FitBit or Something Else?

I'm finally only a pound away from one of my weight loss goals, and my reward is to buy a heart rate monitor. I've read amazing things about the FitBit, but I wanted to get everyone's input first before pressing the BUY button. What are your thoughts on the FitBit compared to other heart rate monitors?

Thanks for your input!


  • rnunl
    rnunl Posts: 15
    Well, as you may or may not know, the Fitbit is not a HRM. It is a daily activity tracker designed to get you up and moving. That being said, I absolutely love mine for that purpose. With in mind, I also have a Polar FT7 that I use just for workouts. So it really depends on which device fits your needs. Hope this helps...
  • skinnyone2012
    skinnyone2012 Posts: 85 Member
    I am very serious about losing my weight. Yesterday I received my Fitbit and love it already. Its like you can see when you need to get more active and just HAVE to get up and walk or something. I think it was well worth the money.
  • j9riter
    j9riter Posts: 20
    I find my fitbit is great for getting me to move more throughout the day. I've had a basic pedometer for years, but the fitbit goes way above and beyond, IMHO. My HRM is great for those bursts of cardio, but Isn't something I could wear all day long. The fitbit has been as low as $85 on amazon this week, and I just got a polar ft4 from amazon for $65
  • Littlegurl
    Littlegurl Posts: 172 Member
    I just purchased a FB from Bestbuy because I can just go to the store and pick it up this morning. I'm so excited! I would love for you guys to be my friends if you like.....
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Fitbit is great! I got mine used on eBay and I love it! But, honestly, anything that helps you track is a good tool. I've found it very helpful in figuring out how much I actually do move daily. I've been much more accurate with my caloric intake. But, as others have pointed out, it's not a HRM.
  • Littlegurl
    Littlegurl Posts: 172 Member
    Since its not a HRM I guess there is some margin for each persons metabolism to affect calories burned? If that is correct then it's ok with me. I'm fortunate because my doctor has told me that I have a high metabolism. I've been in ketosis a lot while not even cutting down on carbs. At first doctor was concerned, but after blood work he said I'm just fortunate to have a high metabolism. Unfortunately I also have a great love of food! Otherwise I probably wouldn't have joined this site :)