teeneu Member


  • Gained a pound this week, I didn't get a chance to send my weight to Andrew this am, trying to finish up report cards this week at school. I'm exercising, but having a hard time making good choices with eating. I'm always so hungry I feel like I'm constantly snacking. I'm reading the posts daily, but I have a hard time…
  • Holy cow, this is going to be a tough challenge. I get on the scale multiple times throughout the day, at least 1x every am, when I get home, before I work out and then after. It does drive my day especially on the weekend. I'm going to have to do what Sara does and give it to my husband to put away for the week. Maybe it…
  • Well I lost a half a pound this week and it was a struggle. I do well during the week when I'm working, but the past 2 weekends I've not been as diligent. So this week I'm going to log all my food over the weekend which should help me more on track. I'm also going to stop snacking while I'm making dinner. I'm adding a lot…
  • Way to go team! Great job on the loss this week! Down 1 pound this week, sorry Andrew I got busy at work and didn't get a chance to email earlier. :ohwell: Did 6 minutes of squats because I lost track of the time, my thighs feel tingly. I lost track of the total number, but I did 31 in the first minute. I skipped my…
  • I'm praying for a great day on the scale tomorrow, hope everyone has a good morning! Five minutes of squats, my thighs will be hurting, but I'll start them tomorrow.
  • Kidney stone has finally passed and I'm feeling so much better! I skipped my workout yesterday because of the pain, but I was back on the treadmill tonight. It felt so great and I worked up a great sweat. The measuring is working out pretty well, I like packing my lunch every morning and knowing exactly what I'm consuming…
  • I know I can do this challenge! I need to pull out my scales tonight. We had salmon for dinner and I knew I should have measured instead of eyeballing it. Although I didn't eat much of it because I really don't like it, but DH does. I had a great run tonight on the treadmill and even did some inclines after I read all the…
  • You look amazing! What a transformation :) Congratulations!
  • I am amazed by the stories I"ve read today! Very inspirational! Everyone looks fantastic. I'll jump in w/ my story. My name is Terry. I live in Michigan and I've been married for 10 years. I have three boys that are 9, 7 and 3. I work full time teaching 2nd grade at a small public school. I'm new to the team, but I'm not…
  • Lost 4 pounds this week, it really helped that I actually started exercising again. This week I'll work on the water and sweets.
  • Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! It'll take awhile to get to know everyone, but I'm looking forward to it. I'm so excited to watch tonight, I love the show and always feel so motivated to get in gear when I watch it. I'm planning on running on the treadmill tonight either before the show or during it. This will be the…
  • I'd love to join the black team too! I am married, have 3 sons and work full time as an elementary teacher. I am ready to get back on board.
  • I have had a rough few days. I don't even want to think about getting on the scale on Wednesday, but I will. I haven't worked out in 2 days, but I have plans to run when my husband gets home. I need some extra calories so I can have some dinner. It's been one of those days. I look forward to school starting soon (I am a…
  • I love the button too!! I find it very motivating!!:smile: I haven't been on long enough to see if it's true, but hopefully it will!!
  • :smile: That is awesome! Congratulations!!!:happy:
  • Hi all, Some great losses this week! It's great to read about everyone's background, here's mine.. I'm 36, married and have 3 boys, 8, 6 and 3. I work full time as a 2nd grade teacher. I've really been working hard this summer with exercise and eating, so I have to figure out a new routine once school starts in a few…
  • I'd love to join a group for support too! I weigh in on Wednesday's too. I haven't been able to find a group that's just starting yet, so this is perfect timing!:smile:
  • I have the Polar F6 too and I love it. It came with the chest strap. The strap doesn't really bother me I just wear it under my bra. It's a great one and well worth the money!!
    in HRM Comment by teeneu August 2009