Black Team Week 2 Challenge Thread!!!-



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    good morning everyone-- down 1.5 this week--

    I'll take it!

    Have a great day!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    down by 1/2 pound............thats my goal............soooooooooooooo

  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    The scale was so nice this morning. I love it right now and those aren't words I say often. I will say there is this little nagging fear in the back of my head reminding me that next week will probably not be so kind. It's like the BL Week 2 Curse. BUT, for today, I'm going to enjoy.

    I saw a number I've NEVER seen so far in this journey. Oooohhhh, yeeeaaahh!

    Awesome Lori!!:drinker: :drinker: I think its your bodys way of saying Thank you for your "lazy day" over the weekend:wink: Got to love those lazy days, and need them!!:happy:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    good morning everyone-- down 1.5 this week--

    I'll take it!

    Have a great day!

    Way to go Marla! I'd take it too!!:happy:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Roni/Marla/Lori/Jeannie -- Woot to you all! Ankle is feeling great! Icing it right away really helped. I told Batman that I know I should be happy with 1.5 but I remember all the re-join days at WW where that first week I expected a big weight loss and usally chimed in with 3 or 4. Getting older I have to realistic and realized that 1.5 per week IS what I want to do....and KEEP DOING!:happy:

    Have a great day everyone! I will not eat anything that I have to guess at. I don't think I can be disciplined at a scale but I will measure and only eat what the portion says....and continue to :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Roni/Marla/Lori/Jeannie -- Woot to you all! Ankle is feeling great! Icing it right away really helped. I told Batman that I know I should be happy with 1.5 but I remember all the re-join days at WW where that first week I expected a big weight loss and usally chimed in with 3 or 4. Getting older I have to realistic and realized that 1.5 per week IS what I want to do....and KEEP DOING!:happy:

    Have a great day everyone! I will not eat anything that I have to guess at. I don't think I can be disciplined at a scale but I will measure and only eat what the portion says....and continue to :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    H-- E-- Double hockey sticks yeah, Donna!!:drinker: :drinker: Glad that ankle is feeling better:flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hold everything, troops-- make that 2 pounds lost since last week. :blushing:

    Soooooooo-- did I mention that I'm on medicines? And have I also mentioned that they're rather, uh, constipating?

    Well, uh, due to recent, uh, developments since I weighed this morning, uh, I've since lost 1/2 pound extra. :embarassed: I'm claiming it and moving (pardon the pun) on.

    Guess everybody who thinks I'm full of it is right-- who knew?

    TMI-- I know, deal with it people. :wink:
    (by the way, TMI means too much information for the newbies)
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning everyone.

    Just got home from the gym, had fabulous workour strength and cardio. 480 calories burned in littel over an hour...

    Got my hair done yesterday gonna post a picture not so cute my hair is just not the picture..

    Had an amazing loss this week, mostly water from coming off eating all the crap, but I am like ya'll I will claim it.

    I am like 3.4 pounds away from goal weight...yeah me yeah me yeah me
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Well guys, I know your wondering why Im not at the gym right now (yes, you are, you know you are lol:wink: ). I decided this morning that Im going to do something different. In keeping with the challenge for the week (kind of) Im going back to basics on exercising today. Back when I first started, I had no access to a gym and did everything right in my living room. Lost my first 90 lbs or so that way:tongue: So, today I am breaking out my old friend Leslie Sansone and gonna walk away some pounds in my living room again:drinker: (I know you remember our old friend Leslie, right Jeannie?:wink: )

    I think it will be nice to shake things up a bit. But even more than that Im looking forward to using it as a way to see how far Ive come. I remember how tough some of her DVD's were for me and how beat up I felt when I was done:blushing: so Im hoping that I will find them not as tough as I used to:wink:

    Wish me luck guys:drinker:

  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hold everything, troops-- make that 2 pounds lost since last week. :blushing:

    Soooooooo-- did I mention that I'm on medicines? And have I also mentioned that they're rather, uh, constipating?

    Well, uh, due to recent, uh, developments since I weighed this morning, uh, I've since lost 1/2 pound extra. :embarassed: I'm claiming it and moving (pardon the pun) on.

    Guess everybody who thinks I'm full of it is right-- who knew?

    TMI-- I know, deal with it people. :wink:
    (by the way, TMI means too much information for the newbies)

    Marla...YES!!:happy: For the record, I NEVER weigh until Ive had my morning, uh, "developments":laugh: Ive even been known to go back and weigh again on weigh in days AFTER I took a nice long piddle:laugh: :blushing:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good Morning everyone.

    Just got home from the gym, had fabulous workour strength and cardio. 480 calories burned in littel over an hour...

    Got my hair done yesterday gonna post a picture not so cute my hair is just not the picture..

    Had an amazing loss this week, mostly water from coming off eating all the crap, but I am like ya'll I will claim it.

    I am like 3.4 pounds away from goal weight...yeah me yeah me yeah me

    Tamara--Same here with the loss this week. I lost 3.6 lbs since last Wednesdays weigh in, but I also know that it was mostly water after getting back to business from the holidays. But hey, a loss is a loss and like Marla...Im claiming it:blushing:

    I love the new hair, very cute!! And congrats on being sooo close to achieving your goal! You really rock girl!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    BAH! The "L" word...log. :grumble: I will try harder to log my food. I do great for breakfast, snacks & lunch but logging for dinner escapes me. Thanks for the challenge! I sent my weight to your inbox....lost 2 pounds! YAY!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    BAH! The "L" word...log. :grumble: I will try harder to log my food. I do great for breakfast, snacks & lunch but logging for dinner escapes me. Thanks for the challenge! I sent my weight to your inbox....lost 2 pounds! YAY!

    Yayyy Sara!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Morning all!!

    Andrew I did really well this am. I made breakfast like I usually do but I counted EVERYTHING!!! every little bite I took.

    Last night we went out for dinner had a "date" night I ordered the Chicken Bella at ruby tuesdays and instead of the mashed potatoes I got the mashed cauliflower with broccoli. I also got the salad bar and ate 2 plates of salad before dinner got there. I was so stuffed that all I ate was the chicken and gave the rest to my hubs. We also saw Sherlock Holme! VERY GOOD!

    I am about to workout but I have to wait until hubs gets off the treadmill first. He has softball coming back soon so he needs to get back into shape.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Wednesday morning...Down 1 pound this week. Slow and steady. Have to hurry and start typing. Up most of the night with a sick child. Whew, what a long week and it is only Wednesday. Today is my last day of typing 8 hours a day, Thursday and Friday are only about 2 a day (kinda like a day off). Everybody have a great day. Will catch up on posts later.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey-- may as well keep the "retro week" going from facebook--

    This is me at age 2-3-- give or take. You think my mother would actually know when this was taken? Puh-- as if.

    This was before I entered into my 40 year long awkward period-- :wink:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Up a pound this week and I know this is going to sound horrible but I don't care... Dh took grandpa to the ER last night (it is his grandpa but in a divorce I get him as I adore and love him so very much) at 9:30 pm. Heart issues, they got him stablized and dh got home at 2 am. I didn't sleep until he got home, still didn't sleep, phone woke me at 5, it was grandma. Anyway, grandpa got a 200 mile one way ambulance ride to a Heart Hospital, I am exhausted and tired and scared and pi**ed because I am stronger than this. Emmy can't keep her balance and she is stumbling all over, she is bruised all over from falling, going to the doctor tomorrow to discuss wheelchairs and so forth. I am stiting here crying, what is wrong with me, I have to get strong. I am so sorry I am telling you all of this, I don't even know why I am rambling to you guys.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey all!

    Up half a pound this morning - still in the happy range, so it's all good. Probably just extra water from all the soup and medicine over the weekend. There is only so much water a girl can drink in just a couple days to get rid of that. Sounds like y'all are doing well with the weigh ins, so congrats to everyone!

    Have a great day!
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Good morning team, well good afternoon...doing much better and even got my exercise in this morning...I got up early this morning and got in 20min on the elliptical, got the kids up and out the door to school and did 60 min on the treadmill, walking @3mps @ an incline of 5 for 30 min, wow...and then because I had all this energy I did 40 min Tae Bo...boy was I hungry after all of that...

    Had a great egg white omlette with peppers, turkey bacon and oj...delicious....:bigsmile:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Up a pound this week and I know this is going to sound horrible but I don't care... Dh took grandpa to the ER last night (it is his grandpa but in a divorce I get him as I adore and love him so very much) at 9:30 pm. Heart issues, they got him stablized and dh got home at 2 am. I didn't sleep until he got home, still didn't sleep, phone woke me at 5, it was grandma. Anyway, grandpa got a 200 mile one way ambulance ride to a Heart Hospital, I am exhausted and tired and scared and pi**ed because I am stronger than this. Emmy can't keep her balance and she is stumbling all over, she is bruised all over from falling, going to the doctor tomorrow to discuss wheelchairs and so forth. I am stiting here crying, what is wrong with me, I have to get strong. I am so sorry I am telling you all of this, I don't even know why I am rambling to you guys.

    Amanda my fingers are crossed for you that everything turns out ok for you and your family!!! I am thinking of you and you know that this pound is stress weight and IT WILL go away!!! you ARE a strong WOMAN!!!!!