

  • I'm starting today .... anyone else want to get together to do a group or something? Hoping this works!!
  • Amy --- I know it's only $10, but I have found all the levels on you tube. :) I'm just starting it but plan to alternate this with other workouts
  • Bump -- would love some Bluetooth headphones!
  • Sounds yummy. Bump to try later
  • No answers, but I feel your pain. I have gained 5lbs since joining a gym in September and tracking my food. My clothes don't fit any better, either. Hoping there is light at the end of the tunnel. Just now starting to bump up my calories to compensate for extra exercise, so we will see how that goes!
  • 5' 8" and 168. I've gone up 4 pounds since joining MFP in June. :( I'm down, but I'm not out. I've been told to eat 1500 calories ... what are you all eating to lose? I could really use some guidance and hope to get inspired further from you all!!
  • Hmmm. I've gained 4 pounds since I started tracking and exercising in June. Things just aren't working out well for me... I did much better a few years ago when I just did leisurely walking and trimmed carbs down. Haven't been able to carb trim this time around...
  • Mine gets really high, really fast too. So much so that my trainer wanted me to see my doctor before continuing. I got an EKG and got the all clear. My HR always gets much higher than others. I easily get to 160s with a slow jog. It's embarrassing. But my dr said that as long as I wasn't dizzy or lightheaded, I just…
  • I have seen on ebay, and have been thinking about buying, a weight bar that goes under the seat. I guess it slides up and down with you, and you can add extra weight to it to make it harder. I've never tried it, so I can't say how/if it works. I'm just starting out with my total gym -- how do you like yours?
    in Total Gym Comment by j9riter August 2012
  • there are some days when all i can seem to manage is 10 minutes, but i'm glad i get them in. bodyrock.tv is another great place for some 15-minute videos. Free, and they kill me!!
  • Did you get them recently? I really need some videos that are about that duration. Do you like them?
  • I find my fitbit is great for getting me to move more throughout the day. I've had a basic pedometer for years, but the fitbit goes way above and beyond, IMHO. My HRM is great for those bursts of cardio, but Isn't something I could wear all day long. The fitbit has been as low as $85 on amazon this week, and I just got a…
  • I can't say I've had success, but I haven't used it to its full capacity. I must say, love the yoga and do that on a regular basis. It's a great yoga workout and keeps me a little limber! :) Maybe I need to try using it more -- I really like this "game" and the Just Dance. I just burned a ton of calories doing it. Good…
  • Please count me in! 165 now, aiming for 150. Oops, I should say that when I joined MFP last week, I was 165. then I started tracking and exercising and gained 2 lbs! :( Would love to see what you all are doing for success -- I need inspiration!
  • Maybe they shouldn't have named the site "My Fitness PAL." Their bad.
  • I love the fizz, too. Just came home with a soda stream also in the hopes of replacing soda with fizzy water with some flavoring (fruit, splash of lemonade). Sometimes I really miss my coke zero, but I just can't have it in the house, or I will drink it. May still have it as the occasional treat, but it's definitely a much…