Yup! I'm not giving up my beer or wine...



  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I was working on a stall at a music festival earlier in the Year.
    I was short on cash and trying not to do my usual eat-loads-of-everything I do at festivals.
    So I cooked my own food, didn't buy a thing but did drink a fair bit (benefit of camping in the main arena is you can very easily bring your own cans in), especially on the Saturday night when just from my own beer I reckon it was 1800 calories; then I there was the variety of spirits I was give, the large box of cider we found and some other random alcohol.

    Still managed to lose 8lbs over the entire time I spent there.

    Does the story have a point?
    Probably not; but alcohol certainly isn't the end of the world. I generally do try and do a bit extra exercise to 'make up' at some point. Haven't been out for a night drinking since i started using MFP; can see myself being the sad one pretending to text when I'm actually adding in a pint of Becks to my intake!
  • My family has worked in breweries for generations, beer is a family tradition I can simply not give up. I just have to account for it in my eating/exercise.
  • hevhoyda
    hevhoyda Posts: 146 Member
    I have cut out my drinking during the week if I do drink during the week it's only 1-2 drinks. On the weekends though I do drink more and just try to eat less and healthier to save calories for alcohol. Normally during the week I don't eat back all my exercise calories where on the weekends with alcohol I normally do. I just can't give up my beer and liquor.
  • crazy_indeed
    crazy_indeed Posts: 138 Member
    I have not and will not give up my wine. I have still lost weight. As a matter of fact frequently before I work out I say to myself, "okay, there is wine at home so let's kill this workout a glass of wine awaits you.". :)
  • crystal_darling
    crystal_darling Posts: 53 Member
    I gave up beer, (never really liked it and gave that up before mfp) but I will not give up my vodka or rum!
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    I still drink alcohol and know if i'm going to drink a certain day (usually the weekend) i'll make sure i'll leave some calorie room when planning the food for the day (: I do always drink jack daniels on the rocks though (who needs calories from cola, haha) although sometimes I have white wine.
  • eevers
    eevers Posts: 15
    I never binge, but I definitely have days where I just need a beer. Especially with a toddler, when hubby has a day off, that's my day to have a drink lol
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    I haven't given it up. I believe in everything in moderation. As long as it doesn't make you go over your daily calorie allowance & you don't consume it too frequently I think it's fine.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I enjoy red wine occasionally, but only a few ounces at a time. It's low in calories and carbohydrates (which is a concern for ME). I might still enjoy a night of vodka with a friend occasionally, but I am less interested because if I have too much I tend to overeat the next day and notice that I have cravings for unhealthy food. For now, not worth it for me. I don't like beer very much but plan to enjoy a few dark beers on my 40th birthday, and there is an Irish pub on the Disney cruise; yay!
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    :smile: I gave up alcohol almost entirely because I'd rather eat my calories. I typically tie a good one on twice a year now at two annual parties that are traditions (July and December). I don't miss it at all to be honest and this is coming from someone who didn't even catch a buzz until a 12 pack was killed. If you can't picture your life without alcohol you might want to do some soul-searching, but that's a different topic and not why you're here!


    The above link is pretty good, you might want to check it out.

    Cheers! :drinker:
    I was looking for a surprised/shocked smiley. I am a little disappointed they didn't have one. But 158 lbs lost?!!!!!!!
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    I haven't given it up. I believe in everything in moderation. As long as it doesn't make you go over your daily calorie allowance & you don't consume it too frequently I think it's fine.
    I agree 100% ^^ I'll never ever ever ever give up my sodium!!
  • I like to drink also. Lately I've been drinking Captain Morgan and Diet Coke - not every night. I also drink when I go on vacations. I think one time my diary said 5 drinks in one day. It occurred while I was on vacation we were on a long motortriycle ride (Can Am Spyder). You gotta relax, kick your feet up and sip away once in awhile:) :drinker:

    PS - I think the day with 5 drinks I also logged under my calorie allowance.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I used to drink 2-3 frozen margaritas every Friday and Saturday night. Now i will have a vodka, lime & seltzer on Friday night, or an occasional glass or two of wine...i weigh everything to keep the calories accurate. On a rare occasion I will blend frozen mango chunks with two shots of tequila and 1/2 oz of triple sec (that is @300 cals, so I only do that once in a great while). My point is (yes, I have one!!) that you can still enjoy yourself while losing weight. If this is a lifestyle change for you, you can make it work. :)
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I try to limit it to times it's really worth it. There are certain meals that just aren't the same without it (Italian and red wine; burgers and beer) but most of those we cook on the weekends and keep our weeknight meals simple anyway.

    I have had maybe one or two binges in the last 3 months, but no more than 3-4 drinks. Otherwise I try to keep it to 1-2 servings, once or twice a week.

    *Also, I go for quality over quantity. I don't care if my favorite Stout has more cals than Miller Lite...I'd rather have one pint than 3 weak beers for the same price and calorie count.
  • WickedSpinSistr
    WickedSpinSistr Posts: 139 Member
    I don't have to read any studies to know there is no way I am giving up my beer and wine. No.way.

    Thin doesn't taste as good as wine feels. LOL. I say that kiddingly, of course, but I seriously didn't have a huge problem reaching my goal weight while still drinking wine +/or beer on the weekends. I just am sure to track it like I do everything else. I'll actually work out an extra day so that I can somewhat cancel out the wine calories.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I gave it up completely, In the last 4 years I have had drinks (wine) twice once new years 2 glasses of bubbly to toast then back on program the next day, and once 2 huge glasses of chardonay at a Ruth Chris in Aruba and found the next day when I went to run in the morning on the beach I was clammy crappy taste in my mouth and the run was not great on my favorite beach of all.
    Considering that I knew I use to drink way to much and I am perfectly happy going out and doing all the things I use to do without drinking that formed my opinion.
    some things can be more fun and even feel better without the dulling of alcohol