Black Team Week 2 Challenge Thread!!!-



  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    hey guys. today started out really good for me. lost weight, got my workout in, the kids were decent. then about an hour ago my dad called and told me my grandmother was rushed to the hospital and is having emergency brain surgery. she's been going through alot healthwise for the last few years. stroke, breast cancer, chemo, now this. i'm just hoping and praying that she makes it through the surgery. i've always been really close with her and i don't know what i'll do if she's not around. :cry: :brokenheart:

    ((Beth)) Prayers for you and your family:flowerforyou:
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    prayers to all.......hard to understand why these things happen
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Beth- So glad to hear the good news about your grandma! Enjoy your time with her. I still have mine (she is my only living grandparent) and we're very close.

    Amanda- Thought of you and Emmy all day. Hope things went well at the doctor.

    Marla- I love that picture of you!

    Jeannie- Have fun at your concert! Sounds like a blast. :bigsmile:

    Leslie- Sounds like a great workout. You go girl!

    Roni- Way to go on the pushups! They are my weak spot, too. I can do some girly ones but I'm working up to the good form kind. I can only go to about half-range on them now....I'll get there one day.

    Tammy, Tanya, Andrew, Sara, Sara, Lori, Kati, Jessica, Donna, Melissa, Sam, Richie, Shirelle (welcome!) , Bobbi, Janie, Tamara and anyone I missed- HELLO!

    Today, I am taking a much needed rest day. I considered going to have an "easy" workout, but I know myself too well and there is no such thing as taking it easy in my mind. Depending on how I'm feeling tomorrow, I'll get a good workout in then. But, for tonight...I'm taking it easy. Good food day so far...I was extra hungry today after being so far under yesterday, but got in good, healthy food and didn't overdo it. BF is making dinner tonight -I think he's doing gumbo or something like it- so I get to rest. I'll be able to measure out my portion but don't know what he's going to put in it. Not good for the challenge, but I'm not going to be skipping dinner because I'm hungry; plus it would hurt his feelings if I didn't eat what he made. Picking my battles, friends.

    I'll be around later tonight. Hope yall had a great day! :heart:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I just got some bad news from Tamara...

    She just found out that her Dad passed away today, so she will be MIA for a little while. :cry: Keep her family in your prayers please.
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Great Challenge Andrew,

    I feel like I have been outta the loop since starting school Monday. Brain overload!!! Anywho, it was nice to see as a team we have been doing great.

    Check in later,
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Tammy, I think most of our houses filled with kids are similar.

    Kati, absolutely, the ability to torture them is payback for all the heck they put you through over the years. It's all good clean fun! Some of mine take it better than others... my oldest son and my step daughter are fun, they love to joke around and can take my picking at them, my step son is the oldest, 14, but he is pretty thin skinned so I have to watch myself.

    My youngest is 9 and he is the resident whiner. For real, that kid whines over everything. Drives me batty. He's still a little young for torture, but man oh man, he's got his coming! LOL

    Lori, my eldest was a pain-- he'd read torture into everything, and act like an *kitten*-- "Mom, you're embarrassing me," he'd say when I'd be silly and talking to his friends when they were all 10-- kids we'd known for years.

    "Look, you little putz," I told him, "This is my house. I'm silly. I like being silly. I've been silly for years and I'm not about to change for you. Don't like it? Don't have your friends over."


    Marl a and Lori - I love your kid stories. We definitely were put on this earth to torture our kids. I take great pleasure in hearing those words "You were right Mom!"
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    I just got some bad news from Tamara...

    She just found out that her Dad passed away today, so she will be MIA for a little while. :cry: Keep her family in your prayers please.

    So sorry to hear that. Please her our deepest sympathies. Having just lost my dad 2 months ago this hits home. Please let her know that if she needs to talk to someone who just went through it (I'm sure I'm not alone here) she could count on us. You really don't know how it is going to hit you...until it actually does...
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    :sad: my daughter brought me a grilled chicken sandwich ..............or so I thought. Turned out the be a deluxe, fried chicken, club sandwich.......with mayo! :sad:

    I ate it. I am not proud, but I was hungry:grumble:

    At least I scraped off the may:tongue:

    I am going to a concert tonight........Foreigner!! WOOT! I believe I shall dance off that fatty sandwich to Hot Blooded!!!!

    Have a great day all!

    :glasses: Jeannie

    Whatcha doin' after the sho-o-o-o-w?

    Funny you should ask. We have a roo-oo-mmm. So I may just have a beer...teehee...
    We are goign to go dancing. It is a casino, so there are dance clubs, bands OUTside and bars, food, is it's own town.!!

    Getting ready to go now!
    Sounds fabulous Jeannie! Have fun. Enjoy yourself. Drink one for all of us!

    Awesome Jeannie - Have a great time! I can hear it now "I wanna know what love is;;;" Have fun!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    :sad: my daughter brought me a grilled chicken sandwich ..............or so I thought. Turned out the be a deluxe, fried chicken, club sandwich.......with mayo! :sad:

    I ate it. I am not proud, but I was hungry:grumble:

    At least I scraped off the may:tongue:

    I am going to a concert tonight........Foreigner!! WOOT! I believe I shall dance off that fatty sandwich to Hot Blooded!!!!

    Have a great day all!

    :glasses: Jeannie

    Whatcha doin' after the sho-o-o-o-w?

    Funny you should ask. We have a roo-oo-mmm. So I may just have a beer...teehee...
    We are goign to go dancing. It is a casino, so there are dance clubs, bands OUTside and bars, food, is it's own town.!!

    Getting ready to go now!
    Sounds fabulous Jeannie! Have fun. Enjoy yourself. Drink one for all of us!

    Awesome...have a blast !
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Andrew-- you and this team and this challenge have saved me from so many nibbles today-- I measured my pasta and sauce for dinner, measured my green beans and when Caleb didn't finish his plate, I picked it up to scrape it and caught myself before I was ready to take a bite-- whew!

    Happened earlier, too, with a Devil Dog-- those little bites here and there, my friends, add up.

    Thanks, buddy!

    I think I'm taking tonight off. I have the second installment of the file from hell that I'm transcribing. The 20 year old valley girl daughter of a politician and his well known wife, who is writing, like, a book, like. And she is, like, so completely, like, clueless and as she's telling, like her, like story I, like, want to, like, slap her upside her head and then, like, slap her parents.

    So, this file will no doubt take me longer-- you have no idea how much slower it is to type all the extra commas needed before and after all of her "likes." Idiots.

    Later, my team--

    Special hugs to Tamara!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    My feel good story for the day! DD is a huge Letterman fan. She just turned 18 and dh just came home from Afghanistan last month. She sent an email to get tickets for the show under his and my names. Yesterday we get a call from the show stating that Mike has the chance to win tickets to the show this Monday. This would work out great because all are off from school next week. They want dh to answer a question about the show to win the tix. He says admittedly he hasn't seen it in a while since he has been away and we are usually in bed at the hour now. He asked if dd can get on the phone and answer the question. She gets on the phone. They would not let her repeat the question or put us on speaker. Had I been a true thinker I should have picked up another extension. She answers the question wrong. The question was what was the color of the announcers hair???? She said blonde but it is red. She politely with tears in her eyes says, "ok, thank you" and hangs up. An hour crying in the room. Her life is over (yes the drama of an 18 year old) DH is bummed for her and said "This would be like me missing a question on getting Springsteen tickets" (that's a whole other story). About and hour later I called the same number that was on caller id and got a voice message of CBS show late night. I left a message asking if they could find it in their heart to help out a daughter who wanted to surprise her dad with tickets when he came home form serving his country yeah I poured it on a little bit)

    Today she got a phone call offering she and her dad VIP tickets to the show on Monday! She is the most excited kid on the planet right now going into NYC on Monday with her dad to see David LEtterman! --- She has however changed her life ambition of being an intern on his show after hearing that he has slept with many on the show :explode:

    off to middle son winter choral concert.....good eating day today! cheers Black Team!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Just got home from the gym and did W6D1 of C25K. It actually felt great. I left dinner in the oven with instructions to 2 children to make sure and get it out on time. What do you think happened? Yep, you guessed it. Worked out hard, starving, ready to eat a nice hot dinner. Instead got crispy, crunchy, almost black dinner. So hungry I ate it anyway. Boy was I mad:mad: A small explosion later and all is well. Really small problem in the scheme of life overall, huh? Sleep well black team.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Just got home from the gym and did W6D1 of C25K. It actually felt great. I left dinner in the oven with instructions to 2 children to make sure and get it out on time. What do you think happened? Yep, you guessed it. Worked out hard, starving, ready to eat a nice hot dinner. Instead got crispy, crunchy, almost black dinner. So hungry I ate it anyway. Boy was I mad:mad: A small explosion later and all is well. Really small problem in the scheme of life overall, huh? Sleep well black team.

    Donna-- totally cool.

    Tammy-- been there-- knucklehead kids, I swear-- :grumble:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Tamara, big hugs. I don't know the pain you are going through but I am so sorry to hear your news!

    Beth, that is a good update, I am happy for your grandma and your family! :smile:

    Grandpa's tests and labs are all coming back really good. It sounds like it is all good news. Maybe he can come home tomorrow.
    Emmy's doctor truthfully admitted he didn't know, I :heart: him for that. I hate people who think they know everything, especially docs with the education but not the experience. Her doc truly believes we know her best. They drew several vials of blood to check her med levels and so forth. If her levels come back high then we will adjust them. If they come back normal then he said it is probably just her body regressing. He talked about sending us to Portland which is 400 miles one way from here ot see the Rett Syndrome specialist but truthfully I am not looking forward to that. The PT and us will consult and start working on the specs for her wheelchair and start dealing with the insurance.

    My diet and exercise is another matter - Marla where are you, I need you to scream at me.

    Jeannie, have fun at your concert.

    Lori, I love your stories, they are the greatest. I get the sticky floor! :grumble:

    Everybody else have a great night!!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Shuntae- sometimes we just have to eat what we are given and there is no way to know the exact calorie content. That will happen throughout life, guess we can’t be in control all the time and every once in a while, that is ok.

    Marla- our oldest isn’t embarrassed by things, he’s ‘overly sensitive’ aka: at 14 I can still bring him to tears WAY too easily. He is getting better, but we have a long way to go. Maturity is not coming quickly for that one.

    Jan- good luck with school

    Donna- kids say, “You were right Mom?” On the rare occasion that has come up I make them say it, then pretend like I didn’t hear so they can say it louder!

    Tammy- I rarely leave mine with dinner instructions, but if I do they are so detailed the dog couldn’t mess them up! LOL

    Amanda- glad you had your appointment, sorry you didn't really get any news. I'm sure you are used to the wait game when dealing with all of this. Marla is typing, so here. snapoutofit.gif Get back at it woman!

    I had cereal for dinner. Blew my carb count way over. I had plans, all my afternoon snack and dinner figured out, then, still not feeling 100% the smell of the turkey cooking for the kids sloppy joe turned my stomach. Couldn't eat it after that. I thought about it, but just couldn't. Cereal is nice and bland and non meat smelling, so it worked.

    I'm headed to bed to snuggle under the covers and watch Grey's Anatomy! Later peeps!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    My diet and exercise is another matter - Marla where are you, I need you to scream at me.


    But, Amanda, no screaming here. You know what's up. I don't have to scream or snap you out of it.

    You're under a lot of stress, and you're forgetting that eating crap and not exercising is only a temporary crutch. It isn't gonna help. It's only going to add to the stress. It's hard to remember when we're in the midst of it all, but when you do remember, and still make wise choices and exercise to let off steam, it truly is empowering.

    Just taking that one little bit of control in an out of control life really is powerful.

    It's still early out there, Amanda-- get some exercise in before bed. You'll be sooooo glad you did. You can do it!
  • averys7
    averys7 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey fellow black teamers! Ihope everyone is doing well. My little boy is pretty sick right now. He had a temp of 104.8 yesterday we couldn't get it down... Went to the doc and he has an ear infection. So all is good... Right now I'm soaking went because his fever just broke...he sweat all over me... Now he got his second wind and wants to play!!! Glad to see that! Who knows whe. He is going to goto bed now. I will get a work out in once he hits the sack...dh is playing pool tonight so we got the house to ourselves!!!!! Love the spreadsheet ... Here's to a good Friday!
    Lots of good weight loss karma to all,
  • averys7
    averys7 Posts: 60 Member
    Okay I'm typing on my iPod excuse my errors! I really do know how to spell!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hey fellow black teamers! Ihope everyone is doing well. My little boy is pretty sick right now. He had a temp of 104.8 yesterday we couldn't get it down... Went to the doc and he has an ear infection. So all is good... Right now I'm soaking went because his fever just broke...he sweat all over me... Now he got his second wind and wants to play!!! Glad to see that! Who knows whe. He is going to goto bed now. I will get a work out in once he hits the sack...dh is playing pool tonight so we got the house to ourselves!!!!! Love the spreadsheet ... Here's to a good Friday!
    Lots of good weight loss karma to all,

    Glad to hear that his fever break and he wants to play, sounds as if on the road to recovery!! :bigsmile:
  • teeneu
    teeneu Posts: 21 Member
    Kidney stone has finally passed and I'm feeling so much better! I skipped my workout yesterday because of the pain, but I was back on the treadmill tonight. It felt so great and I worked up a great sweat.

    The measuring is working out pretty well, I like packing my lunch every morning and knowing exactly what I'm consuming for the day. Dinner can be trickier, tonight my husband made dinner and put it on my plate and I said sorry I have to measure everything and scraped it off, measured and then put it back on. I'm sure he thinks I'm crazy :tongue: But I knew what I had!

    I also went grocery shopping and stocked up on healthy low calorie options and lots of fruits and vegetables. I can't wait to pack my lunch tomorrow. So many choices!

    Off to bed!
