Black Team Week 2 Challenge Thread!!!-



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Going to say good night from over the pond, and will try my best to come on tomorrow - have a double party for ds2 and ds3, so lots of guests etc

    Night all, have a good day

    Have fun Tanya!!:heart:
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    I just got done doing 7 miles on the treadmill. I ran 6.2 miles (10K) and then walked the rest on a 4% incline. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me since I haven’t ran a 10K in over 4 years. I guess there is a thing such as muscle memory. I’m especially ecstatic doing this at 180 lbs. I use to run at 120 lbs so this is a really BIG deal. Now, I don’t know if my joints agree, but they’ll have to adjust (LOL).

    -Shaunte and Samantha you inspired me to go that long.


    show off:angry:

    LOL....great job Jan! Man you must have killed like 800 cals~!!

    Just be sure to stretch..........and stretch again. You rock!:glasses:


    I burned 1000 calories and sheesh just now waking up from a nap. Made sure to stretch and clean the kitchen afterwards because if not I would be stiff. Thanks for the advice. I need all the stretching I can get:happy:

  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    I just got done doing 7 miles on the treadmill. I ran 6.2 miles (10K) and then walked the rest on a 4% incline. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me since I haven’t ran a 10K in over 4 years. I guess there is a thing such as muscle memory. I’m especially ecstatic doing this at 180 lbs. I use to run at 120 lbs so this is a really BIG deal. Now, I don’t know if my joints agree, but they’ll have to adjust (LOL).

    -Shaunte and Samantha you inspired me to go that long.


    Jan -Congrats! Don't forget to rest those joints!

    Thanks and I really don't want to get injured. So, I must slow my roll...just trying to keep up with all of you:bigsmile:

  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :smile: Thanks for the encouragement.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I just got done doing 7 miles on the treadmill. I ran 6.2 miles (10K) and then walked the rest on a 4% incline. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me since I haven’t ran a 10K in over 4 years. I guess there is a thing such as muscle memory. I’m especially ecstatic doing this at 180 lbs. I use to run at 120 lbs so this is a really BIG deal. Now, I don’t know if my joints agree, but they’ll have to adjust (LOL).

    -Shaunte and Samantha you inspired me to go that long.


    show off:angry:

    LOL....great job Jan! Man you must have killed like 800 cals~!!

    Just be sure to stretch..........and stretch again. You rock!:glasses:


    I burned 1000 calories and sheesh just now waking up from a nap. Made sure to stretch and clean the kitchen afterwards because if not I would be stiff. Thanks for the advice. I need all the stretching I can get:happy:


    Man!! that is awesome Jan! I have been on diets were 1k is all I could EAT!! :laugh:

    Runners amaze me. I am on that c25k program just to prove I can do anything!!:drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :smile: Thanks for the encouragement.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    So, what is everyone up to today? I am playing on the house and having the DTV dude fix up my tivo.

    The weather is perfect here so I will go do wk 2 of c25k!!

    Have a great weekend!! Jeannie

    The weather is positively nasty here. Rain, rain, rain.

    I am cleaning my kitchen, like really cleaning, scrubbing, cleaning out cupboards. I've been at it 2 hours and I'm not even close to being done. My arm already hurts!

    I've been on a cleaning jag. Yesterday was my bedroom, curtains, windows, baseboards. It seems so sparkly and clean.

    The bathrooms- they are next. :grumble:

    Can you bank calories burned from cleaning?

    I wore my HRM on a mad cleaning day and burned 600 EXTRA calories!! I counted it because I was famished.
    Now when I do regular cleaning, nope dont count it. Figure I got 50 pounds overweight doing that same work :tongue:

    Gardening, mowing the lawn, hoeing, scrub/mopping, and extra duty bed day, I count!:drinker:

    I almost wish I would have worn my HRM. I was up and down off the chair to reach high stuff, I was up and down off the floor to reach low stuff. I scrubbed til my arm felt like it might fall off. I worked in my kitchen from 10ish this morning til 5. I stopped for a few minutes to eat some lunch and grab a snack. Without counting exercise calories today, I am going to go over, because I am freaking starving right now and I already know I'm eating more than a 250 calorie dinner.

    Granted I could go get on the elliptical, but I'm thinking about tackling the bathrooms yet and ironing the dust ruffle for my new bedding set.....

    I'm not sure what's gotten into me, but hubs said he likes it. Actually hubs was away this week and I have this strange thing that I like the house to be clean when he gets home but usually I just do surface stuff. I think maybe I know nice weather is coming and I don't want to be stuck in the house when it gets here.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member

    Runners amaze me. I am on that c25k program just to prove I can do anything!!:drinker:


    Me too !!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey guys I just popped in for a minute to report to Lori:wink: I tried out the assisted pull up machine at the gym today. I set the resistance (is it still called resistance when it offsets your weight?) anyhoo...I set it to where I was actually only lifting about 60 lbs of my body weight. And I did 20 yes TWENTY!!:drinker: Ok, so it wasnt all my body weight, but its a start:wink:

    Oh yeah, and I didnt fall off of it but I did bump my head on one of the bar thingys at the top:ohwell: I dont think anyone saw it though, I looked around and didnt see anyone looking at me:blushing:

    Have a great night guys:flowerforyou:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Hey guys I just popped in for a minute to report to Lori:wink: I tried out the assisted pull up machine at the gym today. I set the resistance (is it still called resistance when it offsets your weight?) anyhoo...I set it to where I was actually only lifting about 60 lbs of my body weight. And I did 20 yes TWENTY!!:drinker: Ok, so it wasnt all my body weight, but its a start:wink:

    Oh yeah, and I didnt fall off of it but I did bump my head on one of the bar thingys at the top:ohwell: I dont think anyone saw it though, I looked around and didnt see anyone looking at me:blushing:

    Have a great night guys:flowerforyou:

    RONI DID IT! RONI DID IT! I'm so happy you tried and cranked out 20! Just think when you weigh 60 pounds, you'll be pull up queen. :noway: :laugh: Ok, maybe not. But you'll get stronger as you do it and eventually be lifting 70 pounds, then 80.....

    I'm so happy for you! I can't stop smiling! I love that the accomplishments of others are as satisfying as my own.

    Speaking of... I have to do a few more pull ups today. :huh: I was so busy I forgot until just a bit ago. Did 3 this morning, than 2 before I ironed, so 2 more to make my goal. I think I'll do 'em now and call it a day. I'm exhausted!

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey clan--

    Nutty day-- surprise visit threw us for a loop schedule wise-- somewhat productive day. Hubs is working on the refrigerator water line, Aaron got the Christmas lights off the house, laundry going-- you know, usual Saturday kinda stuff.

    Found my old 55 minute Taebo Ultimate Abs video. A lot easier to do than the last time I did it-- woo-- go me. Have no idea how to calculate the calories burned. Hubs bought me a "Sportline" heartrate monitor for Christmas, but don't know how accurate it is. It has me at 385 calories for 45 minutes of taebo. Online calculator has it at over 600 calorie burn.

    Either way, for tonight, I was done eating (with the exception of the apple I just had) but I logged the lower calorie burn.

    Heading to work-- later, peeps.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening Black Team-

    Roni- Way to go on the pull ups. that machine is cool stuff!

    Shuntae-That running group sounds awesome. We have a Triathlon club in my town that I am looking to join, they do group rides and runs so I think it will be fun to get out there with a group.

    Jan-Nice run and awesome calorie burn

    Marla- Glad you got some time with the MIL.

    Well I've been quiet which means I am on the road and working. The rare weekend that I work. I am helping out a co-worker by working the Bangor Maine Bridal Show. Bridal show's arent really my thing but I helped him last year and figured I'd help him out again this year. Day one was pretty successful and my co-worker commented on what a schmoozer I was tonight. He said he was amazed at how well I did and I realized that I am a much more confident fella than I was a year ago. lol.

    Got to the hotel this afternoon and ironed my pretty boy clothes. Realized I only had about a half hour before I was going to have to hit the shower so I didnt have time to make the fitness room so I got inventive and did a little circuit of jumping jacks, butt kicks and push ups in my room. 20 mins and a quick 250 cals burned felt good. Had to meet adam (my co-worker) at 99 for dinner so I went with the baked cod, baked potato and steamed broccoli. Seemed like one of the better options availabe, I HATE resturant food because you never know. Did you know that their is 33 friggin grams of fat in that piece of fish. Holy cow, damn travelling sucks. Still came in under my calories but a bit high in the fat area. Anyway, I think I am gonna curl up with a book and call it a night. One more day at the Bridal Show before I get to go home.

    Night team!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hey guys I just popped in for a minute to report to Lori:wink: I tried out the assisted pull up machine at the gym today. I set the resistance (is it still called resistance when it offsets your weight?) anyhoo...I set it to where I was actually only lifting about 60 lbs of my body weight. And I did 20 yes TWENTY!!:drinker: Ok, so it wasnt all my body weight, but its a start:wink:

    Oh yeah, and I didnt fall off of it but I did bump my head on one of the bar thingys at the top:ohwell: I dont think anyone saw it though, I looked around and didnt see anyone looking at me:blushing:

    Have a great night guys:flowerforyou:

    That is so cool! I started at 120 and am at 70-80 now! I love that dang machine!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello all...Had a busy Saturday but made it to the gym. My HRM didn't count my cals so I will return it and try to find the one Amanda got. Off to bed now. Sleep well.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,068 Member
    Happy lunchtime from across the pond..... been tidying up and getting things sorted and while the boys had lunch I went on the bike and turned up the resistance. Still burnt 500 calories in 30mins but my thigh muscles are feeling it and I am so hot an sweaty. Going to go and grab a shower before the guests arrive and hopefully I can have this one alone!

    Marla (or any other Jets fans), what time is the game on today?
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Morning team. 2nd weekend day in a row, up before 6 AM. Grrrrr. :grumble: The kids don't have school tomorrow, maybe I'll sleep in then cause I know for sure come Tuesday when I have to get up, I sure won't wanna!

    I think I'm headed out to get groceries in a bit. The commissary opens at 7, but only if I want to do self check out... and for all I get, I don't. But if I get there around 8 and shop, by the time the cashiers show up at 9 I'll be ready to check out and it will be fairly painless. As painless as getting groceries can be anyway. I need to take stock and see what is needed before I head out. I haven't done that the last few times and I have a lot of certain things and none of other things.

    In my anal cleaning obsession here of late I have been researching the Shark Steam Pocket mop. Gets great reviews. I might have to go find me one. I know Bed, Bath and Beyond sell it Andrew! :bigsmile: Unfortunately it's the wrong direction from where I'm headed. I would love something to clean my laminate floors and have them look good. They never do. Between the kids and a 110 pound large slobbery dog, floors are a pain in the backside.

    Alrighty friends, I'm rambling. Guess I should get ready devise list of some sorts. Have a wonderful Sunday!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    I just got done doing 7 miles on the treadmill. I ran 6.2 miles (10K) and then walked the rest on a 4% incline. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me since I haven’t ran a 10K in over 4 years. I guess there is a thing such as muscle memory. I’m especially ecstatic doing this at 180 lbs. I use to run at 120 lbs so this is a really BIG deal. Now, I don’t know if my joints agree, but they’ll have to adjust (LOL).

    -Shaunte and Samantha you inspired me to go that long.


    That is FABULOUS Jan!!:drinker: :drinker: I gotta tell you, you have put some stuff in my head and turned on a light bulb for me. I was reading your post and then got to the part about you doing that at 180 lbs and now I cant quit thinking about it. I thought about it all night in fact:blushing:

    I am fairly close to that weight now (less than 20 lbs) and although I add a little "boosted walking" (gentle jogging) to my outdoor walks, I've never run for more than 60 seconds at a time before I bring it back down to a walk. And I dont AT ALL on the treadmill. I watch others run/jog as Im doing my fast walk (4.2 mph is fast for me lol) and I WANT to try it but I have this image in my head of myself losing my balance and rolling aff the back of the treadmill in front of everyone:ohwell:

    I envy all the runners on here. I read their posts about their runs and I think "I REALLY want to do that!" Then I think about how much smaller they are than me and think I cant do it.

    I've been really challenging myself alot lately (maybe its something in the water?:laugh: ) And now you have inspired me to "think more" (:blushing: ) about trying to start to run. Oh, these fears of mine!!:grumble: By the way, where the heck is Marla with her SNAP OUT OF IT smiley thingy?? Oh yeah, I think its a Jets day?:wink:

    Anyway, thank you for sharing that Jan.:flowerforyou:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Evening Black Team-

    Roni- Way to go on the pull ups. that machine is cool stuff!

    Shuntae-That running group sounds awesome. We have a Triathlon club in my town that I am looking to join, they do group rides and runs so I think it will be fun to get out there with a group.

    Jan-Nice run and awesome calorie burn

    Marla- Glad you got some time with the MIL.

    Well I've been quiet which means I am on the road and working. The rare weekend that I work. I am helping out a co-worker by working the Bangor Maine Bridal Show. Bridal show's arent really my thing but I helped him last year and figured I'd help him out again this year. Day one was pretty successful and my co-worker commented on what a schmoozer I was tonight. He said he was amazed at how well I did and I realized that I am a much more confident fella than I was a year ago. lol.

    Got to the hotel this afternoon and ironed my pretty boy clothes. Realized I only had about a half hour before I was going to have to hit the shower so I didnt have time to make the fitness room so I got inventive and did a little circuit of jumping jacks, butt kicks and push ups in my room. 20 mins and a quick 250 cals burned felt good. Had to meet adam (my co-worker) at 99 for dinner so I went with the baked cod, baked potato and steamed broccoli. Seemed like one of the better options availabe, I HATE resturant food because you never know. Did you know that their is 33 friggin grams of fat in that piece of fish. Holy cow, damn travelling sucks. Still came in under my calories but a bit high in the fat area. Anyway, I think I am gonna curl up with a book and call it a night. One more day at the Bridal Show before I get to go home.

    Night team!

    Thanks Andrew!

    I know what you mean about restaurant food. You think your making a good choice and then are quite thrown when you log it to see some of the nutrition info!:grumble: They just had a segment on the local news here about how they did an investigation on restaurants and what they "say" is the lowfat low-cal menu options. Turned out that a huge number of places were way off on what they were claiming the calorie and fat content and such were. They used specific places for examples on what the restaurant claims as compared to what they found it to actually be. I tell you it was sad, scary and mind-blowing. Makes you never want to eat out:ohwell:

    Way to go on utililizing what you had available to you and getting a good workout in!:drinker:

    By the way, how is Beth? Isnt she with her Grandmother this weekend? I hope all is well, please give her our love.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey guys I just popped in for a minute to report to Lori:wink: I tried out the assisted pull up machine at the gym today. I set the resistance (is it still called resistance when it offsets your weight?) anyhoo...I set it to where I was actually only lifting about 60 lbs of my body weight. And I did 20 yes TWENTY!!:drinker: Ok, so it wasnt all my body weight, but its a start:wink:

    Oh yeah, and I didnt fall off of it but I did bump my head on one of the bar thingys at the top:ohwell: I dont think anyone saw it though, I looked around and didnt see anyone looking at me:blushing:

    Have a great night guys:flowerforyou:

    That is so cool! I started at 120 and am at 70-80 now! I love that dang machine!!

    I think 120 might be what I had it set on? Not for sure because I had another gym member show me how to use it and he set it at what he thought I might need as a beginner and then showed me how to change it if it was still to hard. It was:ohwell: So I climbed back off the machine and changed the it was either 120 BEFORE I changed it, or I changed it to that? :laugh:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey guys I just popped in for a minute to report to Lori:wink: I tried out the assisted pull up machine at the gym today. I set the resistance (is it still called resistance when it offsets your weight?) anyhoo...I set it to where I was actually only lifting about 60 lbs of my body weight. And I did 20 yes TWENTY!!:drinker: Ok, so it wasnt all my body weight, but its a start:wink:

    Oh yeah, and I didnt fall off of it but I did bump my head on one of the bar thingys at the top:ohwell: I dont think anyone saw it though, I looked around and didnt see anyone looking at me:blushing:

    Have a great night guys:flowerforyou:

    RONI DID IT! RONI DID IT! I'm so happy you tried and cranked out 20! Just think when you weigh 60 pounds, you'll be pull up queen. :noway: :laugh: Ok, maybe not. But you'll get stronger as you do it and eventually be lifting 70 pounds, then 80.....

    I'm so happy for you! I can't stop smiling! I love that the accomplishments of others are as satisfying as my own.

    Speaking of... I have to do a few more pull ups today. :huh: I was so busy I forgot until just a bit ago. Did 3 this morning, than 2 before I ironed, so 2 more to make my goal. I think I'll do 'em now and call it a day. I'm exhausted!


    Thanks Lori! Im pretty proud of me too:blushing: :blushing: I felt like I was walking the plank or something as I was walking up to that machine and it kept getting bigger and bigger in my mind the closer I got to it!!:laugh: But Im like that. Im sort of a creature of habit and anything new or different makes me nervous lol. Hopefully when I try it again today, I wont be so clumsy and nervous!! Plus, I will pay attention to exactly what I have the weight set on:blushing:

    Thank you Lori:flowerforyou:

    P.S. Did you get those last pullups in last night?:wink: