

  • Your BMR is the number of calories your body burns just to survive, like if you stayed in bed all day and did nothing. Obviously, you are not doing nothing, so you are burning more calories than your BMR. On average, a 500 cal/day deficit equals 1 lb/wk lost. If you are eating too few calories (like under your BMR) your…
  • Do you have real running shoes, that you were properly fitted for (like from a running store)? They make all the difference in the world!
  • Mine has definitely gone away...not completely, but so much better! I have not only lost over 20 lbs, but I also exercise 5-6 days/week. My leg muscles are much more visible and the cellulite is much less. The cellulite I was starting to get on my arms (one of my big motivators to lose weight) is gone. It does go away as…
  • I drink Coffee-Mate in my coffee every morning. It costs me about 70 calories, and it is worth every one to me. I know that the stuff isn't healthy, but it is a little treat that makes getting out of bed in the cold, dark mornings bearable. On the rare day that I want a second cup of coffee, I usually switch to sugar and a…
  • Eat your exercise calories! Remember that you are already eating at a deficit based on your basic calories. If you don't eat your exercise calories you're probably functioning in starvation mode much of the time. Just try it for a couple of weeks and see what you think.
  • I'm not sure of the best way, but I enter all of the ingredients (total amounts) into the meal that I am having it for, i.e. dinner. Then I click on "remember my meal" (or whatever is says). I rename it and save it. I see the total calories for the entire dish and decide how much of the dish I am going to eat. Then I…
  • Oops, I forgot to add to peel the squash and cut into 1 inch cubes. Also core and slice the apples.
  • Wow! Congratulations! I was just checking out your pictures. You look so healthy! You must be so proud of your accomplishments and what a wonderful example you are setting for your children! I was supposed to run my first 1/2 marathon today, but got injured 6 weeks ago and am only now just starting to be able to run again.…
  • I too am 5 ft. tall and my problem areas are my bum and thighs. I would definitely recommend running and Pilates with small equipment. It took several months of regular (3-4 times/week) running and cross-training (mostly Pilates) on the off days, before I noticed a difference, but my cellulite is really disappearing…
  • Bump! Thank you for sharing!
  • Uugh! I feel your pain and frustration. Night is my hardest time as well, especially if my husband is snacking. The only advice I really have is to brush your teeth. I find that food doesn't taste so good after I brush. I am interested in hearing the advice you get. Last night I ate an entire box of Special K Crackers. I…
  • Welcome Imr9 and good luck to you! Just an update from me. We are in the first month of trying again...cycle day 20. I hate the waiting game. Seems like we are always waiting to try and waiting to find out. Anyway, I don't have a feeling either way yet this month, though I don't think our timing was great, so maybe not…
  • I love allrecipes.com. I just did a quick search for lentils in vegetarian recipes and this is what came up. HTH! http://allrecipes.com/Search/Ingredients.aspx?WithTerm=&SearchIn=h87&Wanted1=lentils
  • Hmmm...I am an injured runner who is currently keeping up my cario on the elliptical. I have a very slow healing hip flexor injury. I can tell you a couple of things from my experience. First, it definitely uses different muscles, hence the reason I am able to do the elliptical without pain or increased injury. Second, I…
  • I am a runner too. I run 3-4 days a week, cross-train 2-3 days a week, and allow 1 day for complete rest/recovery. Cross training ideas: yoga, pilates, strength (weights), swimming, or even walking. It does take some time, but you will see the scales move and the inches melt. Keep it up!!
  • Isn't it great!!! Mine is starting to say that I will be several pounds under my goal weight, which I don't want, so I am carefully eating just a little more every evening. Still losing, but doing it very slowly now and trying to get my body closer to eating at maintenance level. I am afraid of what comes next...I don't…
  • Good for you! That is a GREAT attitude!! I have also read several posts on here about varying daily caloric intake for a while to shake your body up. I am not sure on the details, but maybe someone will post about it. I think it's called zig-zagging?? Good luck! WIth that attitude and determination, you will do great!
  • Oh, I just read that you have your settings for 1.5 lbs/week. That might be a little too aggressive. I have mine for less than a lb/wk. Maybe you could try a less aggressive goal to begin, that way you could eat a little more.
  • I felt like I was starving on 1200 calories at first too. Now sometimes I have to eat a snack in the evening just to reach my 1200 cals, even though I am not always hungry for it. You do get used to it. And the weight does come off. I would say to excercise if you want to eat more. On the days that I have a good workout, I…
  • Thanks for sharing Lisa! I am so sorry for your losses! I can't imagine what you went through with the termination, only to find out the the pregnancy was healthy. That is so horrible!! Regarding your blood clotting disorder, what do you have? They discovered that I have MTHFR, which is a blood clotting disorder that also…
  • I am a runner, currently sidelined with a hip flexor injury. I was training for a half when I got hurt. The dr. suspected a stress fracture due to the severity and longevity of the pain. After an x-ray and MRI, stress fracture has been ruled out, but I am still unable to tolerate the pain enough to even go for a short jog.…
  • I just found this thread and am at nearly the end of my weight loss journey. I have a three-and-a-half yo son and we have been trying to have another for a couple of years. I have had three miscarriages during the last two years. We conceived our son our first month trying and conceived easily again the second time, but…
  • bump I have a good one for you, but it will take me a day or two to find it. It is with plain couscous, apples raisins and cinnamon. Super yummy!
  • Try these: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Seminary-Muffins/Detail.aspx http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Whole-Grain-Banana-Muffins/Detail.aspx
  • So many great things have been mentioned here, I just have a couple to add. Regarding muffins, make a batch and freeze them. He can pull them out one at a time. They thaw quickly, so you could pull them out the night before, or the morning of. Homemade blueberry or banana muffins, made with whole wheat flour and apple…
  • Do you have a crockpot? They sell the small ones that would be perfect for one or two people. If so, there are many things you could make with your meat and veggies.
  • Mmmm...Chili! Of course, depending on your weather, if may not be a chili kind of day. I always throw random stuff into my chili. I made it this weekend and added a little cinnamon and a sweet potato. It was good!
  • calendar age: 33.8 real age: 28.1 difference: -5.7
  • I know that I look rediculous, but I don't care! I am SUPER SLOW for starters...no way to hide that, so I just got over it. Frankly, I figure it is better to be out there moving and getting healthy than it is to be sitting at home feeling self concious. I have been "running" for three years now and just don't care any…
  • I agree!! Frankly, what has made me successful on MFP is that it is a life-style change, not a diet. That said, you have not ruined everything by over-indulging on one day. I overate yesterday too. We went to a local seafood festival for dinner and I had seafood newburg, a lobster roll, 2 coconut shrimp, 2 seafood stuffed…