Who wants to lose weight before having a baby???



  • I just found this thread and am at nearly the end of my weight loss journey. I have a three-and-a-half yo son and we have been trying to have another for a couple of years. I have had three miscarriages during the last two years. We conceived our son our first month trying and conceived easily again the second time, but the third and fourth pregnancies took us 8 and 7 months of trying. The doctors have tested us for everything and can't find any answers regarding the mc's or the "border-line infertility" (they would expect us to take about 3 months, with our age, history and health). Anyway, after my son was born I DID lose all but the last 2 lbs by my 8 week check-up, but then I slowly put weight on as he weaned. My BMI was up to nearly 26. I have read that the ideal BMI for pregnancy is 20-24. We have not been trying much since my last mc in Dec., but we are ready to start trying again. I now weigh 9 lbs less than I did when I got pregnant with my son; my current BMI is 22. I am hopeful that the weight loss will at least help us to get pregnant a little more easily. As the doctor continues to remind us, the best predictor that we can have another healthy child is the fact that we already have one, so I am hoping that we will become pregnant again soon and that our family will be comeplete!
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I just found this thread and am at nearly the end of my weight loss journey. I have a three-and-a-half yo son and we have been trying to have another for a couple of years. I have had three miscarriages during the last two years. We conceived our son our first month trying and conceived easily again the second time, but the third and fourth pregnancies took us 8 and 7 months of trying. The doctors have tested us for everything and can't find any answers regarding the mc's or the "border-line infertility" (they would expect us to take about 3 months, with our age, history and health). Anyway, after my son was born I DID lose all but the last 2 lbs by my 8 week check-up, but then I slowly put weight on as he weaned. My BMI was up to nearly 26. I have read that the ideal BMI for pregnancy is 20-24. We have not been trying much since my last mc in Dec., but we are ready to start trying again. I now weigh 9 lbs less than I did when I got pregnant with my son; my current BMI is 22. I am hopeful that the weight loss will at least help us to get pregnant a little more easily. As the doctor continues to remind us, the best predictor that we can have another healthy child is the fact that we already have one, so I am hoping that we will become pregnant again soon and that our family will be comeplete!

    Hugs to you! We, too, have lost three babies. Our circumstances are much different but to recap we went through infertility treatment and became pregnant with twins. I miscarried one of them and due to other factors the doctor was worried that the other baby was in my tubes. I was rushed into emergency surgery and a complete D&C was done and sent to pathology. (of course there is A LOT that I'm not adding in here, I don't care to revisit that time in my life with all the details that are irrelevant anyways. The doctor made a VERY bad judgement call and unfortunately I was trusting him....I won't EVER make that mistake again!) The baby was not in my tubes and in fact was a healthy uterine pregnancy. Needless to say, that was very hard to cope with and overcome. We tried to get pregnant again through infertility treatment and miscarried naturally (which was a relief after how the previous pregnancy turned out) So we've moved to a new doctor and we will still need infertility treatment but I'm trying to intervine and help the circumstances by trying to take charge of my life! The new doctor has found that I have a blood clotting disorder that may/may not have had something to do with the m/c. Anyways, I only decided to share more about my past because I know that we can relate to each other! Keep your chin up! It WILL happen for both of us! I have a 6 year old daughter, so I too have my proof that it happened before, so there's NO REASON that it can't happen again! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    ctucker - do you have PCOS? I haven't heard of estrogen being in your fat cells but what you described sounds a little like PCOS (without being labeled such) If you don't mind me asking, do you have normal periods? Do you have any other "weird" symptoms? Are you insulin resistant or have sugar problems? The only reason I am asking so much is because I am VERY informed on infertility issues (since I have so many of them) and I am happy to help any woman that I can! :flowerforyou:
  • ctucker07
    ctucker07 Posts: 37 Member
    LisaC1026- i really don't know if that's what I have. We didn't really do any tests ot get into it too much because the doctor says you usually try for a year before they really delve into the problems. This could be my problem because I don't have regular periods. Any weight fluctuation causes it to come and go. I actually went over a year without one the year before we started trying. I myself don't have any blood sugar issues but diabetes is a huge issue in my family and another reason I want to lose weight. Any info you have to share with me would be great though. Thanks for being so interested :)
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hi all! I have already lost the weight and got pregnant and had my baby on Sept 4th, but if I can be helpful to you during this process, I'd love to! I have a "Success During Pregnancy" thread in the success area of these boards.

    I was over 100 lbs heavier with my last pregnancy with my almost three year old. So, having reached my goal weight and finding out I was pregnant the same week in January of this year was a bit scary but I was able to keep myself under control and stayed active as long as possible.

    I am thinking about starting a "postpartum" motivation type thread for all the current (and future) preggo's that are looking to get the baby weight off. I am only 12 day postpartum though, so I need to give myself a reasonable amount of time to get to my true "starting point" lol! Maybe the 6 week check-up! I may start the thread before then just to have a support for the new moms.

    Anyway, let me know if I can help! :wink: :flowerforyou:

  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Tami - how did you lose so much weight before getting pregnant with #2? What tips and secrets can you share with us? How long did it take you to lose 135 pounds?
  • The new doctor has found that I have a blood clotting disorder that may/may not have had something to do with the m/c. Anyways, I only decided to share more about my past because I know that we can relate to each other! Keep your chin up! It WILL happen for both of us! I have a 6 year old daughter, so I too have my proof that it happened before, so there's NO REASON that it can't happen again! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for sharing Lisa! I am so sorry for your losses! I can't imagine what you went through with the termination, only to find out the the pregnancy was healthy. That is so horrible!!

    Regarding your blood clotting disorder, what do you have? They discovered that I have MTHFR, which is a blood clotting disorder that also causes low levels of folic acid. I am now on super doses of folic acid. This was discovered after my second mc. My folic acid levels are normal, so they don't think it is causing the mcs. Just wondering if you have the same thing.

  • I want to lose more weight before getting pregnant again also. I also gained a lot with my first pregnancy even though I was very careful about everything also. I gained a ton of water weight! In total I gained 50 lbs. Then when my son was 10 months old I got pregnant again, I lost that baby at 10 weeks. And now I am determined to lose weight before getting pregnant again.
    My husband is currently in Afghanistan and gets home in 2 months, we wont be preventing anything :o) So I am hoping to get pregnant soon after he gets home. I have lost 18 lbs since hes been gone and now weigh 154, but would like to lose atleast 10 more before getting pregnant again. Im below my pre pregnancy weight already, but want to start this one out much healthier!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    ok, so I got the mirena out and now my cycle is TRYING to regulate -kinda making me nuts!! I need to vent - I am a little scared that I will not have such an easy time getting pregnant! I was Fertile Myrtle with my first 2, but I have a fear that since I had the mirena IUD I've screwed my body up and it won't work the same this time. AND - I am getting a little older..and we all know that means it may make it harder...28 isn't ancient, but it's not exactly prime either. AND - being overweight doesn't help. ARRGGHH!!!! I just am praying God's timing and contentment until then. Anyway, there you have it....
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi Lovely Ladies! :flowerforyou:

    I've been on MFP off and on for over a year now. I've struggled with my weight my entire life - not obese, just always the "big girl". According to my BMI, I'm a 28.4 - not obese, but at the high side of overweight. My husband and I want to have our first baby soon - we are not "officially" trying yet - I want to lose some weight before that. I want to lose 15-20 pounds. That still wouldn't get me in the "normal" BMI category, but I know my body and I would feel good at that weight. That would be the weight I was when I graduated high school - I've always been a big girl, but I was super active (ran cross country, basketball, track) and pretty muscular.

    Reading all these posts kind of scares me though - you gals have had some time with pregnancies. Whoever said 28 is old to have a baby - holy cow - I'm 31 - what does that make me?!?! :frown:

    I have no reason to believe that I will have difficulty getting pregnant - just trying to shed a few before then. I'm scared to death of blowing up into a hipppo while pregnant!!! :laugh:

    Best of luck to us all! :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome Imr9 and good luck to you!

    Just an update from me. We are in the first month of trying again...cycle day 20. I hate the waiting game. Seems like we are always waiting to try and waiting to find out. Anyway, I don't have a feeling either way yet this month, though I don't think our timing was great, so maybe not this month. We'll see. Anyone else with an update? Hope everyone is well!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i was 189lbs before i got prego with my son, 2.5. i gained 50+lbs with him, i didn't lose much before i got pregnant with my 15 month old daughter. and now i'm sitting at 230lbs. i really wanted to get to at least my first pre-prego weight before we tried for baby #3. but i've been having a lot of problems staying motivated to eat healthy and exercise. we only want 3 kids, so we don't want baby #3 being to much younger then our other kids.

    we're going to start trying at the end of october. so i have until then to lose as much as i can, and once we get prego i'm going to actually eat healthy and exercise during this pregnancy. i'm sticking with the attitude of i CAN and WILL do it, instead of i might try.
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    TaraJ16 - Wow, it sounds like we are in the same boat!!! I was 172 when I got pregnant, now I am about 227 and am trying for our third too. And we don't want to have the age gap too big either. Well, you CAN do it!!! WE can do it!!!!! Good Luck and keep us posted!!!

    ldbenincasa - ok, here is our update: got my IUD out on Sept 9 then had a funky cycle and was supposedly due to ovulate last Thursday. Well, I went to Women of Faith so was gone for the weekend and I don't feel our timing was good either. I don't really have a feeling this month, but if I had to bet I would say probably not this month:frown: But oh well, it will happen in His timing, I just need to relax and be patient (and have fun trying!!!):blushing:

    Good Luck and baby dust to all!!!
  • yessie75
    yessie75 Posts: 152
    Hi everyone! I have not logged in in a while. I'm down to 137 lbs. and stopped taking the pill in August . I'm not following my cycle to see when my fertile days are, I'm just letting it happen. I have too much stress right now and if I worry about what days are best I think it would add even more stress. Happy Fall to all!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Hi Ladies. I thought I would join in with my story. We are planning to start TTC in July of 2010. That gives me 8 months to get as much weight of as possible. I am currently at 205, and am hoping to get down to at least 170 before July. We have been married 3+ years, and have no kids. My DH is finishing his Masters in Dec 2010, and we hope to have a baby the baby shortly after he is done. My Dr. is great and said I am healthy enough to concieve w/out loosing any weight, but I know that I would be much better off, and more comfortable being 170 than 200. I need all the support I can get, as I have fallen of the wagon multiple times this year already. I think realizing I only have 8 months should help motivate me, but seeing your stories helps too!

    Good luck to everyone, on the weightloss and the TTC.
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