Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    The things we do for love! I hope your dog gets better soon. Poor thing.

    I am so jealous of your gateway to 8k, asjerven! I'm only on week 2 of c25k and can't wait to get where you are right now.

    Am I the only person on this planet who doesn't like popcorn? I know I must be a complete weirdo, because everyone else seems to love it. I only like the sweet kind.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    *love* me some popcorn ya'll! hope your dogs get all better and maybe start behaving a little more cat-ish...well, maybe not...that would probably include even more jumping!

    welcome aboard, kksn! it's a great group here.

    thanks for the tough love, rmkorama - i needed that!

    weigh in tomorrow...not expecting much of a loss, if any, but i'm going to eat a good dinner and tons of water...partly to make my scale comply, but mostly because it's about time i drink a ton of water! i've been neglecting my water bottle this week!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Oh, are we actually allowed to kick your butt? *Contemplates* Ok, not gonna do it because I did a lot of strength training today and my legs still feel weak! I was actually shaking when I stopped to stretch, but I will say this. Get your booty back to it! Otherwise, I'll give it an across-the-ocean kick and that might not be too pleasant for either of us. Please, don't make me work any harder than I have to. Besides, you're the non-moms' mom! We're all looking up to you. :devil: :tongue:
  • Thank you, everyone! Just got to pick her up from the vet.... $300 dollars and 12 staples later, she is almost good as new. I have to take her back in 14 days to have the staples removed then she will be all better. I just have to keep the two pups apart because the 1 year old wants to play too much. So much for studying today... I didn't get a single thing done. I have a test tomorrow that I haven't studied even 15 minutes for, literally.... There goes my A for this class. :(
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    Thank you, everyone! Just got to pick her up from the vet.... $300 dollars and 12 staples later, she is almost good as new. I have to take her back in 14 days to have the staples removed then she will be all better. I just have to keep the two pups apart because the 1 year old wants to play too much. So much for studying today... I didn't get a single thing done. I have a test tomorrow that I haven't studied even 15 minutes for, literally.... There goes my A for this class. :(

    I'm glad you got your girl back ok. Have more faith in yourself on the test tomorrow, I bet you do better than you expect!!!

    I hit the elliptical today for another hour. I only burned 650 calories and didn't go as far as yesterday. I felt the burn alot more than yesterday, I didn't even want to bother going but I did. I'm glad that I went and I plan to go every day this week until Saturday, that will be my day off from the gym.

    I can't remember who posted about all the cravings, my memory is mush after work. I would just like to say tough out the cravings. Usually those cravings come once a month for me, sorry guys. I've heard your metabolism increases at that time so if you stay strong you will prevail!!!

    Tomorrow is hump day!!! (there is sooooo a cardio joke there) :blushing:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did it!! 50 minutes of running. I slowed down for a minute but I was still running. But after 30DS yesterday I am hurting. No more 30DS this week, just wanna finish Gateway to 8k.
    Stick with couch to 5k, ickybella, it was a breakthrough for me, seriously, before June 2010 I couldn't run for more than a few minutes.
    Oh, and I am thinking I don't like my username, it is not clever, and my name is Amy, but the username is not very interesting, wish I would have given it more thought!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Get your booty back to it! Otherwise, I'll give it an across-the-ocean kick and that might not be too pleasant for either of us. Please, don't make me work any harder than I have to. Besides, you're the non-moms' mom! We're all looking up to you. :devil: :tongue:

    smirk...the non-moms' mom...say that quickly five times while holding your tongue! :tongue: but you're right...i need to focus. i can so do this!

    that rocks on your 50 minutes, jerven! i'm still in c25k, in the vicinity of week 5...i have to keep making up routines because i can do everything up to that point, but i'm no where *near* going for 20 minutes solid. i can't imagine doing jillian michaels on top of that - props to you!

    glad your doggie love is back home, julie. we have three cats, and one had to stay overnight at the vet's and it sucked, so i'm glad she's back where she belongs!

    happy wednesday to everyone! keep doing what you're doing because it sounds like you're all kicking butt and taking names! :smokin:
  • kksn
    kksn Posts: 122 Member
    Okay, so I was very apprehensive about the Thanksgiving holiday and how that would affect my eating, exercising, and weight loss goals. I went home to my parent's house for 4 days and weighed myself the day I left. My husband is really supportive of me, so he made sure to help me get out and go for my run each day we were there. I wasn't able to meet my calorie goals for any of the 4 days I was home (holiday food is just too rich), but I did manage to stay under or at the # of calories I'd need to maintain weight... and my husband has been my cheerleader in this too, reminding me that it's okay once in a while. Anyhow, I got on the scale this morning (one week after I last weighed myself) and I am happy to say that I still lost 1 pound! Whoo Hoo!!! :) If it hadn't been for my wonderful husband and the MFP app on my iPhone that I use religiously, I don't think I would have been able to stay successful through this holiday. Now, the next challenge: Christmas! :smile:

    I'm curious to know, what are all the ways the rest of you stay on track and accountable. What helps you when eating and exercising situations get tough?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Okay, so I was very apprehensive about the Thanksgiving holiday and how that would affect my eating, exercising, and weight loss goals. I went home to my parent's house for 4 days and weighed myself the day I left. My husband is really supportive of me, so he made sure to help me get out and go for my run each day we were there. I wasn't able to meet my calorie goals for any of the 4 days I was home (holiday food is just too rich), but I did manage to stay under or at the # of calories I'd need to maintain weight... and my husband has been my cheerleader in this too, reminding me that it's okay once in a while. Anyhow, I got on the scale this morning (one week after I last weighed myself) and I am happy to say that I still lost 1 pound! Whoo Hoo!!! :) If it hadn't been for my wonderful husband and the MFP app on my iPhone that I use religiously, I don't think I would have been able to stay successful through this holiday. Now, the next challenge: Christmas! :smile:

    I'm curious to know, what are all the ways the rest of you stay on track and accountable. What helps you when eating and exercising situations get tough?

    I let it go...Christmas is a big "eating" holiday...thankfully I'm hosting the one side of the family so I can cook as low fat as possible, have my scale in my own kitchen so I can measure...but I'm going to wing it at my mom's house. I'm there for 3 days. I know not to stuff my face with her awesome tarts, or to have every type of pie she sets out. I know that I need to drink water, and not the pop my dad has stashed behind his "man cave" door. Simple things like that will help me get through the holidays I think.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yeah, you just have to work in some exercise and reasonable portions, but otherwise enjoy, a few high-calorie days every once and awhile is good for your metabolism if you are otherwise consistent. And I think sticking to maintenance cals is another good strategy, so you feel like you are indulging but not doing any real harm, right?!
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Hello, hello to everyone!

    Sorry for the delay on getting the most up-to-date list of December goals posted. I spent some time the past few days being unmotivated to do much of anything, then had to wrestle with the idea of applying for a job. Now that I've decided to apply for said job, I have to update my resume and pull a cover letter out of thin air. And of course, I did procrastinate, so it's due today.

    However, I just want to put a shout out to all the new people who have joined since the initial post. Here's your chance! Anyone in this group who wants to participate in a personal December challenge/goal/whatever, go ahead and post it here. I'm keeping a list, though I doubt I will check it twice due to time constraints. Said list will be posted sometime today, hopefully, or tomorrow morning at the latest.

    We will then check in on our individual December goals on a weekly basis and try to help each other keep motivated. Again, your choice whether or not to participate, but if you don't post a goal, I'll take you off the list for this activity. You will, however, still be a Nom-Nom.

  • I'm glad you got your girl back ok. Have more faith in yourself on the test tomorrow, I bet you do better than you expect!!!

    Haha well the faith I had in myself turned out to be just about right... I just posted this on another topic so I am just going to paste it here:

    Today I had a test for nursing school. I didn't study one bit for it. Which is so VERY unlike me. We have a test every two weeks, and I am just so fed up with studying. Every day my life is surrounded by studying. So for the last two weeks, I just didn't study. Which of course my grade is now reflecting. I made a 74% on my test today. (Which in nursing school is a D -- aka, I failed the test ). AWESOME! (note sarcasm) Thankfully, my last test I made a 96% (see where studying gets you kids!). My final is one week from today, and from my low grade on this test I pretty much blew my chances of getting an A in the course. :( I have to make above a 55 on my final in order to pass the class, and above a 77 to get a B in the class. In order to get an A in the class I would have to make a 100% exactly on the exam. HA yeah right! Oh well, it was nice having those two weeks off from studying. Oh and I also skipped about half the lectures, whoopsie. haha

    Hopefully, my weightloss is going better then school is. I did go to the gym today and did the elliptical for 67 minutes. Which burned 758 calories! Whoo hoo... still waiting on my HRM to get here, so I can know a more realistic number of calories burned (instead of basing it off the machines & this site).

    Congrats on everybodys hard work! You are all doing wonderful, keep it up!
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member

    Yes, I know, it's December 2, but it's close enough for me. Here are the updated names of people who have chimed in on this thread, along with associated goals for December. There are still a lot of blank spaces in there, which will be deleted for the next time this is posted, but I just wanted to give everyone one more chance to review even though, really, we officially started this yesterday. If there is something missing for you [like, your name and/or goal] please send it to me in a private message. Combing through the thread can be challenging! :)

    As for me, I changed my goal from walking 6 days a week to doing the 30-Day Shred for, well, 30 days. Go me! I can do it, right? Riiiiiiiight. Part of this is because of a change at work that means my free 1/2 hour before work will be going away, and I have to figure out how to make adjustments so I can still get that walk in. In the meantime, I'll have to rely on other workouts.

    In the good news department, my weight this morning was the same as last Thursday! So after all that, I did manage to maintain through the holiday. Now tonight is dinner out with the hubby for his birthday at our favorite burger place. It helps that he is also trying to lose weight and be more healthy, so we agreed that we would get one [gigantic] burger -- whatever kind he wants -- and share it and the fries. He'll get a piece of carrot cake for his birthday, and that'll basically be it. I think that'll work out well.

    Anyhow, without further ado...

  • Had a bad day yesterday. I need to figure out how to get out of my own way. I have come so far and have been at a solid maintain since July. Ummm... that's great but i don't want to be maintaining right now. It's frustrating and I know that some of this is my own fault. I can't seem to get interested in doing cardio on my non-gym days, and i can't seem to get interested in ignoring the cookies when they are in front of my face. I need to not bring stuff into the house that i find tasty that is bad. That has to be the solution at this point. I can ignore it when I am out in the world, but when I am home with nothing in particular to do, it's game on. What I really need to do is break the sweets habit. I know that i am totally addicted to them right now and need to just go cold turkey. I don't mind sugar added things (hello... don't ask me to give up my chocolate!) but it is the cookies and the cakes and all that... they need to go for at least 30 days, if not longer, so I can try to just break the constant craving.

    What's weird is that I have done it so easily with other things. Diet coke... quit it cold turkey never really looked back (tried it once after not having it for about 6 months and found out i didn't like it anymore. done!) sweets i can't seem to do, though. I did it for a week and lost a good chunk of weight that week. Former diet dude told me to treat myself... I gave in and did it, and haven't stopped. I can do it... i just need to figure out where i set down my will power. *sigh*
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    So, today was the official weigh in day. I got on the scale Monday and was 4 pounds heavier than last Wednesday. I expected the same today, well I was wrong!! I have only worked out twice since last Tuesday and ate like I was eating for 2 while home at Thanksgiving for 4 days. So, I was only down .2 pounds which is not much at all but is great considering the past week. I'm feeling better each day!!!!

    Happy Thursday all!!!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I am obsessing about my lost elliptical today. I had a proform trainer for 8 years or so. I loved that thing. I didn't use it as often as I should have, but I did enjoy when I did use it. I had to sell it when I moved because my boyfriend (husband now) didn't think there was enough room in the house. I regret that immensely. That also seemed to coincide with my 10 pound gain (which I lost before our wedding) and now my 15 pound gain (which I've lost most of). I have a Gazelle, but it makes my hips and feet hurt. I found one on Craigslist for $150 but it looks huge... so I was searching online and found one on Walmart for $277 that looks perfect and relatively small. I WANT IT!!!!!! It wouldn't take up anymore room than the drumset my husband got for Christmas last year.... :grumble:

    Yes, I know, it's December 2, but it's close enough for me. Here are the updated names of people who have chimed in on this thread, along with associated goals for December. There are still a lot of blank spaces in there, which will be deleted for the next time this is posted, but I just wanted to give everyone one more chance to review even though, really, we officially started this yesterday. If there is something missing for you [like, your name and/or goal] please send it to me in a private message. Combing through the thread can be challenging! :)

    Just sent you mine, sorry for not posting it in the first place! have a great day! :)
  • I am obsessing about my lost elliptical today. I had a proform trainer for 8 years or so. I loved that thing. I didn't use it as often as I should have, but I did enjoy when I did use it. I had to sell it when I moved because my boyfriend (husband now) didn't think there was enough room in the house. I regret that immensely. That also seemed to coincide with my 10 pound gain (which I lost before our wedding) and now my 15 pound gain (which I've lost most of). I have a Gazelle, but it makes my hips and feet hurt. I found one on Craigslist for $150 but it looks huge... so I was searching online and found one on Walmart for $277 that looks perfect and relatively small. I WANT IT!!!!!! It wouldn't take up anymore room than the drumset my husband got for Christmas last year.... :grumble:

    lost exercise to music... im sorry. tell him that since he thought your elliptical wouldnt fit and his drum set will, that he will have to drum out a beat for you to work on the new one with :) lol

    hope your day gets better :)
  • nolafitchick
    nolafitchick Posts: 46 Member
    Yes, I know, it's December 2, but it's close enough for me. Here are the updated names of people who have chimed in on this thread, along with associated goals for December. There are still a lot of blank spaces in there, which will be deleted for the next time this is posted, but I just wanted to give everyone one more chance to review even though, really, we officially started this yesterday. If there is something missing for you [like, your name and/or goal] please send it to me in a private message. Combing through the thread can be challenging! :)
    sending PM ASAP

    [qoute]As for me, I changed my goal from walking 6 days a week to doing the 30-Day Shred for, well, 30 days. Go me! I can do it, right? Riiiiiiiight. Part of this is because of a change at work that means my free 1/2 hour before work will be going away, and I have to figure out how to make adjustments so I can still get that walk in. In the meantime, I'll have to rely on other workouts[/quote]

    Geaux You!!! (Cajunize "Go" for ya'll :happy: )
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I am obsessing about my lost elliptical today. I had a proform trainer for 8 years or so. I loved that thing. I didn't use it as often as I should have, but I did enjoy when I did use it. I had to sell it when I moved because my boyfriend (husband now) didn't think there was enough room in the house. I regret that immensely. That also seemed to coincide with my 10 pound gain (which I lost before our wedding) and now my 15 pound gain (which I've lost most of). I have a Gazelle, but it makes my hips and feet hurt. I found one on Craigslist for $150 but it looks huge... so I was searching online and found one on Walmart for $277 that looks perfect and relatively small. I WANT IT!!!!!! It wouldn't take up anymore room than the drumset my husband got for Christmas last year.... :grumble:

    I have been looking all over the freecycle boards for an elliptical. There's a smaller one on amazon that is a bike and an elliptical and I have asked everyone I know to give me gift certificates to amazon for Christmas. I don't even know how much I'd use it now because of c25k, but I think I'd still like one. I hope you get one!
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