Harlemite Member


  • WTG Susan! Congrats on the weight loss and Weekly Best Loser! Elaine
  • Colleen, Welcome to MFP/TOPS - I'm in Georgia, USA and have been in TOPS since May 2012. That's where I heard about MFP and I love the tracking system. Sure helps me a lot. Elaine aka Harlemite
  • annsmarquez - sounds like you have a wonderful group and having your former leader be the co-leader is awesome! You will be fine and do a great job! :-) Elaine aka Harlemite
  • Welcome back.... I just joined last year and have been sticking with MFP and TOPS ever since (so far). :) Elaine
    in hi all Comment by Harlemite March 2013
  • Thanks for all the input! I'm meeting with our leader tomorrow....this is one of the *issues* we will be working on. :) Elaine
  • WTG!!! Keep up the great work! Elaine
  • Susan, thanks for the input! Sounds like you have a good group! :-)
  • Yes, Susan! YOU can do it! Congrats!
  • Deb, Slow but sure is the only way for me. I've tried getting it off quick only to gain most of it back. This time, I've been working on lifestyle changes that I could live with. :-) We have about 30 in our group with an average attendance of 17-20. How in the world do you weigh in 60 people in a timely manner? Do you ever…
  • Congrats to you too K! I was hoping there would have been more of a change in our leadership but we shall see what this new year will bring! :-) Elaine aka Harlemite
  • Congrats Deb! You can make it to KOPS, yes you can! I plan on making it in the near future too - 6.2 pounds to goal but it seems I've only been losing like 0.2 - 0.6 pounds a week. Getting harder to get the pounds off. Congrats to your whole chapter too on CHANGE! Elaine
  • I asked my medical provider (PA) for a BEGINNING WEIGHT GOAL and that ended the discussion on the weight range goal. Hope that helps. :-)
  • I did it the other day too when I saw it on Face Book. I'll let you know if I win...LOL :-)
  • Welcome to TOPS those that are new. I'm still *new* myself as I've only been in TOPS since May 2012. For me the greatest aspect of TOPS is the *accountability of the scale* - Keeps me moving in the right direction! For those who have setbacks, {{{HUGS}}}!! We are all here to support each other as we take off (and keep off)…
  • Our weigh in is Thursday mornings and I lost 0.2 pound this week. This was my 17th weigh in with NO GAIN and 19 weeks. I missed two meetings due to vacations. I have 6.2 pounds to goal. \0/
  • Well, how did it go at weigh in? Love those incentives that motivate us!
  • Well Nikki, that gives your group some goals for the next rally! I know that happened with our group....we want to take some awards HOME with us! :-) Of course, we celebrate the success of those who won....but to me, we are ALL WINNERS!! :-)
  • Nikki, Glad to hear that all went well! I knew it would! :-) Also congrats on the best loser being from your group! :-)
  • Nikki, I think that's a great idea....no matter who came up with it! :-)
  • Susan, that's awesome!!! We had 8 go from our group.
  • Nikki, you will do great! At least you don't have to do it by yourself! Let me know how the Rally (and skit) goes once you get back! Elaine aka Harlemite
  • Already there! Thanks! :-)
  • Sounds like a great idea! Let me know how it all turns out! :-)
  • Our TOPS Chapter participated in our local "Oliver Hardy Parade"... We ordered red T-shirts with black lettering and the printer created a design for us with TOPS and a black bowler hat over the "O" - really cute. We used the bowler hats as Oliver Hardy always wore one. (Laurel and Hardy were comedians - Oliver Hardy was…
  • nmleisa - Awesome! (Yes, I did read to the very end!) Great ideas! I haven't heard anyone in our group mention anything like these two challenges. I'll be printing them both for future reference! Thanks SOOOOO much! :-) Elaine/aka Harlemite
  • Susan and Nikki, Thanks for your responses. If you think of any more....just post away! (BTW Congrats Princess Nikki!!) Elaine/aka Harlemite
  • Nikki, I went to the free pattern web sites and put in the TOPS logo but wasn't thrilled with the results. So I'm coming up empty on this one. I agree....anyone find one or has one...please share! :happy:
  • Teresa, I'm pretty new to TOPS (joined May this year) and I hear you! I've sent out tons of cards and emails especially during our challenges and have received only one card! (For the last four weeks I've send out no less than 15 snail mail cards plus multiple emails each week.) I don't send them out with the intention of…
  • How are you determining the winner? Percentage of weight loss? Most weight loss? Thanks!
  • Nikki, I can't believe it....I did that program in June and just two weeks ago one of our KOPS was still talking about it. He has his green tea every morning now and says he gets "cranky" without it. LOL If you do it....let me know how it goes! Elaine/aka Harlemite