tinytoyjess Member


  • What ever came of this? Did you see a doctor and have the headaches stopped? I ask because I am suddenly experiencing the exact same thing; it started during a run on Sunday and now happens with every workout from running to spinning. I am not new to exercise and don't suffer from migraines so I have no idea what's going…
  • No. The reason I have named my cheat days as "cheat days" is because of the no logging. I don't go overboard with the food; I just get too lazy to measure, weigh and log and need a break from it from time to time. Hence the "cheat". But my cheat days aren't me sitting around eating chips and ice cream. I eat pretty close…
  • I typically will try to break down the ingredients in the meal and add them one by one, as best as I can manage. For something like Pad Thai I'd probably just Google to get an approximate number of calories and forgo inserting the rest of the nutritional information, but I might eat Pad Thai once a year, not once a week,…
  • I read. Right now I am about 70% through The Fiery Cross which is the 5th book in the Outlander series.
  • My face and chest are pretty red following a Spinning class or some time on the elliptical. The whole-face thing doesn't last super long but I do maintain a redness on my cheeks for a while, as though I've been in the sun.
  • I wake up with my 20 month old around 6:30am and I pretty much eat right away with her. It's so early that I am hungry for lunch before noon. :)
  • 5'1.5" here and just reached my 112 lb goal. :) I find that I can get up to 116-118 lbs without having to go up a size in clothes. I can't imagine dropping below 110. I'd starve!
  • Spinning. Love it.
  • I don't have to read any studies to know there is no way I am giving up my beer and wine. No.way. Thin doesn't taste as good as wine feels. LOL. I say that kiddingly, of course, but I seriously didn't have a huge problem reaching my goal weight while still drinking wine +/or beer on the weekends. I just am sure to track it…
  • Interesting. I"ll keep this in mind. That said, Bob's video that the OP is talking about seems kinda intense. Check out the description and comments on Amazon for it. It's advertised as including cardio. There is a video sample there too and it looks fast.
  • I am currently loving Kashi TLC Oatmeal and Dark Chocolate Cookies. They have enough chocolate to satisfy a craving without going overboard. Of course I suppose this idea would backfire if one were to eat the entire box in one sitting. lol
  • My FT40 does this. It also keeps a history of my recorded workouts including the time spent in each zone.
  • Well, if you're wearing a HRM it would be pretty accurate. And she's talking about a DVD, not lifting at the gym while taking breaks, etc. I imagine the Bob DVD is pretty face paced and keeps her heart rate relatively high.
  • Love my Polar FT40 but see a lot of good reviews on the FT4 here, which is less $ than mine.
  • I am not an expert but I *think* you can add "strength training" in the cardio section to have MFP estimate calories burned for a certain duration. Or I suppose you could wear a HRM during the dvd and then plug in your calories burned according to that. But in the cardio section instead of the strength section.
  • I recently joined here after growing tired of paying for WW Online. I liked WW and have had success with it, but it's expensive. There is no such thing as "lifetime" with an online membership and I've never been interested in attending meetings. Good luck! btw: the MFP scanner and tracker app is way better than WW's!
  • Yep. I just graduated from the 10 lbs club yesterday when I finally reached my goal weight after months of trying.
  • I have two girls, ages 5 years and 20 months, and my body is pretty much the same as before. I gained about 30 lbs with each and didn't have a c-section. The biggest change I noticed, and what took the longest to go back to normal, is that my rib cage seemed to be wider. I think even that is back to normal now. Never had…
  • I exercise because I want to eat. I reached my goal weight today. Haven't been obese, or overweight, a day in my life.
  • Hm, interesting. I have a new Polar FT40. Maybe I burn more because I am old and feel like I am doing to die through the entire 30 minutes. lol
  • There is a Roche Brothers store brand that is my favorite, but lately I've been sticking to whole wheat / flax tortillas and wraps because they're less bread and calories overall while still allowing me to eat a "sandwich".
  • I'm a mom of two girls, ages 5 years and 20 months, and have done (and loved) the following Jillian dvds: 30 Day Shred No More Trouble Zones 6 Week 6 Pack I've never done any of the above for umpteen days straight but rather just kinda rotate through them on days I don't go to the gym.
  • ENFP Software support from home. Totally goes against my personality since I am home alone all day. I crave nights out.
  • This is why I love the 30 Day Shred. It's such a quick workout that you can squeeze it in before the kids wake up in the morning, while they're napping, or when they go to bed. And *it* energizes you to wear you won't feel the need to nap yourself any longer. And if you're a SAHM I'd supplement the 30DS with lots of walks…
  • Just keep using your scale for everything at home until you're able to eyeball it. When in restaurants do the best you can. I've been measuring food on and off for a long time and as soon as I stop using my scale and measuring cups my portions start creeping back up.
  • Maybe this is your time. You have a clear goal now in terms of time/date. Figure if you aim to lose between a 1/2 lb to 1 lb per week you'll be there by this time next year.
  • I calc'd my BMR online and it's 1275. Not much higher than the 1200. So, while I was losing, I stuck to the 1200 for the most part. I figured the 75 difference was negligible in my case. I suppose if there was a big difference I might slightly modify my target calories a bit at a time until I hit a number that worked to my…
  • I recently bought this vid and have done it a few times. It makes me feel like I am going to die more than 30DS and more than No More Trouble Zones, but that could just be because I am new to it and getting used to the new moves. I don't really have proof of its effectiveness since I just started, but will say that I can…