Hey guys,

I am in serious need of fitness motivation. I've been on and off this app for almost 4 months now because I lack motivation. I start and stop working out wayyy to often so I'm looking for fitness friends to keep me hyped on losing weight and getting healthy. My goal is to lose 20 lbs, what's your goal?


  • naebae00
    I am in the same boat as you. I have been on and off this app numerous times as well as in and out of the gym. I'm getting married in exactly 325 days and I am determined to reach my weight this time. Just in need of some motivation myself . I'll motivate you and you motivate me.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    motivation comes from within...get it! make a plan stick to it write it out....other people cant motivate you...have goals!
  • arouse0930
    Similar situation here as well. I've been on and off the fitness track since I got pregnant 2 years ago
    I have between 10 and 12 pounds to go and motivation to eat right is my biggest challenge. This time I'm making friends with people on here to be motivated to stick to it this time and also to help motivate others.
  • RLPearce92
    my goal was 18 pounds and now i only have 8 to go! if you're struggling with motivation I find making the goals smaller or giving yourself a time frame keeps you going for example "i want to lose x amount by this time" that way you are challenging yourself as well!
  • Steezburt
    I'm here to motivate you girls! We got this! Let's stay positive and everything else will fall into place. I'm back for good, and nothing will stop me! I'm sure after a week or two I will get used to logging my food and exercise. Do you think the calorie goal on this app is too low? maybe its just me but it says I have to eat 1,270 cals a day to lose 1.5lbs a week. That seems so low!!!
  • sleeknslimsandy1
    I was thinking the same thing , I stopped using this apt because of thing outside my control, Then next thing you know I started getting embarrassed to type what I did eat ! Now I realize I too need motivation . Good luck in your weight loss efforts
  • CarolAH1957
    CarolAH1957 Posts: 2 Member
    I need to start exercising. Been on a special diet for a month & I'm losing but I'm flabby. Of course I'm also 56 so I have people telling me my skin is too old to tighten up much. I also have arthritis to deal with so any suggestions?
  • RLPearce92
    i have to eat 1200 to only lose a pound a week! it does seem low but i guess it is working, working out can always allow you to eat more calories though as long as you stay in deficit!
  • KenishaFitness
    KenishaFitness Posts: 161 Member
    Motivation is everywhere good & bad. Nope it isn't going to be easy, but when you start, you are one step closer to your goal!
  • gonnasee33
    gonnasee33 Posts: 163
    this place is ALL about motivation .. For me I have another 20 lbs to lose for a grand total of 50 lbs. I love to see other peoples progress and it encourages me to keep on it .. feel free to add me if you want
  • appy85
    appy85 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm here to motivate you girls! We got this! Let's stay positive and everything else will fall into place. I'm back for good, and nothing will stop me! I'm sure after a week or two I will get used to logging my food and exercise. Do you think the calorie goal on this app is too low? maybe its just me but it says I have to eat 1,270 cals a day to lose 1.5lbs a week. That seems so low!!!

    It hasn't been terribly accurate for me, I lost 21 lbs, and approx 14" (not looking at my measurements right now) my first month even though this app said I would lose 8lbs in 4 weeks. Everyone is different I guess, don't pay too much attention to that. Just make sure you are in a caloric deficit and you will lose weight.
  • MrBryGuy
    MrBryGuy Posts: 115
    You got this man! I was in the same boat in that I had no fitness motivation at all. Then something inside me clicked and I've been hitting the gym everyday and logging in everyday even if I don't work out. My goal has been to lose 25 lbs, but I am about 20 lbs away from that goal now. I sent you a friend request, I am good at giving support and motivation.