

  • Youtube! There are many different FREE workout videos on there that you can do from home ^_^
  • Stop watching television!! lol believe it or not this is a major contributor to mindless eating. 1 because it becomes a habit and you associate watching t.v with eating (also we associate being comfortable w eating) 2 85% of commercials and shows contain food. This makes you feel the need to eat subconsciously When…
  • Yes and I love it. Helps me get a good nights sleep and I feel the burn in the am lol My favorite time to exercise is 5:30 am. I drink my green tea with lemon and my multivitamin, then I head to the gym. It's still dark outside on my way to the gym and when I get back home I take a cold shower and I'm ready to start the…
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!! ^_^ Great job!!!
  • Honestly op that is why you need to completely be doing it for yourself. If you are doing it for others, you give them complete control. Let's say you lose the weight and feel like you look perfect. If that person cheats on you or calls you fat, you will start questioning yourself, wanting to lose more weight etc.…
  • Congratulations girl you look great!!! ^_^ I didn't notice I lost the chubby cheek thing until I looked back on some pictures like "Wait a minute, who is that?" 0_o lol
  • I don't have any experience with that specific type of birth control but I do have experience with Depo (known to cause massive weight gain) I took it 3 years ago and gained well over 30lbs within the first few months This time around I took it after having a baby and not only did I not gain any weight but I was able to…
  • 2 words "DAILY PLANNER" it is a life saver. buy some plastic containers and make your meals at night. Put them in your backpack and head out the door. Setting a time for everything you have to do can bring so much balance to your hectic schedule! Hope this helps ^_^
  • I just had a baby and honey I had a c-section, stretch marks etc. My post "had a baby..." you can see my before and after pics I credit my success to: Cold showers <<< yes Ice cold showers Coconut oil Bio oil Lots of water Healthy eating and exercise At first they begin to lift so they aren't so deep, then they shrink,…
  • Thank you ladies ^_^ you all are so nice As far as the challenge, it is over now :( but I will be starting a Weight Loss Program on July 16th and I will be logging my food / exercise etc. on here ^_^ I will also post information on the weight loss program on here instead of just on my site, since I can't direct you to my…
  • @jen I started a weight loss challenge two weeks ago on youtube ^_^ @maridar thank you, it's not easy but you can do it!!! Just believe you can, have faith and work hard! Whatever you do... Don't give up!!! ^_^
  • Thanks ^_^ @amelodyangel Yes, that is very true. Thanks for sharing ^_^
  • Thank you so much ladies another MAJOR Key is COLD SHOWERS!!! Yes Please don't look at me like I'm crazy lol There are so many health benefits / weight loss benefits with taking cold showers! It boosts your metabolism, helps your breathing, stamina, endurance, helps you with pain after a workout, etc. I have become a cold…
  • Thank you so much ladies. I did a 2 week weight loss challenge that had particular rules etc and it worked. I exercised 2 hours a day and I ate 6 small very healthy meals. I also had a day where I slipped (ate horrible foods) but I got right back on track the next day and was able to achieve these results!
  • This is one of the biggest struggles for bigger chested women. Here is what I do I wear a really good bra then a sports bra 1 size or 2 smaller then a body shaper with the top part then a tight tank top then whatever shirt I'm going to wear it holds them down and I can run all I want without being in pain or uncomfortable.
    in Bra's Comment by PrettyKeli July 2012
  • *raises hand* I'm interested ^_^
  • Thank you all for sharing your thoughts, opinions, experiences and warnings! To all of the positive, motivated women please feel free to add me as a friend ^_^
  • Yes it has always been hard for me. :( Since I became a mom so many of my "friends" fell off the map as well, it was ridiculous! It's sad to say but I believe it's easier to find a good man than it is to find a female friend 0_o and that says a lot!
  • your ears are pierced ^_^
  • I agree with the op. I am a 36G and I've come to realize cleavage or not there will be negative stares and words spoken. Your best bet is to dress however makes you happy. I dress according to what feels comfortable and appropriate to me. As far as smaller girls I do believe they are allowed to show more cleavage...…
  • Aww dang :( lol I know there might be some negative people / trolls but so far I've only encountered positive... would you say you run into more negative than positive on here?
  • Where should I start? lol Pregnancy Laziness Food Temptation Loss of self control lol Negative influences I came down with a case of "Comfortable" Something married folks catch... avoid this sickness lol and that was about it. I had to get myself back together mentally before I could even attempt to get myself back…
  • Hello to all of my fitness ladies, add me as a friend and let's stay in touch and help each other ^_^ to the op: It is sad that the hair excuse is true but it is understandable. I'm coming up with many alternatives for women who want to be fit and also look beautiful. ^_^ I've been natural now over 2 years. As far as…
  • A Matching sports bra and short set... yup that's the goal! lol to be able to walk in a gym and be mistaken for a personal trainer lo l:blushing: