Pop is my enemy - help



  • j9riter
    j9riter Posts: 20
    I love the fizz, too. Just came home with a soda stream also in the hopes of replacing soda with fizzy water with some flavoring (fruit, splash of lemonade). Sometimes I really miss my coke zero, but I just can't have it in the house, or I will drink it. May still have it as the occasional treat, but it's definitely a much rarer occasion now. Good luck!
  • NWCyclingBeast
    NWCyclingBeast Posts: 157 Member
    I use that Mio stuff (or the Walmart equivalent) to caffeinate/flavor my water a bit... Not too bad.
  • LisaStanley500
    LisaStanley500 Posts: 65 Member
    I've been drinking Advocare Spark to help wean myself off diet drinks. Has a little caffeine & B vitamins to give you a little pep. Sugar free. It's been a good substitute for me. Trying to cut out coffee & Coke Zero. Went from coffee 1st thing in AM & sipping coke Zero most of the day to 2 Sparks a day & water rest of day.
  • danineff
    danineff Posts: 14 Member
    Wow sounds like me. I have completely stopped the diet pop which my Dr. said is good . I like it for the carbonation.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    oh, headaches. try the diet soda with stevia, or even splenda.


    Not all diet sodas are the same. Figure out which sweetener gives you headaches....then try something different.
    Mio, Crystal Light, Propel....all have artificial sweeteners too. But I'm all about the carbonation. I drink 1 or 2 diet sodas a day.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    jfwifey12 wrote: »
    I'm having issues giving up Pepsi. I will do good for a few days and then if I have one I'm hooked again. I need to find an alternative and diet pop gives me really bad headaches! HELP, this is my biggest diet issue!

    I have the same problem with pepsi, once i have one i am hooked all over again...and diet pepsi tastes nothing like regular pepsi so I cant drink it. To help me I switched to Diet MT Dew because it doesnt taste so bad, I also started drinking ICE water which is flavored and carbonated like soda but has 0 carbs, 0 sugar and tastes delicious! Good luck :)