

  • SW: 250 CW: 234 GW: 225 Weigh in Dates: 3/1 - 234 3/8 - 234 3/15 - 233 3/22 - 231 3/28 I really need to move my butt!
  • SW: 250 CW: 234 GW: 225 Weigh in Dates: 3/1 - 234 3/8 - 234 3/15 - 233 3/22 3/28 I'm a few days behind on reporting, its just been busy but I weighed this past Friday. I haven't lost much but none of my work pants fit me in the waist anymore so I count that as a victory as well. I hope to start seeing it on the scale VERY…
  • SW: 250 CW: 234 GW: 225 Weigh in Dates: 3/1 - 234 3/8 - 234 3/15 3/22 3/28
  • Oh, good point! I had not thought about that, thanks for pointing it out!!!
  • Good goals Vendy! I'm hoping to drop about 10 this month, we'll see. I need to up my workout time, diet has been spot on during the week but not so much on the weekend so I need improvement there too. I'm not on the forums much because I use the app on my phone more often than not, but I'm still around. Hang in there…
  • SW: 250 CW: 234 GW: 225 Weigh in Dates: 3/1 - 234 3/8 3/15 3/22 3/28 I weigh in on Friday so I'm down with the schedule. I started Crossfit in January but I haven't been in the last week so my March goal is to be more consistant with attending. Lets do this!!!
  • I have the Polar FT4 and absolutely love it! I like the amount of info it gives me. When I was shopping for one I wasn't as interested in what it offers but went up a notch on what I bought so I could grow into it. I rinse the chest strap afer each use and haven't had a problem.
  • wake up, potty, shower, put on tank and undies, put scale in same place, make sure its level, exhale and hope for the best! my official weigh day is friday, gives me a full week of workouts. sometimes i'll sneak one in a day or two early but try to resist the urge.
  • I would make your paying client the "team" leader. Provide her with the workout info and she can lead the 2 workouts a week. Unless she wants to start paying you more to train people who haven't retained you.
  • Two days isn't bad in the grand scheme of things. Take the negative comments at work as jealousy. Its all about you being happy with yourself!!
  • I use a heart rate monitor when I exercise so that I have an accurate count of calories burned. I will eat them back if I'm hungry and try to make the healthy food choice. Sometimes I don't get home until late and want to graze, that's my current battle. I suggest a HR monitor for the calorie count and because it helps you…
  • So this is my last week of the intro class for crossfit, I have the option to continue in it if I want in order to make sure I'm doing the exercises properly. I think I will continue because I don't want to hurt myself. I've gone to our academy for extra cardio after just because it doesn't feel like enough in class. Most…
  • Tameko, some of us on the program call it that just for giggles. We are required to meet weight or pass a skinfold test. If you fail the skinfold test after weighing too much then you go on the program. Basically it requires us to track food/exercise, weigh in weekly and meet with a dietician. The goal is to educate us so…
  • Thanks Vendy and Chan! I'm still liking crossfit, I'm sore as hell today but going back for more tomorrow. I'm hoping once I can go to regular classes then I'll have more cardio time. Since we are just learning the exercises our workouts are about 20 minutes, depending on how long it takes each individual to do the…
  • Happy New Year all!!! I'm not doing a resolution either, just gonna strive to be a better me in 2013. As far as weight loss goes I'm fighting coming up with a definate number I want to be, I just want to get healthy and comfortable. I was transferred to 3rd shift which resulted in weight gain and a decrease in gym…
  • Hi All! I'm Aimee, 37 and married 8 months as of yesterday. Kids are in the future for us in about a year hopefully but all my weight is self inflicted. I've been on MFP for about a year now but started logging good after I got married. I'm in law enforcement so being healthy and fit is important. I've lost about 20 pounds…
  • what kind of email do you have? have you tried the calendar on email? i use microsoft office email for work and put everythong on it.
  • Good morning all!! I hope everyone is doing well. I didn't do the best eating this weekend but I have made my step goal of at least 10,000 the last three days. I've been working late so I've not been able to get to the gym so I MUST make my step goal daily!!! Gonna try for the gym again today, tired of working late! For…
  • Tip for MFP newbies: If you haven't noticed yet or been told by others, keep in mind that alot of the foods in the database were entered by other members and may not be right. If you have the label enter the info into your foods so that when you reuse it you know it will be accurate. You will also be given the option to…
  • I have much respect for you taking on such a challenge and being there for your family, I can only imagine how difficult it must be. I think the depression is understandable. My suggestion would be that instead of eating you just go for a walk to clear your mind. The gym is therapy for me, you can sweat until you dehydrate…
  • Tip: Use a pedometer and aim for 10,000 daily, not including exercise. I'm working with a trainer who said that 70,000 steps in a week is 35 miles. On average we burn about 100 calories walking a mile. There are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat. He said if you get the 70,000 weekly its 15 pounds a year. It may not sound…
  • I'm in! I'm currently 252 and my first minigoal is to drop 15 pounds by the middle of June. I haven't really decided on a goal weight but I'm thinking aroun 170-180. My life in onederland ended in 2000. I was fit and in a size 14 at 175 so I think I would be good with that, could be more tone than I was. Getting to…
  • Getting out of the 300s is a huge accomplishment!! Don't minimize that, look at what you have been able to achieve and continue towards your goal. Having a final goal weight is good but set goals that will be achieved along the way, like 10 or 20 pounds. If you focus on that end number you may feel overwhelmed by the task.…
  • Good morning!! Well, I weighed in this morning and I've gained 2 pounds which isn't too bad I guess considering the Christmas parties. However, a gain is never good. My inhaler is working well so I'm feeling good about starting back to the gym on Sunday. I've been back at keeping up with my food this week so that's good. I…
  • Good morning all! So I went back to the doctor yesterday and was given an inhaler for two weeks. I'm still winded so gonna give the inhaler a few days to work its magic. I plan to start back to the gym Sunday as my gym days will be Sunday through Thursday. I hope everyone is having a good week so far. Hang in there!!
  • Check in So today is the first time I weighed in in 2 weeks. Yesterday I felt as though I had gain 10 pounds. Well I'm happy to report that I have lost 0.6 pounds which isn't much at all for 2 weeks but it is not a gain. I haven't been to the gym in about that long because of illness. I have a follow up with my doctor…
  • Yes, I'm still alive although I have asked to be put out of my misery a few times the past few days. I have pneumonia and a bad sinus infection. Last week when I was feeling so down I had been really tired for a few days and had some sinus headaches. When I woke up Wednesday and it felt like someone was sitting on my chest…
  • So, I have been out of pocket the past few days and eating like I'm skinny already. I also have not been to the gym. I'm not sure what the heck my problem is. I was getting dressed for work this morning and all I could think about was not wanting to be 200 pounds at my wedding. I just haven't gotten the motivation to stick…
  • CHECK IN Well, I weighed in today and am the same as last week. It is my own fault, while I have increased my workouts from none to a few times a week I am not going often enough. I need to get up to at least 4 times a week. I do good with my water during the week but not on the weekends. Still working on it!!!
  • So, today was the official weigh in day. I got on the scale Monday and was 4 pounds heavier than last Wednesday. I expected the same today, well I was wrong!! I have only worked out twice since last Tuesday and ate like I was eating for 2 while home at Thanksgiving for 4 days. So, I was only down .2 pounds which is not…