Black Team Week 2 Challenge Thread!!!-



  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Woops! updated to include Donna! Eeeeeek!!!!
    How did I miss that!


    No worries Batman! You're not getting rid of me that easily:happy: :drinker:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Checking in before bed...

    Amanda and Beth- Hugs and prayers to you both. :heart:

    Had a so-so workout today...was supposed to do 5 miles on the treadmill and crapped out at 3.5. Think I was pushing way too hard too soon...I just felt very off, and being dizzy was my cue to call it a night. Came home, made dinner, took a hot soak and shower and now it's time for bed. I'm over 800 cals under, but too tired to eat. Just want to sleep.

    Night, kids.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Happy Wednesday folks. Better late than never. Work was INSANE today! Got all of my food logged today. Didn't make great dinner choices and snacked on some leftover b-day cake.

    Amanda and Beth - Hugs and prayers for you both.

    Great job this past week. Woo Hoo!

    Hopefully tomorrow will be better for me. I missed being on today.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Beth, I am so sorry. I am also waiting to hear something, anything would be nice! I hope you hear something soon and it is good news!!! :flowerforyou:

    Marla, the pic of you is so cute!! :smile:

    I was SO bad today. I didn't log my calories, didn't drink all my water and ate way to much junk food. My friend from Cali called and said why are doing that. What is it your truly need that you are trying to get from food that you are not? I thought about it and told him sleep. I went and took a hot bath at 2 in the afternoon and went to bed. Slept for two hours and now I am up and back on track. I decided today that it is too easy to quit, it takes being strong to finish what you start and I will finish this. I might be 98 years old by the time I hit my goal weight and only then because I have no teeth and can't eat :laugh: but I will get there. Off to get some exercise in!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Just a quick note before bed. Went over on my cals today and missed exercise. Tomorrow is a new day and I will do better.

    Beth and Amanda...Prayers for you and your families.

    Andrew...Chart looks great, thanks!

    Sleep well all:yawn:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Beth, I am so sorry. I am also waiting to hear something, anything would be nice! I hope you hear something soon and it is good news!!! :flowerforyou:

    Marla, the pic of you is so cute!! :smile:

    I was SO bad today. I didn't log my calories, didn't drink all my water and ate way to much junk food. My friend from Cali called and said why are doing that. What is it your truly need that you are trying to get from food that you are not? I thought about it and told him sleep. I went and took a hot bath at 2 in the afternoon and went to bed. Slept for two hours and now I am up and back on track. I decided today that it is too easy to quit, it takes being strong to finish what you start and I will finish this. I might be 98 years old by the time I hit my goal weight and only then because I have no teeth and can't eat :laugh: but I will get there. Off to get some exercise in!!!

    Great attitude, Amanda-- when the going gets tough, and all that jazz-- right?

    God bless us all this day, my friends--
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,068 Member

    Well I weighed this morning after not losing any on tues and am down to 167.8 WOOT (is that right??)

    My thoughts are with you beth and amanda.

    Marla, your before and after pic are amazing, I really need to find some of me........

    Leckel - I agree that I don't buy clothes at full price, I have some very nice friends with older boys who will pass clothes down to my little men, or I wait to buy 'special' clothes in the sale otherwise we tend to wear 'Tesco'.

    Andrew - thank you so muchfor the list - I will show a negative next week (I will, I will, I will........)

    The snow has dissapeared here overnight, and I woke to rain and lots of slushy puddles. So no walking to school this morning, have just done 10 minutes on the rowing machine and will do some time on the bike later. Hopefully the rain will stop and I can walk to school this afternoon. Have been doing well at measuring my food, my son gave me such a funny look when I measured my cereal this morning :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a good day
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member

    Came across another old photo today-- ugh. 2002 above left-- 2009 above right--

    Very motivating to keep it going.

    So proud of this team. The challenge today has been very, very helpful. Didn't take a bite of Caleb's Twix bar because I couldn't log it-- thanks, so much, Batman!

    Ain't no stoppin' us nowwwwwwwww--

    Wow Marla! Such a difference, you look really great:flowerforyou:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beth, I am so sorry. I am also waiting to hear something, anything would be nice! I hope you hear something soon and it is good news!!! :flowerforyou:

    Marla, the pic of you is so cute!! :smile:

    I was SO bad today. I didn't log my calories, didn't drink all my water and ate way to much junk food. My friend from Cali called and said why are doing that. What is it your truly need that you are trying to get from food that you are not? I thought about it and told him sleep. I went and took a hot bath at 2 in the afternoon and went to bed. Slept for two hours and now I am up and back on track. I decided today that it is too easy to quit, it takes being strong to finish what you start and I will finish this. I might be 98 years old by the time I hit my goal weight and only then because I have no teeth and can't eat :laugh: but I will get there. Off to get some exercise in!!!

    See how strong you are Amanda? With everything that you had to deal with yesterday you managed to give your body and mind the rest that it needed and pick yourself up. I am really proud of you and admire your strength:heart:

    Im sure you will hear something today and I hope its good news, please let us know:flowerforyou: What time does Emmy see the Dr today? I am praying for your little angel:heart:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Have been doing well at measuring my food, my son gave me such a funny look when I measured my cereal this morning :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a good day

    Tanya--Just think of all the good habits you are instilling (is that the right word?:huh: ) in your kids at such a young age! They will learn from you and pick up on what your doing without even realizing that they are doing "healthy" things!!:drinker: Hooray for you!!:flowerforyou:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member

    Roni- I always let mine pick a birthday meal too. I used to let them pick where they wanted to eat, but decided on top of giving them money to buy what they want, dropping $50-60 on a meal was crazy, so I make what they want at home. Enjoy your night with your Birthday Boy! So, gotta ask, how easy was that Walk Away the Pounds video?

    Lori--It was nice to do something different for the day, but the workout was nowhere near the intensity or the calorie burn that it used to be for me. I did the "Walk Away The Pounds: Fast and Firm 4 Really Big Miles", which I remember was one of my toughest workouts last winter. I couldnt get my heart rate up to where it needed to be and keep it up there:noway: I kept trying to step it up a little bit to get some sweat going!:laugh:

    It was a great feeling though to do something that just less than a year ago was such a huge challenge for me, and get through it with such ease that I decided I had to chalk it up as my "light day" on exercise!:drinker:

    As a ego-busting wake up call though...I gotta tell you this. Last week after I read Andrews "pull ups success story" I decided that I was going to try to do some floor push ups. They are my fear, my weakness, something Ive always had in my mind that I just CANT do. Ive been able to do some wall push ups, but when I get to the floor NOTTA...not even a girly push up:noway: So I was feeling all confident and "Batmanny" after I breezed through the walk and got on the floor thinking I CAN DO THESE. Pfffft. I did 4:ohwell: And I swear I think I worked up more of a sweat trying to get those 4 little push ups out than I did in the whole 58 min WATP dvd!:laugh:

    Knocked my ego back down to size:blushing:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    good morning everyone :heart:

    just got a call from my dad and my grandmother's surgery went well. the surgeon said it went 10 times better than he thought it would. i am so relieved right now. i know she's not completely out of the woods yet, and she still has 2 weeks of rehab in a nursing home ahead of her, but i'm so happy that we get to have her with us a little longer. i had an awful night and not having heard anything for so long, i was expecting the worst. i'm headed down to MA this weekend, so i'm glad i'll be able to be with her and my family. thank you so much for your prayers and support. i love all of you. :heart:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member

    Roni- I always let mine pick a birthday meal too. I used to let them pick where they wanted to eat, but decided on top of giving them money to buy what they want, dropping $50-60 on a meal was crazy, so I make what they want at home. Enjoy your night with your Birthday Boy! So, gotta ask, how easy was that Walk Away the Pounds video?

    Lori--It was nice to do something different for the day, but the workout was nowhere near the intensity or the calorie burn that it used to be for me. I did the "Walk Away The Pounds: Fast and Firm 4 Really Big Miles", which I remember was one of my toughest workouts last winter. I couldnt get my heart rate up to where it needed to be and keep it up there:noway: I kept trying to step it up a little bit to get some sweat going!:laugh:

    It was a great feeling though to do something that just less than a year ago was such a huge challenge for me, and get through it with such ease that I decided I had to chalk it up as my "light day" on exercise!:drinker:

    As a ego-busting wake up call though...I gotta tell you this. Last week after I read Andrews "pull ups success story" I decided that I was going to try to do some floor push ups. They are my fear, my weakness, something Ive always had in my mind that I just CANT do. Ive been able to do some wall push ups, but when I get to the floor NOTTA...not even a girly push up:noway: So I was feeling all confident and "Batmanny" after I breezed through the walk and got on the floor thinking I CAN DO THESE. Pfffft. I did 4:ohwell: And I swear I think I worked up more of a sweat trying to get those 4 little push ups out than I did in the whole 58 min WATP dvd!:laugh:

    Knocked my ego back down to size:blushing:

    Do 4 pushups a couple of times a week and before you know it, you'll be cranking out more. Heck do 2 everyday and you'll improve! I'm proud of you for trying!

    I never used to be able to do pushups on my toes, now I can. I could never do a pullup, I can do one on my son's Iron Gym. I should take my advice to you, put that Iron Gym on the door and a couple of times a day, just go crank out one pull up, I bet I would improve too!

    Isn't it amazing what we make ourselves believe we can and can't do? Sometimes I think that's my hangup with running, I CAN do it but I've spent so many years telling myself I was not a runner, so the whole time I'm running all I can think about is stopping. I asked myself one day why I wanted to stop, I wasn't tired, I wasn't out of breath, my legs felt great, yet all I could think about was when I could stop. I couldn't answer, I just wanted to stop 'because'. It's so silly!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    good morning everyone :heart:

    just got a call from my dad and my grandmother's surgery went well. the surgeon said it went 10 times better than he thought it would. i am so relieved right now. i know she's not completely out of the woods yet, and she still has 2 weeks of rehab in a nursing home ahead of her, but i'm so happy that we get to have her with us a little longer. i had an awful night and not having heard anything for so long, i was expecting the worst. i'm headed down to MA this weekend, so i'm glad i'll be able to be with her and my family. thank you so much for your prayers and support. i love all of you. :heart:

    Great news Beth! I was extremely close to my grandmother, I know how hard it is to see them decline with age. I miss my grandmother a lot. I'm so happy you get some more time with yours.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    good morning everyone :heart:

    just got a call from my dad and my grandmother's surgery went well. the surgeon said it went 10 times better than he thought it would. i am so relieved right now. i know she's not completely out of the woods yet, and she still has 2 weeks of rehab in a nursing home ahead of her, but i'm so happy that we get to have her with us a little longer. i had an awful night and not having heard anything for so long, i was expecting the worst. i'm headed down to MA this weekend, so i'm glad i'll be able to be with her and my family. thank you so much for your prayers and support. i love all of you. :heart:

    I am so happy the surgery went so well Beth! It sounds like she is one very strong woman, I will keep you and your grandmother and family in my prayers:heart: Enjoy your time with her this weekend:flowerforyou:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member

    Roni- I always let mine pick a birthday meal too. I used to let them pick where they wanted to eat, but decided on top of giving them money to buy what they want, dropping $50-60 on a meal was crazy, so I make what they want at home. Enjoy your night with your Birthday Boy! So, gotta ask, how easy was that Walk Away the Pounds video?

    Lori--It was nice to do something different for the day, but the workout was nowhere near the intensity or the calorie burn that it used to be for me. I did the "Walk Away The Pounds: Fast and Firm 4 Really Big Miles", which I remember was one of my toughest workouts last winter. I couldnt get my heart rate up to where it needed to be and keep it up there:noway: I kept trying to step it up a little bit to get some sweat going!:laugh:

    It was a great feeling though to do something that just less than a year ago was such a huge challenge for me, and get through it with such ease that I decided I had to chalk it up as my "light day" on exercise!:drinker:

    As a ego-busting wake up call though...I gotta tell you this. Last week after I read Andrews "pull ups success story" I decided that I was going to try to do some floor push ups. They are my fear, my weakness, something Ive always had in my mind that I just CANT do. Ive been able to do some wall push ups, but when I get to the floor NOTTA...not even a girly push up:noway: So I was feeling all confident and "Batmanny" after I breezed through the walk and got on the floor thinking I CAN DO THESE. Pfffft. I did 4:ohwell: And I swear I think I worked up more of a sweat trying to get those 4 little push ups out than I did in the whole 58 min WATP dvd!:laugh:

    Knocked my ego back down to size:blushing:

    Do 4 pushups a couple of times a week and before you know it, you'll be cranking out more. Heck do 2 everyday and you'll improve! I'm proud of you for trying!

    I never used to be able to do pushups on my toes, now I can. I could never do a pullup, I can do one on my son's Iron Gym. I should take my advice to you, put that Iron Gym on the door and a couple of times a day, just go crank out one pull up, I bet I would improve too!

    Isn't it amazing what we make ourselves believe we can and can't do? Sometimes I think that's my hangup with running, I CAN do it but I've spent so many years telling myself I was not a runner, so the whole time I'm running all I can think about is stopping. I asked myself one day why I wanted to stop, I wasn't tired, I wasn't out of breath, my legs felt great, yet all I could think about was when I could stop. I couldn't answer, I just wanted to stop 'because'. It's so silly!

    Lori--Let's do it!:smile: I will crank out a couple of push ups a crank out at least one pullup a day:drinker:

    Gotta run guys! Running late this morning getting the teen-boy to school:ohwell: Then hitting the gym and have a few christmas returns to do that Ive been putting off:tongue: Be back later this afternoon...

    Have a great one team!:flowerforyou: And chug-a-lug:drinker: :drinker:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Good morning friends.

    Beth - great news on your grandmother. I am so glad it all went well and you have more time. Will keep her in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

    Amanda - my prayers for your little one and family. Stay strong - you are awesome and I know you will find a way through this (without the comfort food). Take care of you!!!

    Everyone else - awesome job this week - I am proud of you all.

    Warning: rhetorical question and mini-rant ahead!!

    Last chance to look away........

    OK, here it is.

    Why is it that every time I start a regular exercise program my body rebels? Seriously, I get started and am excited about getting stronger and then, BOOM, sinus infection or stomach bug, or <add favorite disease here>. I am beginning to think I am allergic to exercise. This morning I have both - sinus infection and stomach bug - feel like a Mack truck ran over my body (twice).

    ARGH!! OK, I'm done now.. and I do feel much better.

    Back to the water - drinking much more than I usually do - hopefully I can flush out the yucky bugs...

    And I do know that it will all feel so much better once I have been exercising regularly for a few weeks, I just need to get past this icky period...

    Talk to you all later. Janie
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Woops! updated to include Donna! Eeeeeek!!!!
    How did I miss that!

    No worries Batman! You're not getting rid of me that easily:happy: :drinker:

    Had she gained no biggie..............but we wanna see that LOSS bay bee!!

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Why is it that every time I start a regular exercise program my body rebels? Seriously, I get started and am excited about getting stronger and then, BOOM, sinus infection or stomach bug, or <add favorite disease here>. I am beginning to think I am allergic to exercise. This morning I have both - sinus infection and stomach bug - feel like a Mack truck ran over my body (twice).

    Here is what I was told when I asked a chiropractor this very question.
    He said your body is full of toxins which lay dormant in the system....happily yucking up your body.
    When you start to exercise you shake the little b^stards up and they start moving around
    your body then works hard to get rid of them.

    So *TMI.....I had boils once, sinus infection, stomach issues........but when I pushed thru they all went away and I was much much healthier for the months and months I stayed on a program.

    So not a stupid question at all. I bet we all have stories!!

    Hope you feel better Janie....drink up my friend :heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Roni- I always let mine pick a birthday meal too. I used to let them pick where they wanted to eat, but decided on top of giving them money to buy what they want, dropping $50-60 on a meal was crazy, so I make what they want at home. Enjoy your night with your Birthday Boy! So, gotta ask, how easy was that Walk Away the Pounds video?

    Lori--It was nice to do something different for the day, but the workout was nowhere near the intensity or the calorie burn that it used to be for me. I did the "Walk Away The Pounds: Fast and Firm 4 Really Big Miles", which I remember was one of my toughest workouts last winter. I couldnt get my heart rate up to where it needed to be and keep it up there:noway: I kept trying to step it up a little bit to get some sweat going!:laugh:

    It was a great feeling though to do something that just less than a year ago was such a huge challenge for me, and get through it with such ease that I decided I had to chalk it up as my "light day" on exercise!:drinker:

    As a ego-busting wake up call though...I gotta tell you this. Last week after I read Andrews "pull ups success story" I decided that I was going to try to do some floor push ups. They are my fear, my weakness, something Ive always had in my mind that I just CANT do. Ive been able to do some wall push ups, but when I get to the floor NOTTA...not even a girly push up:noway: So I was feeling all confident and "Batmanny" after I breezed through the walk and got on the floor thinking I CAN DO THESE. Pfffft. I did 4:ohwell: And I swear I think I worked up more of a sweat trying to get those 4 little push ups out than I did in the whole 58 min WATP dvd!:laugh:

    Knocked my ego back down to size:blushing:

    Do 4 pushups a couple of times a week and before you know it, you'll be cranking out more. Heck do 2 everyday and you'll improve! I'm proud of you for trying!

    I never used to be able to do pushups on my toes, now I can. I could never do a pullup, I can do one on my son's Iron Gym. I should take my advice to you, put that Iron Gym on the door and a couple of times a day, just go crank out one pull up, I bet I would improve too!

    Isn't it amazing what we make ourselves believe we can and can't do? Sometimes I think that's my hangup with running, I CAN do it but I've spent so many years telling myself I was not a runner, so the whole time I'm running all I can think about is stopping. I asked myself one day why I wanted to stop, I wasn't tired, I wasn't out of breath, my legs felt great, yet all I could think about was when I could stop. I couldn't answer, I just wanted to stop 'because'. It's so silly!

    Lori--Let's do it!:smile: I will crank out a couple of push ups a crank out at least one pullup a day:drinker:

    Gotta run guys! Running late this morning getting the teen-boy to school:ohwell: Then hitting the gym and have a few christmas returns to do that Ive been putting off:tongue: Be back later this afternoon...

    Have a great one team!:flowerforyou: And chug-a-lug:drinker: :drinker:

    Roni, I remember my 1st push up. I went into the 100 push up thread and read up on mechanicmom....and a few others.
    I made a joke (which was actually true!) that I tried one, fell to the ground and took a nap!! (ok, the nap was a lie but well...)

    MM responded that we all start somewhere and it was wonderful I was trying. I had thought they would be POd that I jumped in their thread.........instead I made a wonderful friend and ALL the ppl on the challenge sent me notes and encouragment!

    I can now do a bunch...been awhile so not sure what!

    You can also do them on stairs if you have them. Start on high one and do the 4, next time either do 6 or go down a stair....wonderul way to work your way up

    BTW I am sSOo proud of you all!!
