LanakilaGirl Member


  • It could be shoes. I find that a nice new pair of running shoes can solve quite a few problems. The other thing I would look at would be the way you're running. Do you let you're feet go through a full range of motion or do you tend to keep you're feet in a more flexed position. Pay attention to that and see what you find.
  • I can't really relate to the "being big" side of things because I've never really been "big", but I can tell you what it's like on the other side watching the self destruction path of those that I love. It breaks my heart to see those that I love SO much slowly killing themselves off. Some are funny and use their weight to…
  • I personally, am not a fan of the 1200 calories. I don't think it's enough for anyone, but that's just me. . .
  • It depends on what Chinese food it is. Some is not so bad and some you need to stay away form. A lot of it is very high in Sodium though. Do your research before you eat it, choose wisely.
  • I like to floss and brush my teeth. I find that I am way less likely to snack after that because I really don't want to do it all over again.
  • I tend to have the same problem. I get snacky very easily. I like to stretch at night before I go to bed. When I start feeling snacky I just get down on the floor. Then it's to big of a pain to get back up to raid the kitchen and I just start stretching and I ALWAYS feel so much better after. It always takes away my urges…
  • I love both The Biggest Loser and Yoga Meltdown, they are both awesome! I just got Bob Harper's new one, Yoga For The Warrior. It's really good too.
  • Absolutely! I feel the same way. It's not a bad thing to feel like this after eating a ton of junk food. Your body is not supposed to be ok with shoving refined, processed sugar and junk into it. You should be proud of yourself for eating well enough and getting your body to the point where all the junk now makes you sick.…
  • It is very much time to clean out the junk! This has been a particularly rough holiday season for me. It's time to clean out pantry, fridge, freezer and any other place that may be hiding junk, as well as my poor body. Totally feelin the "junk food hangover" right about now. I think I'm gonna stick to lots of fruits,…
  • That is really neat. . . You know I've had my issues lately. That really, really humbles me, thank you. My issues could be SO much worse. . .
  • It breaks my heart! I go on field trips with my boys and I'm amazed at what parents are sending in lunches with their little ones, 16 oz bottles of Coke and Dr. Pepper (poor teachers) donuts, candy and nothing of any nutritional value. So, so sad. . . kids don't have the energy to play anymore. . .
  • I understand! I'm also a whopping 5'0 and trying to get rid of the last little bit. I'm finding that I really have to watch what I eat. Even if I stay under my calorie count it's what I eat that makes the biggest difference. If my calories consist of junk food and lot's of carbs instead of fresh, whole foods the scale goes…
  • Please don't go under 1200, your body will not be very happy with you. . .
  • When your dealing with 1200 calories it's better to be a little over than under. 1200 is an amazingly low number of calories. Stick to it as best as you can and keep an eye on your fat intake. Don't stress yourself out because that only makes things worse.
  • So, sorry. . . I really didn't mean to put off that there's not much to yoga. Yoga is tough and I've seen huge changes in my body from doing yoga, it's just a little different is all.
  • There isn't a huge difference. Yoga does a lot more stretching and is a little slower. Pilates is more strength oriented and focuses a lot on your core. I'm not saying that yoga doesn't focus on abs and it has some great power poses, but with Pilates you can also get into the machines and there are other variables that…
  • It's rubbing off on my family. My eight year asked me to run the 5K that his school is putting on with him.
  • Oh, yeah, my total calories for the cookies is 274. Seriously! That's almost 3 days worth right there. . . what a waste. That's how AWESOME I am!
  • Good thinking, donating your stuff. I'm already starting the challenge off with a bang! I ate not just one, but two cookies tonight. They weren't really worth it. Here's to hoping tomorrow is better, even though I have a family party. . .
  • That's huge! Good Job!
  • Hahahaha! Orange is my favorite color!
  • I just think it sounds fun. I'm always up for a challenge. . .
  • I will miss her, I think she has made a big difference in a lot of lives. . .
  • You're doing great! The healthiest option is slow and steady. I've never had a gym membership and have accomplished a lot. You don't need a gym. I have a lot of different videos and I love to run and bike. Have fun with it. Even if all you do is turn on some music and dance around the living room with your kids, that is…
  • It happens to all of us and we're crazy for thinking that it won't. Don't feel guilty, the guilt comes from hiding "things", whatever those "things" may be. Be honest about it, you're the only one that your hurting by hiding things. Everyone else knows that it's hard and no one is judging you. Accept the rough days and be…
  • I think it sounds fun! I totally agree that the Holiday Season, from Thanksgiving to New Year's, has become way to much about food and not enough about family and friends. I think we all either stress to much about what we're eating or use it as an excuse to eat whatever we want, whenever we want it. I want to create a…
  • Good Job! I think you look great, you should be very proud of yourself!
  • I couldn't agree more! It's all about you. If you cheat your way through or skip days, it's only you that your hurting. The site works, just make sure your ready to put it all out there. It's not easy and sometimes it's embarrassing, but if your ready, your ready. Make it work for you.
  • Actually I've found that I start to plateau if I'm super strict. When take those splurges, I end up losing a little more. You're metabolism needs a little jump start every now and then. It's not the end of the world. You should see what I had for lunch today. Lunch of CHAMPS, that's all I have to say about that!