Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • I just joined, and I'm a non-mom as well. I'm married and live in MN. I'm really enjoying this site and pleased to see all the wonderful support here.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I just got back from a Christmas concert that had a bunch of cookies and other sweets. I wanted to avoid the whole dessert area altogether but my in-laws wanted to go get some. So I stood by the tables, watching everyone eating yummy stuff and I didn't have a single bite or even nibble.
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    I just got back from a Christmas concert that had a bunch of cookies and other sweets. I wanted to avoid the whole dessert area altogether but my in-laws wanted to go get some. So I stood by the tables, watching everyone eating yummy stuff and I didn't have a single bite or even nibble.

    Great job, you have AMAZING self control. :smile:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Where's the roo? Haven't heard from you since we were comparing thighs! Lol, how's life? How's the elliptical?

    Awww, hi! Sorry, busy weekend. Friday I had a trying to conceive meltdown. Then I spent all day Saturday trying to get our house clean and didn't ever get online. Yesterday, we spent the day at my father-in-law's for his 55th birthday. Not much exercise in there except for walking up and down stairs and vacuuming. I don't even want to know how many calories were in the chocolate cake I had yesterday. It was utterly ridiculous, but particularly yummy.

    The elliptical is good, though neglected since last Wednesday. I will pay more attention to her tonight. :wink:

    Now I need to catch up on posts.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    hey nom noms...i'm not weighing in this week..TOM is about to kick me in the *kitten*. But tonight is day 2 of Zumba, I'm hoping to beat some stress! I'll weigh in again on the 30th just to give my "year end" stat. Good luck ladies (and gentlemen)
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Weighed in this morning 2 pounds lighter than I was on Friday. Guess I burned a lot of calories cutting and splitting wood!

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    congrats on your loss, meanness - way to go! gillian, don't sweat the small stuff - the scale will comply with your wishes next week, i know it! asltiff, congrats on your crazy willpower - i would have sampled. it's good to see you back on the board erica - hope you're feeling better.

    i had a late start to my morning, but i'm pleased to report that my c25k moved up a level. i ran for 11 minutes solid! and i follwed that up with jogging another 14 minutes, with a 3 minute walking segment in the middle. *so* excited. hope everyone has a great monday!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Way to go, Chantriste! I saw your other post. That's very exciting. I think I might drop dead if I ran for 11 minutes solid. :laugh:

    I'm feeling better. Unregulated hormones are such fun after 12 years on birth control pills. :noway:
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    Hi Non-Moms:happy:

    Hope you are all well on this Monday. I hopped on the scale this morning and was pleased that I had lost 2 pounds. I'm hoping I won't gain any of it back as I have 2 Christmas parties and plus classroom party to get through this week.

    Wish me luck:ohwell:
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Roo, I'm so sorry! I hope it gets better for you. I seriously cannot imagine...

    Chanstriste (What does your name mean?) big congratulations on that run! I and my measly five minutes envy your eleven! Great job, WA_Teacher and meanness on your losses. Gillian, good plan. If only I could keep myself off the scales.

    Well, I have signed up for a 5k at the end of Jan, which will be right after I finish my c25k. I might speed it up and stop taking the entire weekend off of C25k (I just do weights) in January so that I can work on speed for a week before the 5k. My only real goal for the thing is to not finish last. I looked at the last race's results and there is no way a beginner will be able to beat those times! So, if I can just not be last, I'll be happy with myself. It was only 18 pounds to sign up and finishers get t-shirts and goody bags from sponsors, so I think it will at least even out. I'm really excited about it! It's very close to where we live and my husband seems to be happy to watch me.

    We saw my bridesmaids on Saturday and they were all compliments about my weight-loss (I've lost about 28 pounds since the wedding in August) but the skinny one started to get insecure after a while and I was getting really embarrassed. Isn't it weird how people refuse to believe that counting calories and exercising can work? My husband was more pleased with the compliments I was getting than I was. It was a good time anyway, and I managed to avoid all the bad starters, except for a little bit of bread, and no dessert, just my grilled chicken sandwich with feta and tomato, and a side salad.

    I'm having some problems with dairy lately and need to find a good replacement for my coffee and also for calcium. Non-dairy creamers are not as prevalent over here, so I'm not sure what I'll do. I guess I can try soy milk, but bleh, I don't like it in coffee. I don't mind drinking it on its own, but I like a bit of creaminess, ya know? Anyone had similar issues and what did you use for coffee/calcium? I don't know if I'll make it without my yogurt, but I was getting some really bad pains in my stomach and I figured it must be the dairy because I've had this problem before and it was happening just after my coffee.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Hi Non-Moms:happy:

    Hope you are all well on this Monday. I hopped on the scale this morning and was pleased that I had lost 2 pounds. I'm hoping I won't gain any of it back as I have 2 Christmas parties and plus classroom party to get through this week.

    Wish me luck:ohwell:

    you're doing great! best of luck to you! we all need luck about now with all the goodies laying dangerously little sweet grenades, just waiting to blow up my thighs! :grumble:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Chanstriste (What does your name mean?) big congratulations on that run! I and my measly five minutes envy your eleven!

    i play double bass, and one of my favorite solo pieces was 'chanson triste' by koussevitzky. it translates in french as 'sad song' and you will find many 'chanson tristes' in the classical world. when i originally signed up for my yahoo mail account in 1998, it wouldn't allow me to have all 13 characters in my username, so i had to shorten it. of course, later, it changed so your username can be forever long, but by that point, someone had already taken it, so i kept it short and added my lucky number to it.

    and thanks for the c25k congrats - but if you are planning your run for january, i still wouldn't want to compete with you! you are waaaay braver than i!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hey icky!

    ps~chicken enchillada recipe!

    ~yours truly :tongue:
  • Yeah! Down 2 pounds! That seems to be what I have averaged 2 pounds a week, sure would like to do 3 or 4 but during the month of December I will take 2 pounds. :bigsmile:
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    hey icky!

    ps~chicken enchillada recipe!

    ~yours truly :tongue:

    Lol ok I got this! Now, this recipe is for the filling and topping. You'll have to add your own corn tortillas (or any small tortillas that you can find low-fat. Good luck with that.) It's kind of complicated, but not really. Just bear with me. My measurements are in grams because I weigh EVERYTHING, even my morning banana, because I'm a little (incredibly) crazy. I'll try to translate the best I can.

    Discovery - Fajita Seasoning Mix, 10 g (1/3 of one of those little packs)
    Tesco - Fresh British Chicken Breast Fillets, 200 g (like one large breast or two small breast fillets)
    Tesco - Red Pepper, 100 g (one big bell pepper, chopped)

    Garlic - Raw, 2 clove
    Tesco - Sweet Shallots, 10 g (My husband is allergic to onion. It's one small shallot, but you can use like 1/2 a normal onion)
    Peppers - Hot chili, green, raw, 2 pepper (omit if you don't like it spicy. I leave the seeds in but we like it very hot)
    Tesco - Freshly Frozen Sweetcorn, 50 g (uh...half a cup?)
    Nr Tesco - Baby Spinach, 50 g (Ok, normal people might replace this with mushrooms. It's like a cup, packed.)

    Tesco Value - Tomatoes, Tinned, Chopped, 1 container (400 gs ea.) ( a regular can, 14 oz. I buy the low-sodium kind)
    Spices - Chili powder, 1 tsp

    Cathedral City - Mature Yet Mellow Lighter Cheddar Cheese, 30 g (I finely shred some from a big block, maybe 1/3 cup?)

    Tesco - Light Choices Natural Normany Fromage Frais, 50 g (or fat-free sour cream)

    Preheat your oven to 350, I guess. I do mine in the grill and it cooks in like 15 minutes. Sprinkle half of the fajita seasoning over the chicken, cook. While that's cooking, sprinkle half of what's left of the seasoning over the chopped pepper. Add to oven about 20 minutes before the chicken is done. (I put them in at the same time.) While those are cooking, chop shallot, garlic, chillies (carefully, no touching the peppers! Use gloves and wash your hands as soon as you're done. Make sure not to touch your face at all.) spinach (seriously, I'd use mushrooms if I didn't put spinach in everything, and I think you should too. Rinse, chop, and slice/dice.) Mix filling together (everything from garlic to spinach.) When chicken is done, remove from oven, add to filling, and use two forks to shred the chicken. Sprinkle fajita seasoning over filling, mix well, put the whole thing in a casserole or on a baking sheet and bake for about 10-15 minutes. While that's going, open can of tomatoes, dump into a nonstick saucepan, add chilli powder (I also add a tbsp of sriracha sauce, it's a hot chili sauce and if you like it spicy, add something like that, Tabasco would work.) Stir, cover, put heat on low if your stove is a monster like mine, medium if it's a pansy. Heat four of your tortillas in the microwave, 30 seconds, so they're flexible. No injuries, please. (Jillian joke, har har). Remove filling from oven and divide into four servings. Fill each tortilla with 1/4 of the filling. Roll tortilla. Place in a rectangular casserole, with the overlapping edge on the bottom or the side. Bake for about 10 minutes, until the tortillas are a little crispy. Remove from oven. Add tomatoes. Return for five minutes. Shred cheese, sprinkle over the top of the enchiladas, bake five to ten more minutes and it should be done. Top with sour cream.

    Notes: I also cook some wholegrain rice during this time for some Mexican rice. I just take a couple of tbsps of the tomato sauce and add to the water I'm using to boil the rice and viola. Mexican rice.

    These are yummy, but not particularly low-cal. Here are my stats for just the filling (everything you see listed in the ingredients)

    Per Serving: Calories 316 Carbs 23 Fat 6 Protein 43 Fiber 6

    Also, if I read a recipe like this before I made these, I wouldn't have tried to make them.

    P.S. Use mushrooms. Also, I rub a lot of the fajita seasoning into the chicken, so it's evenly coated. One serving is 2 enchiladas, or half of the filling.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    :laugh: That's hideously long. It's not really that complicated!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    :laugh: That's hideously long. It's not really that complicated!

    those look wonderful, so a big THANKYOU!!! it was cool reading all of the brands of stuff you use that i've never heard of, too! i can't make them tonight because we're having my aunt and uncle over for chili,but i hope to get this cooking *soon* - it sounds delicious and i know my husband will dig them! and i'll pass on the mushrooms too - i don't really care for them, so the spinach sounds perfect. i might actually wait until sometime next week when my husband is off from school because it sounds like something that would be fun to get in the kitchen and make! thanks again! :flowerforyou:
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    So, I have been out of pocket the past few days and eating like I'm skinny already. I also have not been to the gym. I'm not sure what the heck my problem is. I was getting dressed for work this morning and all I could think about was not wanting to be 200 pounds at my wedding. I just haven't gotten the motivation to stick to anything. I have my gym bag with me today for after work. I'm barrowing a friend's truck, no heat, because our other vehicle is in the shop getting the heat fixed. The weather channel said it felt like 23 this morning and I could see my own breath in the truck. All I could think about coming to work was not wanting to get back in that truck later in the evening when its cold again and in sweaty clothes. I got on the scale this morning and was 3 pounds heavier than my weigh day last Thursday. I really just don't know what the heck my problem is.

    I feel like crap today :-(
  • hello all :) im also a non-mom so hoping i can join in :D been reading all the posts and ur all doing soo well what an inspirtation :D im hoping to get down to 140lbs im currently 161.8. ive not got a goal just taking it slowly excersising and counting cals and using my fitnesspal app on my ifone, its become my bible lol :)
    i dont cook alot but ive been having cous cous as its easy for me to make on my late shifts and yummy :D
    hope ur all having a good week so far
    jade x
  • Jackiemal
    Jackiemal Posts: 63 Member
    Another non-mom joining in. Sadly, I'll probably always be a non-mom as I've waited so long to lose weight that it is probably too late (I'm 43).

    Nice to have a place to chat that isn't all about baby fat. As mine has been on me for about 40 years! :sad:

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