

  • if you want your "arms" cut up you will want to do lite to mmedium weight 5-8 sets and anywhere from 15-20 reps. the goal is to get a good pump. i do arms 3 days a week. for biceps i do 5-6 sets of any where from 12-15 reps of preacher curls and weight between 70-80lbs. one day a week i will do 3 sets of breakdowns. 6reps…
  • to answer your question it is saying you have 5050 calories remaining is b/c MFP takes your calories for the day and then adds your calories burned. basically MFP wants you to eat your calories burned. i dont get that either if the goal is to lose weight and run a deficit. i eat my dailoy calorie alotment and what ever i…
  • he can hit the gym hard all day and eat like 4000 cals a day but it all comes down to genetics. if he is a small framed guy his body more than likely wont let him blow up like the hulk, however he could put on some really good lean muscle mass and look shredded. he needs to add like 20 lbs IMHO but he does ot rite he could…
  • i use it for both. if ido cardio on the gym carido equipmrnt there is always a differnce in cals burned for what the machine says to what the heart rate monitor says. i will generally go by the machine b/c if runon the traedmill for the same distance and same pace as i do outside the cals burned are very close. i always…
  • if you want to improve your running you will need some weight training. you should 3 sets of 15-20 of lite wieght for all your major mucscle groups. one exercise for chest, back, and shoulders. you should definitely do your abs every day. weighted ab crunches side/oblique crunches definitely bar twists, and leg or knee…
  • all great points. a good form is def the first step to avoiding injuries and also it help you conserve your energy. to help you with your current injury shin splints can becaused by over use. most runners who get shin splints are runnig 20+miles oer day everyday. i have a few friends that this has hapened too. i htink…
  • defintely this. if you feel extremely thirsty you may be dehydrated or consumed a lot of sodium. as long as you are staying hydrated through out the day you are doing it correctly
  • here is a smal list of some of the good fats: Organic, unpasteurized butter & cream Olives Peanuts and natural peanut butter ( in moderation) Organic flaxseeds and high lignan flaxseed oil Organic, extra virgin olive oil Raw nuts, cold pressed nut oils and natural organic nut butters (excluding peanuts): Almonds, pecans,…
  • or you can buy soy milk, lactose free milk or almond or coconut milk. nutrionally speaking soy milk has less fat and more protien than dairy milk
  • are you trying to bulk up or and lean cut up muscle? this is important b/cd depending on what you are trying to achieve you may need to adjust your macros and your weights. it sounds like you are eating alot of carbs. try eating your sweet potatos befor you lift and then veggies post. the oat meal is great for breakfast or…
    in need help Comment by icculus19 July 2012
  • i survived for years on one slice whole wheat bread with 4 slices of turkey, a slice of swiss cheese, and spinach. i would cut this in half and have one half with an apple at 11 am the second half and a bananna at 3pm. if you dont mind eating the same thing everyday i make a big thing of tuna salad minus the mayo on sunday…
  • actually black rice or "forbiden rice" is the best. you can find this rice at trader joes or whole foods
  • your TDEE takes into account your BMR and activity level. your BMR is ONLY the calories your body needs to function ie. basic bodily functions (breathing, heart pumping, thinking, etc) is it unwise to go below your BMR yes and know. you can eat below your BMR but you cannot do it for to long ie one year. then your body…
  • garmin forerunner 110 it comes with HRM and strap. the forerunner is the least expensive and has less bells and whistles. this is the same set up i have and have used it for over 2 years. it works great the cals burned when using the HRM is more accurate when you are walking running outside b/c you have satalite coverage…
  • i you are going to up yur cals do it slowly. if you up yours cals to quick you may gain wieght
  • belly fat is the hardest for guys to lose especially once you hit 30. for guys, fat is first stored around the midsection. the fat will come and go depending on the amount of carbs / bad fats he eats and how cardio is done. remember cals in vs. cals out. if he wants to build muscle and stay lean he will need a diet with…
  • i have the same issue with pain in the right knee. the best advice i can give is alieve pre and post run and ice post run. also try condrointant/glucosamine. also if you have a soft track (rubberized track) nearby give it a shot and see how the pain is. you may also want to stay away fron the treadmill (nototious for…
  • i do two works outs a day. moring run and weights at night. i do this because it fits into my xls and also long cardio followed by weights or weights followed by cardio is too draining. if you can i would recommended weights in the morning. you will have a higher metabolic rate through out the day ie burn more cals durning…
  • a good rule of thumb for your training runs (non race pace) is to be able to have a conversation. this works if you are running with someone i typically sing along to what ever is on my ipod also you need to breathe through the mouth otherwise you will not get enough oxygen. as stated before if you a breathing too heavy or…
  • keep your work out the same. goolge RMR/BMR and total daily energy expenditure. this is pretty simple just imput your stats and activity level and you will get the total amount of cals you need per day to maintain your current weight. check ou this website caloriesperhour.com/tutorial_BMR.php hope this helps
  • ahhh the age old problem "i want to get bigger and cut weight" you are not alone everyone wants to do this. however it is impossible. you cannot build muscle and gain strength while running a calorie deficit, cant be done. you can maintain your current strength and muscle mass while deiting but you will need to increase…
  • gold standard hydro whey turbo chocolate. 140 cals 30g pro 2g carbs 1g fat. it tastes great (imix mine with either almond milk or coffee) Whey Protein There are three different types of whey proteins; Whey protein isolates, whey protein concentrates, and whey blends. Whey Protein Isolate powders go through the most…
  • start out low and slow and build up your miles. try a stay off the treadmill becasue it is hard on your joints and especially if you are just starting you cannot controll your pace. what i mean is some times when you run you will run faster and slower durning certain parts of your run its natural with a treadmill you are…
  • speaking from experience, the belly fat is the last that goes it sucks i know. i sounds like your you have a pretty good program. when you are cutting/dieting and you have a fair amount of wieght to lose your body will plateau for a while and then start to drop again. also, keep in mind as you lose wieght you will burn…
  • more than likely youu are gaining muscle. whats your diet like? are you maintianing running a cal deficit or cal surplus? i ask because if you are running a cal surplus you may be adding fat but i doubt that. you are probably just adding more leaner muscle. if you are concerned about the weight gain simply lower the weight…
  • it is perfectly ok to lower your weights as you progress through a given routine. i do it all the time. for example when i do leg extensions (single leg) i will start with 100lbs and do 3 sets of 6 drop to 80lbs 3 sets of 10, and finish with 60lbs 3 sets of 15. if you start with high weight and low reps and finish…
  • i really dont have a cals burned goal when lifting. i do have a cals burned goal for cardio. i try to burn off the my entire days caloric intake durning cardio. so right now its 1200. remember to that after you do your weight training your body is still burning calories at a higher rate for about 2-3 hours you have…
  • im not sure about the water but i have the garmin HRM that with all their GPS watches and with their GPS devises for bikers. it gives you your heart rate as well as cals burned. its great for zone training and to know how cals i actually burned if i do cardio on the treadmil on any other cardio devise in the gym. i also…
  • yup you will need to drop your carbs down probably to around 10%-20% of your daily calories up your protien to 1.5 grams per body lbm
  • im not sure where you got the 1700 cals from if you are sedintary. you need to do a little more research ie finding out your BMR/RMR/TDEE. this will tell you your actual daily caloric needs. From that point deduct at least 500 cals to start to lose weight. also what are your marcos? (% of protein, carbs, fats) how many…