

  • 2 Weet-bix with skim milk - literally 140cals and keeps u full enough otherwise I fast for the morning
  • Im from Perth! South of the River! x
  • Hi! Although everybody is different, I'll share what broke my plateau when I reached my "trouble spot" at 132lbs. I was up until then doing cardio everyday for 30mins (30 Day Shred etc...) but got stuck so I decided to do some weights, and I mean lifting HEAVY not light weights/low reps kind of thing and I got blasted out…
  • Alright awesome advice! Thank you so much everyone! I'll stick to my slow-upping of calories (sorry for the bad english hahah) so I've raised it to 1700 this week and then next week up to 1800 and so on, and you say to stay at TDEE for 8 weeks after that? A little nervous about that! but will definately give it a shot! Any…
  • Non-junk foods: - Flavoured protein shake - Peanut butter - Muesli bars (the ones without yoghurt topping or chocolate of course - just fruit/nuts/grains) JFF - 4 days :) (although im sitting across the lunch table and it has cakes ALL over it for a bday!)
  • Hahaha its weird I was just thinking about doing this coz of Feb fast but with junk food! Count me in :)
  • Awesome! Am adding u ladies now :) Nice to meet all of u and hope we can motivate and encourage eachother! xx
  • HI everyone! This is a great idea! Age: 25 Height: 5'4" HW: 141lbs (64kg) CW: 128lbs (58kg) UGW: 120lbs (54kg) BF%: 17-20% Any twinnies out there (or anyone just as nice!) please feel free to add me! Just leave a msg about this post please :)
  • Thanks so much for the advice :) Have slowly started on 1500 and getting the hang of it, my body isn't freaking out too which is great, feel abit bloated though :S But I'm sure it'll pass... Will try this for 2 weeks and jump up to 1600 afterwards then keep going up... I'm just happy to be able to eat well and fuel my body…
  • Great! I dont think I could eat that much wihtout sneaking in some chocolate hahah Thanks again :)
  • Although.... I'm still alittle confused about the "exercise cals" part of this now.... I burned about 400 cals doing P90X yesterday and my cal goal (minus any exercise) is 1500 - should I also be 'eating back' the extra 400 cals I burned on top of this, so 1900?!?
  • Awesome! thats what I thought as well.... Thanks so much for the help - will start this week on 1500 and gradually increase to 1700 I think.... Tried eating 1500 last night and it was abit of a struggle (didn't make it unfortunately but close to 1400!) I think it will be an adjustment!
  • I suggest you read this article: It pretty much summarises everything I would have said anyway! :) I've been lifting weights for a while now with my husband who bodybuilds, with his help as a spotter I try to lift my maximum one-reps and it feels great!…
  • Nup, annoys me too! I plan my meals up to the point of actually downloading a menu for a place when i go out to eat, and it ANNOYS ME when the menu hasn't been updated for ages and has changed and I've already chosen what i want and its not on the menu anymore!! But yeh, sometimes my man decides that he wants to have pizza…
  • This sounds like my fave new brekky too! My homemade Bircher muesli, although I use water rather than milk (and i think the actual recipe calls for apple juice) Just mix a pre-made, untoasted muesli mix (or oats if you want to add your own nuts/sultanas etc.) with just enough water to absorb into the oats but not make it…
  • combined and separate... we have our own seperate accounts as well as a joint account that we can both access
  • 5"4 and wear an AUSTRALIAN 6-8 (which is US 4-6)......currently weigh 127lbs but ultimate goal of 120lbs :)
  • Grapes and cherries! and lately.... choc-covered cherry coconut muesli bars hahaha (not so good for you but only 130 cals...)
  • This is great advice, I do this as well and spend time every week to plan my meals ahead for each day, including the amount I'll be having and it works great, I find that on days I don't do this Im less controlled with what I eat and i always make sure to add a small treat to keep my encouraged for the day too, just in…
  • MFP isn't always accurate, they don't take into account alot of factors that you need to consider For example, they have me set at 1350 cal but that is below my BMR so I customised it to 1500 and hey presto I started losing weight again! check out this site to maybe figure out your own BMR and set your own, accurately…
  • I think you need to eat more at breakfast, remember brekky should be ur biggest meal then lunch and dinner ur smallest (unless you workout in the afternoon) "Eat like a king for breakfast, eat like a prince for lunch and a pauper at dinnertime" Lunch should have some protein in it so keep you going until dinnertime so…
  • Don't worry about them! Honestly, if they judge thats their problem, you're there to get fit! Some advice...I like to force myself to set up at the front of the class so that I get more motivation from looking at myself in the mirror (I'm assuming they have mirrors in the classes) and checking my form is correct......Also…
  • Muesli and Sheeps milk yoghurt (with lite milk) and a protein shake :) ....But looking forward to my 'weekend' brekky because I'm going to have toast, one with vegemite and one with PB&J!! hahah So excited!
  • Eat fruit or drink apple juice/fruit juices They're full of carbs (and calories) but are 'good' for you so you might feel less bad (if you feel bad at all) (eg. 1 apple = 80 cal) Just tack it onto the end of your lunch as a dessert-type ender and you won't even notice Or maybe try not to fill up on veges and protein and…
  • Im on Day 29!! My body i fatigued because I didn't realise you had to take one day off a week (I think the Sunday) Oh well, no point starting now.... but I'm also on a diet plan I haven't found it to be too challenging just gets alittle repetitive, first two weeks were difficult but your body gets used to it
  • Hi, I'm from Perth :)
  • I'm in! I have been recording weekly anyway since I started seriously dieting/exercising and plan to lose 2 more kg (4.4 lbs) by the end of November, let's see if I can! :) Starting weight - 141 lbs (64kg) Current weight - 132.7 lbs (60.2kg) Goal weight - 127 lbs (57.5kg) 11/1 -135.5 (61.5kg) *Thankful that I have finally…