Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Happy Weekend Non-Moms!

    I am down 6 pounds for the month and currently trying to resist those Christmas cookies. I completed week 2 of the Couch to 5K and will start week 3 Monday. Still want to lose about 6 pounds before end of month so I will be adding Taebo several nights a week. The tape is only a little over 20 minutes but every little bit helps. My goal is an hour a day of working out so if I add it to the days I do Couch to 5K that will put me there. The other days I will do treadmill with inclines or stationary bike.

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I know I've been a little MIA lately: this past week has been tuff, and it's after midnite now & I'm trying to catch up :tongue: I've lost another pound (yea me) but mostly I've toned and firmed even more! I bought myself 2 new workout DVD's on Friday, they were $2.99 & $3 at TJMaxx :happy: One is The Firm Cardio Dance & the other a total Ab workout (60 mins of 5 different trainers/routines plus a 10 mins bonus compliation). I did the Ab DVD early today (well, Saturday AM!) and it was AWESOME!!! Several moves I've been doing on my other DVD's and several new ones that totally kicked my abs :love: I plan on doing the Firm Cardio Dance tomorrow (I have no rythm, but no one will be home to see me totally embarrass the daylights out of myself!)

    I noticed in the last week that I have cheekbones, too. I remember being told as a kid that I had high cheekbones, I lost them as an adult.. apparently I didn't lose them :wink: I no longer will have to add rouge to my cheeks to bring them out! So all those little things I'm doing are paying off big-time! I may not be "losing weight" as fast as I hoped, but I'm DEFINITELY loosing inches which means WAY more:happy:

    Good luck to everyone this Holiday Season: I know we can all do this & come out ahead :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    well, i don't think i have totally blown it this weekend so far...! friday night was definitely worse than saturday, but only time will tell come wednesday, right? i do wish i had brought my tennis shoes or something - we've been doing a lot of loafing around, and it would be nice to go out for a walk or something...i'll have to be more foward-thinking in the future! hope all of your weekends are going well!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well, after doing all three levels of the shred yesterday, I am not as sore as I figured I'd be, lol. I am that good really-worked-out-yesterday-but-can-still-walk-just-fine kind of sore, the kind that makes you feel like you really did something, but not like you are dying or having to walk with a limp. My husband came in during the middle of it when I was doing plank jacks or something and asked if I was still alive and all I could say was "I'm not sure." We went out to dinner last night and I had a half chicken with rice and a salad. It was pretty yummy, and I was still way under my calories, even after drinking two glasses of wine and having a piece of co-op's peppermint chocolate (totally tastes like a thin mint.) I have a ton of energy today, which is odd because I'm also very sleepy. I have put together a little bag of veggies and fruits for my parents-in-law, whose flight was delayed due to mass amounts of snow in this area, but should be here tomorrow, and I am about to make some vegetable soup to put in their fridge, as they've been in the Canaries for the last month and will need something warm. I also need to make my husband's birthday cake and rocky road, but am trying to put that off because I don't know how well I'll deal with smelling all the good stuff and not licking the spoons.

    Hope everyone is having a good Sunday! I'm really hoping this snow clears off tomorrow, otherwise I'm going to have to put some screws in my shoes so I can go out for a jog tomorrow! Boo.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    My husband's favorite uncle (and mine too) passed away very unexpectedly yesterday morning. He just had a heart attack and there was nothing the first responders could do. He was 61. He had a 15-year-old son whom I'm very worried about as he now will have to live with his mom and her husband full time and he doesn't get along well with either. I can't say I blame him. It's not a good environment for such a sweet kid. He also left behind his 90-year-old mother who lost her husband last year and broke her hip a few months ago. It seems like every time my in-laws get back on their feet after something unexpected, something else happens to knock them down again.

    Anyway, I doubt much time will be devoted to exercise or eating well this week.
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    My husband's favorite uncle (and mine too) passed away very unexpectedly yesterday morning. He just had a heart attack and there was nothing the first responders could do. He was 61.
    Anyway, I doubt much time will be devoted to exercise or eating well this week.

    Try to take care of yourself with all you're going through. My prayers are with you and your family.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    i had a rough weekend, drank lots, had hangover A&W, and weighed myself this change...still at the same weight...didn't measure but I'm also not done my TOM...bah I need to exercise more!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Thanks you, WA_Teacher.
  • Had a rough week 1/2, last one in my office to get sick, and it knocked me on my tail! The best friends Dad passed and threw her into labor 5 1/2 weeks early, and then funeral, remember still sick throughout all of this, then Sunday had to throw a 3 year olds birthday cause mom still in hospital. So finally feeling alright, but did my body a favor, no working out/ running, and then eat whatever in moderation. Back to the grind...will weight Wed!
  • Howdy, its check in day! (I love accountability) I am down another 2 pounds for the week and guess what? I fit in my old jeans! Ok, they are still a little snug, but darn it I fit! So I am wearing my jeans proud. :bigsmile: Ok, so my goal for the Christmas week is to lose another 2 (yep with holiday dinner and all). So I will check in again next week to report how I did. Best of luck to everyone, may you achieve your weekly goal during the holidays! Talk to everyone later!
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    Yes, I'm still alive although I have asked to be put out of my misery a few times the past few days. I have pneumonia and a bad sinus infection. Last week when I was feeling so down I had been really tired for a few days and had some sinus headaches. When I woke up Wednesday and it felt like someone was sitting on my chest and I couldn't catch my breath I decided to go to the doctor. So, 5 days after that visit I still feel like I'm being stabbed in the chest when I take a deep breath. Needless to say I haven't been to the gym. I had been kicking myself last week for not going but I had not had the energy, now I know why. I'm going back to the doc tomorrow to make sure the meds are working and my lungs are clearing up. I'm tired of being tired. I haven't been on a scale either, unlike the flu pneumonia does nothing to your appetite so I'm not expecting my next step on the scale to be a good one. I hope everyone is doing good!!
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    Thanks you, WA_Teacher.

    You're welcome:flowerforyou:
  • Down 1/2 pound this week, which is pretty amazing considering the week i've had. Lets just say its been so crazy there has been no time for exercise and have been grabbing food as I go...I know, I know...not good. This week will be better. Hope everyone is well and keep up the good work :smile:
  • nolafitchick
    nolafitchick Posts: 46 Member
    Goal Check In

    I did it! I met my goal weight (still working on that weekend water intake). Down another 3 lbs - 163 lbs :love:

    Have a Blessed Yule (winter solstice today). I know I will!!
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Goal Check In

    I did it! I met my goal weight (still working on that weekend water intake). Down another 3 lbs - 163 lbs :love:

    Have a Blessed Yule (winter solstice today). I know I will!!

    Great Job!!
  • Down to 159 this week. 4 lbs from my goal!

    Still need to pump up the running, of course it has been rainy the last few days. Clear skies ahead though!
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    My weigh in isn't until Thursday but I can report that my fitness goals are going well, I've been adding circuit training to my cardio as well as an ab workout and boy are my muscles sore! I just hope all this extra exercise doesn't tip the scales in the wrong direction while I'm still trying to lose! I know it will reflect in the muscle mass gained and fat mass lost when I get the whole work up but still I like to see that little ticker going down, it's something tangible. But I suppose as long as the smaller clothes in my closet keep fitting then I'm ok with whatever number the scale says. :)
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    Just finished my holiday baking of cookies, brownie kisses, and pumpkin bread. I will have to do a double workout tomorrow. :noway:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009

    130.6 today and I have no idea how since I haven't worked out in over a week or tracked my food... But it was a nice surprise.
  • 153.3, that is a loss if 1.1 lbs, and I have been eating more, thinking uping my calorie intake, and see what happens... Have a date with my mom on Christmas day to go running after dinner and to get the stress of the holiday out... Also to get ready for the after Xmas Sales... Yes we are the crazies in the parking lot before the stores open!!!!
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