Fellow Yellow Belly here! Originally from South Lincs but now in Notts :)
Nottingham here! Daily logging and currently doing Insanity...Add me!
Always consult your doctor
Gradually getting better
Currently on day 13! The Fitness test is well worth it though
Nottingham here :D
Weigh myself every morning but only track my weight on friday mornings
Good Luck with your goals :)
met my girlfriend on there. You take it as it comes!
£13/$8 ear clip and cheerful! Replaced once a year after they get worn out.$ja=cgid:9626848022|tsid:41408|cid:177975662|lid:64451442053|nw:g|crid:34087136102|rnd:16520796242037697019|dvc:c|adp:1o1
25 from Nottingham :) Logging every day!
If you weigh yourself daily...measure it but average it out over a week to get a more accurate result
Most mornings but my only official weigh in day is friday
Moderation in Moderation! Speaking from my experience growing up..we ate around the table. Parents dictated what we ate. Usually a british roast (meat, veg and british gravy) with a takeaway or junk food being a treat or an occasion. I hope when I get round to having kids ill be able to get them cooking at a young age,…
Request Sent :)
I like the BBC because I DETEST the vapid, insipid and crap dross that ITV roles out.
Aiming to lose the last half a stone here! Added :)
2 Eggs and 1 Banana cooked with some peanut butter for flavour
Nike..not sure on the style. Very comfy indoor shoe.
Echoing what everyone has have to see this not as a program but a lifestyle change. Find something you enjoy doing that is healthy and active. The main reason people quit is because they see it as a chore. Embrace a change and enjoy it. Your body will release those endorphins for your hard work!
Battlefield 4 :)
Totally normal! Weigh yourself once a week Or Weight yourself daily at the same time and take the average for the week
Nottingham here :) feel free to add!
Alcohol Bread Free Buffets at work Pork Pies the list goes on
- Ive used both, good service and usually discount codes available
^ What this man is saying! Educate yourselves...then improve yourselves
All I can say is I hope Labour doesn't get voted back in. Its taken time for the Tories to try and reverse things that Labour has done! I blame them for the welfare state and making benefits a too easy option for most. Say no to Red Ed Miliband who will pander to those who cant help themselves 25 so not young…
Phill, Hello all! Originally from Bourne, South Lincs and Born in Stamford. Now living in Nottingham after studying my degree in the city and the lack of graduate jobs back home but will always be a Yellow Belly! I play American Football is one of the most unique things about me!