that's working for me, and I've made lots of new, great friends to boot! Great loss so far, keep up the good work and feel free to add me if you want some extra support…
  • I'm 161lbs at the moment Em, and 5ft 3. Sounds like you know exactly where I'm coming from with the knee imbalance, and I know it's a pain but it's nice to know that I'm not the only one. :-)
  • Thank you Don! It's been driving me nuts lol. A little NVS victory for me today, learning something new! *grins*
    in Small NSV Comment by LisAllum July 2012
  • Thank you everyone!!! All great suggestions and I've been busy on Google checking out some of the exercises. Planks definitely aren't going to be something I can do for a long while yet as it would put strain on the knee, even at beginner level. I need to build up my quad in order to pull the tendon tight again and lift my…
  • I'm still getting to grips with all the abbreviations on here lol. Please tell me, what does NSV mean?!
    in Small NSV Comment by LisAllum July 2012
  • I've had my mirena for over 10 years now and am due (overdue) getting it replaced with #3! I've had no problems with weight gain due to the coil at all, that was because of what I have been shovelling into my face for years! The advantage for me is no periods, which has to be THE Best side effect ever! I've never had any…
  • I'm glued to this every single day, and when not at home, glued to the app on my phone lol. I have AMAZING support from people on here and have made some fabulous new friends. We all have bad days as well as good, and I like that I can share the great with the not so great. I know the support I have received has been…
  • I tried the one from Fat, Sick and Nearly dead, and it made me ill (looked and tasted like pond scum and I started to dread each time I had to have a juice). I've been looking at others and am going to try the Jason Vale juices this time. Good luck! :-)
  • I'm wondering how one of The Biggest Loser USA winners started out at over 500lbs if that's the case!!
  • So far Lis 9 - Binge Monster 0!! I'm having a really difficult day today though. I want to eat everything in the house! I keep sitting here fantasising about all my favourite foods and driving myself insane. For all those who are taking part in this challenge, Keep up the GREAT work! The Binge Monster may win a few small…
  • I have 22 all over my body, from behind my ears to my toes (so far) and I've never had a problem. I can cover every single one of them if needs be when it comes to interviews so noone needs to be any the wiser. I am, however, very lucky where I work, I am customer service desk in a store and I can have most of them, and my…
  • Hi all. I'm 37, 5ft 3 and weigh in at 162.5lbs at the moment (11st 8.5). I wear a 14 although they're a little snug round my bum and thighs and a 12/14 top. (I'm a typical pear shape). My goal is to get back into my size 10 jeans, and in order to do that my goal is set at around 126lbs (9st). I'll be happy if I get…
  • North Yorkshire here, feel free to add me :)
  • 22 tattoos for me and counting! Next on the list is finishing off my right sleeve, finishing off my left sleeve, designing a thigh sleeve and looking to extend a calf piece to a calf wrap and extend to my thigh... Not that I'm addicted LOL