success with wii fitness coach?

I previously posted asking if wii fit has helped anyone shed pounds. At that time I had *just* started using wii fitness coach and didnt actually realise there was a difference between it and wii fit.... woops!

so just wondering if any of you have found success with the coaching the the wii fitness coach provides? I am very achey all over having now done 30 minutes a day for the past 3 days on top of my other cardio and strength work, but ideally my goal is to shed a lot of weight, so does it really help?

Thanks guys for all your answers in advance! x


  • MomAlcott
    I haven't used Wii Fitness Coach but have used Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus and EA Active
    They are good especially to begin with , sometimes I lose interest but usually go back to at least one of them
    Have fun with it - whatever you use
  • j9riter
    j9riter Posts: 20
    I can't say I've had success, but I haven't used it to its full capacity. I must say, love the yoga and do that on a regular basis. It's a great yoga workout and keeps me a little limber! :) Maybe I need to try using it more -- I really like this "game" and the Just Dance. I just burned a ton of calories doing it. Good luck!!
  • Porcelaine22
    Porcelaine22 Posts: 245 Member