

  • I'm not doing the same exercises each week, I switch up the areas I focus on each week, I was just giving an example of one week of workouts. But I follow the same pattern of upper and lower body and full body on various days throughout the week and switching up the exercises I do for each muscle group. Also, I'm Not…
  • Thanks so much for your help. I definitely will be purchasing a watch to keep track of my calorie burn. I know they aren't 100% accurate but it's a better ballpark than I have been estimating. And thanks for the advice of macros also. I will try to lower my carbs by a bit and add more protein to my diet as well. I…
  • You're absolutely right! I shouldn't just base it on the scale. Some of my clothes do for a little better but not as lose as I would have thought they would be by now. I'll have to just stay motivated and calculating everything and possibly buy a heart rate monitor or watch to calculate my calorie burn more accurately,…
  • No, my current pic is me about a year ago, when I weighed around 145. I'm trying to get back to that. And I'm not so confident in my scale either. But I will definitely post this in the other board and see what they say about some different exercise routines. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Yep, I most certainly weigh my Food and calculate the calories for every single thing I eat. I have a food scale and I prep all my food for the week and make sure I have a balance of meat, fruits and veggies, and healthy snacks. When I go grocery shopping, I only shop the putter rim and skip the processed foods. Also, I…
  • Yeah it's super frustrating but I just keep telling myself that I just have to keep going. I try not to weigh myself and I go like 3 weeks without doing it, then boom! Step on it and that sh**** hasn't moved lmfao. Like wtf!!! And I try to tell myself that I should just focus on my measurements and appearance, rather than…
  • Good stuff, hopefully one day I can enter for my first 5k...thanks for sharing!
  • Thanks DeltaJax!
  • I say just get in there and join. The longer you hold back, the longer it will take for you to begin your journey to achieving your goal. Yeah a lot of people in there are fit and it may be intimidating, but they all had a starting point just like you. They didn't start at the gym when they felt comfortable. I'm sure some…
  • Grass drink? What does it consist of...if you don't mind me asking :)
  • Thanks for your input everyone....hahah no I'm not 60 lbs lol but I'm trying out different variations of eating habits and trying to gain muscle so I've been trying to research what's the right portions of protein/carbs in order to effectively become a lean machine lol. Thanks everyone!
  • Try eating dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. Also, peanut butter, frozen yogurt, honey, fruit smoothies, 100 calorie pudding snacks, Greek yogurt with the fruit
  • Add me as well. I'm always looking for friends to help motivate on here. This community is awesome and you'll find a lot of useful tips and motivation on here! Welcome :)
  • Try drinking water with lemon and exercising that junk off. It's ok to once in a while eat that kind of stuff but it shouldn't be a daily habit. Don't get down on yourself about it either. It was your choice to eat it so don't beat yourself up, just change your diet and make sure you have will power to say no to unhealthy…
  • I'm no doctor but get your thyroid checked. Also, don't lose motivation, just adjust the way your exercising. Do more cardio in various ways: walking, jogging, jogging to sprinting for 30 seconds to jogging again. Don't limit your cardio to just machines. Also, try weight lifting. You can lift 5-10lb weights and do varying…
  • I'm here to motivate you girls! We got this! Let's stay positive and everything else will fall into place. I'm back for good, and nothing will stop me! I'm sure after a week or two I will get used to logging my food and exercise. Do you think the calorie goal on this app is too low? maybe its just me but it says I have to…