wildrosegeo Member


  • My big comfort food is a full roast chicken (or turkey) meal. Roast chicken, stuffing (home made), carrots, green beans, mashed potatoes, etc. It ends up being a decently healthy meal. Lots of white chicken breast meat, and carrots and green beans are healthy (I never put butter on those, ew!), I mash the potatoes with low…
  • When I lived in Alberta, we ate a lot of freshwater fish - trout and pike. Mostly trout. It was fun to go out fishing, in addition to getting supper. I also bought frozen pickerel from local fishermen in the winter. I love freshwater fish. Now I live beside the ocean and get everything fresh :)
  • I don't feel right about the concept of "cheating" when it is applied to anything, so I don't practice cheat days. It makes me feel dishonest with myself! I would rather just honestly log what I eat, and I allow myself "treat" days from time to time, where I go over my calorie limits but within reason and I still log what…
  • Supper is my big meal of the day. I'm not too hungry during the day, so I graze on small snacks.
  • We moved from a zone 2a to a zone 5 last year (Canadian zones), and I'm excited to finally be able to grow stuff. We also have a 1/2 lot, so I can have a massive garden. I'm going to try almost everything I possibly can, and if I am successful I might fly out my mom and/or grandma to teach me how to can and preserve a lot…
  • I love wine spritzers, because they are lower calorie and inexpensive. Buy a white wine, some clubs soda, and the garnish. A few frozen berries (or freeze raspberries and mint leaves in an ice cube!) make a pretty, sweet spritzer. Muddle some ginger and rosemary for a nice slightly savoury one. Spritzers are versatile :)
  • I don't understand what you guys don't understand. Food prices vary a lot depending on where one lives. The further from a major centre or food growing region you are, the more expensive fresh things will be. Processed foods have the luxury of slower forms of transport because the won't spoil. They don't need insulated…
  • I was :( Now I live in St John's. I miss Calgary! That said, anyone can add this homesick Albertan to their friends list!
  • It's great! It's one of those things where you have to accept it for what it is (in this case, a cauliflower crust) instead of what it is pretending to be (pizza crust), but with that in mind it is good! I prefer a nice flatbread pizza, though.
  • Local roasters, where possible. I look for fair trade, organic when I can get it. That said, I am currently drinking some Kick *kitten* because it was on sale at the grocery store (and it's roasted where I used to live, on the other side of Canada)
  • ^^ I do want to point out that it's very easy and entirely doable to make all your meals from scratch even if you (and your partner if applicable) work full time. I'm back working now after being a SAHM for a few years, and my from-scratch cooking hasn't changed one bit. My grocery bill, however, has gone down because I am…
  • Unless I find an amazing sale, the cheapest whole chickens here are $12. Food, eating and prices are so highly dependant upon where you live!
  • I was born and raised in Alberta, and now live in Newfoundland. Yes, I did the opposite! I would love more Canadian friends on here! Feel free to add me, anyone.
  • A big part of this is where you live! My family is me, my partner and our toddler, and we spend $500-$600/month on groceries. Things are just expensive here. I buy a lot of frozen produce, particularly in the winter when fresh is either hard to find or prohibitively expensive. Usually I stock up when things are on sale, I…
  • I substitute spaghetti squash for spaghetti. It's pricier than pasta, but it's not too bad, and if you roast it with garlic in the oven it's amazing. That was my supper tonight, "spaghetti" and homemade tomato sauce (store bought sauces usually have a lot of sugar). Low in calories, high in fibre and flavour!
  • I think breadcrumbs are often used in meatloaves to stretch it, more than to make it sticky. It gets baked in a loaf pan, so it's not like it needs to be super sticky like a hamburger or anything that sits on a grill. Egg is typically the binding agent in meatloaf instead of breadcrumbs. I stretch my meatloaf with very…
  • I'm a scientist. Bad labelling just gets to me the way slightly crooked pictures or mismatched socks might irritate other people. A label means a lot. If there is a more accurate term available to describe something, why not use it?
  • Any "paleo dieter" who consumes blueberries, tomatoes, potatoes, cashews, brazil nuts, bison, turkey, chocolate, sunflower seeds, avocados is also a fraud! No paleolithic person had access to these delicious New World crops/foods. Having spent a lot of time in remote indigenous communities in northern Canada, I see no…
  • Are you sure your calorie count/weights are accurate?
  • Bananas are one of my sweet treats, as in, when I am craving something sweet, I eat a banana instead of a treat. And bananas are so versatile! They come in their own sturdy wrapper so they are great for lunches, if you freeze really ripe ones they work well in baking as a substitute for oils/eggs, and bananas in smoothies…
  • First, I ask, is it better than something I can make? If it's generic, store-bought stuff, I can be fairly confident it will taste cardboardy and processed. That makes it easier to say no. If it's food from a local bakery, or boutique shop, then I allow myself to have a small portion and I just log it. Life is too short to…
  • I'm a working mum to 1. I would love to have more parents on my friends list!
  • It's great as a hair conditioner! I'm weird and love the taste of vinegar so sometimes I had a splash to my water bottle, but I don't think it has any additional health benefits.
  • If you've only ever had cow's milk, almond milk might take a bit of getting used to. I love it! I only buy unsweetened, and use it often. I'm not a fan of soy milk at all, but I love almond milk.
  • Even if lingonberries (aka "low bush cranberries" colloquially) were magical, I still don't think I'd want to eat a lot of them. Usually you need quite a bit of sugar to make them palatable!