LOVELY LADIES SUPPORT GROUP starts today!! 8/18/09



  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Good morning ladies. I'm really excited about this group. Here is my story...

    I'm a single mom of two teenage daughters. I reached my goal weight after having babies 7 years ago, I did great and kept it off for 3 years then, however over the last 4 years laziness and lack of focus caused me to gain back the weight I had lose (23 pounds). So I refocused myself and started this journey on June 8th. Since then I'm down 14 pounds. I am committed to making this a lasting lifestyle change. I am very focused on getting exercise every day, I am working on the Couch 2 5k plan with a goal of running a 5 k in October. I am addicted to this website, I love reading everyone elses story, how much we can learn from each other. It is hard day to day to stay focused without support, this place is GREAT!

    SW: 158
    CW: 145
    GW: 135 (Nov 1)

  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    Good morning! I am 32, a single mother of 3 (12 - 9- 5, youngest starts kindergarten on monday!) and I work full time and have a long commute...not a lot of free time to say the least! When I was married I was depressed and found myself hovering around 220...once I realized I was not happy and my ex and I seperated (emotionally and mentally, but not physically) I began going for walks after working 12 hours...and eating better. Finally thinking of myself alittle and lost about 40 pounds! I was in a whirlwind romance continued to lose a little and a little more once that ended at the same time my best friend moved over 5 hours away. :brokenheart: That didn't last long! Finally being "alone" and having all the stress with no one to talk to drove me back to the one thing I knew was there and that "pleased" me...FOOD! Now I find myself back over 180 and again, overwhelmed, depressed and loathing myself at times. I need to break the give myself something to work on and obtain successes as little as they may be to add to the greater goal. So here I am... Trying to eat better (have to kick the Chick-n-mini habit grrrr) and hitting the gym at lunch and Saturday mornings, here the journey begins!!!

    SW ~ 184ish (don't really know)
    CW ~ 182.8
    MG ~ 175 by B-day 9/14/09 :drinker:
    GW ~ 140 :bigsmile:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I love reading everybodys stories! We're all at such different places in our lives but meet in this familiar place of weight loss. :tongue: Good luck to everyone! :smile: We've got this.

    Okay - Wednesday Weigh in for me:smile: But -- it was not a happy one. My goal for this wednesday was to be down 1lb. well, thanks to TOM I stayed the same. So here's my weigh in results.

    SW (last wednesday I'll use as my start weight) : 179
    CW : 179
    GW : 149

    My goal for next week is 1lb. :drinker: Let's do this!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning All,

    I am 46 (by only a week) :happy: , a married mother of 2 beautiful girls (16 and 12). Both DH and I work full time, and also have a hobby that fills our weekends during the summer. Weekends are when I have the hardest time keeping to my healthy eating. :grumble: I am awake by 5am to walk the dog, and then workout for an hour. I try to workout 6 days a week, incorporating weight and cardio. I am a home exerciser that has way to many DVD's! :blushing: I have been down to my goal weight just a couple of years ago, and then this funny thing happened AGE! :mad: Seems no matter how much I exercised or ate right I gained weight. I think I sort of gave up for a time, because what was the use. I was still exercising, but not eating very well. Now I'm on the journey down again, and have found workouts that are motivational. :heart: Jillian Michaels is a workout queen as far as I am concerned. I have also started to run again, and am feeling and looking better all the time. Glad to be part of this group.

    SW: 162.5
    GW: 150
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Morning All,

    I am 46 (by only a week) :happy: , a married mother of 2 beautiful girls (16 and 12). Both DH and I work full time, and also have a hobby that fills our weekends during the summer. Weekends are when I have the hardest time keeping to my healthy eating. :grumble: I am awake by 5am to walk the dog, and then workout for an hour. I try to workout 6 days a week, incorporating weight and cardio. I am a home exerciser that has way to many DVD's! :blushing: I have been down to my goal weight just a couple of years ago, and then this funny thing happened AGE! :mad: Seems no matter how much I exercised or ate right I gained weight. I think I sort of gave up for a time, because what was the use. I was still exercising, but not eating very well. Now I'm on the journey down again, and have found workouts that are motivational. :heart: Jillian Michaels is a workout queen as far as I am concerned. I have also started to run again, and am feeling and looking better all the time. Glad to be part of this group.

    SW: 162.5
    GW: 150

    Age definitely makes a difference. I swear my metabolism shut off at 37 that's when I gave up too, now 42 I'm determined to not give up!! I also LOVE Jillian Michaels, she is easy to follow, not too girly, seems like a real person.
  • mandyfairbanks
    Hi! Ok I usually weigh in on Saturdays....well to be honest I have a weighing issue and check everyday! So I weighed in this morning too! I am happy to report that I lost the 3 pounds I gained over the weekend and an additional pound! YEAH! Hope to be down 3 pounds by next weds! PS: What does DH stand for?

    SW: 202.4
    NOW: 191.2
    Next Weds 8/26: 188
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Morning All,

    I am 46 (by only a week) :happy: , a married mother of 2 beautiful girls (16 and 12). Both DH and I work full time, and also have a hobby that fills our weekends during the summer. Weekends are when I have the hardest time keeping to my healthy eating. :grumble: I am awake by 5am to walk the dog, and then workout for an hour. I try to workout 6 days a week, incorporating weight and cardio. I am a home exerciser that has way to many DVD's! :blushing: I have been down to my goal weight just a couple of years ago, and then this funny thing happened AGE! :mad: Seems no matter how much I exercised or ate right I gained weight. I think I sort of gave up for a time, because what was the use. I was still exercising, but not eating very well. Now I'm on the journey down again, and have found workouts that are motivational. :heart: Jillian Michaels is a workout queen as far as I am concerned. I have also started to run again, and am feeling and looking better all the time. Glad to be part of this group.

    SW: 162.5
    GW: 150

    Age definitely makes a difference. I swear my metabolism shut off at 37 that's when I gave up too, now 42 I'm determined to not give up!! I also LOVE Jillian Michaels, she is easy to follow, not too girly, seems like a real person.

    Me too! I :heart: her. She's AMAZING!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Happy Wednesday, Lovely Ladies!!:flowerforyou: Sorry I haven't checked in earlier, it has been a mad housecleaning day at my house! But you ladies have been on my mind today anyway. So yesterday I didn't have a chance to get my normal workout in, so I did 2 of the Tony Horton 10 minute trainer videos - my goodness, they may be short but he still makes you use all of your muscles and you are getting a pretty decent cardio workout as well - he uses every second of that ten minutes! I love hearing everyone's stories, I will post mine the next time I check in ( I would do it now but this post is already getting pretty long - sorry).

    ok, so here goes for my Wednesday Weigh In!

    Reverted back to some emotional eating last week - :grumble: not bad, just a little bit, but enough to stay at 235 for the moment. Hmmmm....Well, I guess I just need to use this as a little reminder why it's not good to fall back into bad habits. But, I am not going to dwell on last week, I am looking forward to next Wednesday, keep a positive attitude and move forward!! :drinker: (by the way, that is ice water with lemon that my little drinker man is saying cheers with!!!
  • teeneu
    teeneu Posts: 21 Member
    Hi all,

    Some great losses this week!

    It's great to read about everyone's background, here's mine.. I'm 36, married and have 3 boys, 8, 6 and 3. I work full time as a 2nd grade teacher. I've really been working hard this summer with exercise and eating, so I have to figure out a new routine once school starts in a few weeks.

    I had a great weigh in this week and lost just over 3 pounds.

    I also love Jillian Michaels and do her 30 minute Shred or the Biggest Loser strength training.


    Mini goal-175 by Oct. 16 my 10 year anniversary

    Tink-DH usually stands for "dear husband"
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Great to see everyones updates.

    I've been working on Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones - it is very similar to her 30 day shred but is 60 minutes instead of 20, really love the exercises, the planks kill me but I'm amazed at how much stronger I am each time I do it. That girl really knows how to get results.

    Looking forward to a quiet weekend at home, haven't had one in a while, should have lots of good time to exercise and cook some healthy stuff!!! I'm so much better when I have leftovers to bring for lunches during the week - does anyone have any particular favorites they like to make ahead? this week I made a really healthy Lasagna. Wheat noodles, spinach, muchrooms and red peppers - Yummy!!!

    Keep up the great work :)
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Great to see everyones updates.

    I've been working on Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones - it is very similar to her 30 day shred but is 60 minutes instead of 20, really love the exercises, the planks kill me but I'm amazed at how much stronger I am each time I do it. That girl really knows how to get results.

    Looking forward to a quiet weekend at home, haven't had one in a while, should have lots of good time to exercise and cook some healthy stuff!!! I'm so much better when I have leftovers to bring for lunches during the week - does anyone have any particular favorites they like to make ahead? this week I made a really healthy Lasagna. Wheat noodles, spinach, muchrooms and red peppers - Yummy!!!

    Keep up the great work :)

    Lasagna is one of my best meals for leftovers for the week - but it's not all that healthy. Would you mind sharing your recipe? What you listed sounds really good. :love:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Love to share - found it on Eating - Make sure to drain everything well, mine was a little soupy so will do better with that next time. I added Red Pepper strips because I saw them in another recipe and thought they would work well with this.

    8 ounces whole-wheat lasagna noodles
    1 pound lean spicy Italian turkey sausage, casings removed (see Variation)
    4 cups sliced mushrooms (10 ounces)
    1/4 cup water
    1 pound frozen spinach, thawed
    1 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes, preferably chunky
    1/4 cup chopped fresh basil or 1 TBS dried
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    Freshly ground pepper to taste
    1 pound part-skim ricotta cheese (2 cups) or lowfat cottage cheese
    8 ounces part-skim mozzarella cheese, shredded (about 2 cups), divided

    1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat a 9-by-13-inch baking dish with cooking spray.
    2. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add noodles and cook until not quite tender, about 2 minutes less than the package directions. Drain; return the noodles to the pot, cover with cool water and set aside.
    3. Coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray and heat over medium-high heat. Add sausage; cook, crumbling with a wooden spoon, until browned, about 4 minutes. Add mushrooms and water; cook, stirring occasionally and crumbling the sausage more, until it is cooked through, the water has evaporated and the mushrooms are tender, 8 to 10 minutes. Squeeze spinach to remove excess water, then stir into the pan; remove from heat.
    4. Mix tomatoes with basil, salt and pepper in a medium bowl.
    5. To assemble lasagna: Spread 1/2 cup of the tomatoes in the prepared baking dish. Arrange a layer of noodles on top, trimming to fit if necessary. Evenly dollop half the ricotta over the noodles. Top with half the sausage mixture, one-third of the remaining tomatoes and one-third of the mozzarella. Continue with another layer of noodles, the remaining ricotta, the remaining sausage, half the remaining tomatoes and half the remaining mozzarella. Top with a third layer of noodles and the remaining tomatoes.
    6. Cover the lasagna with foil and bake until bubbling and heated through, 1 hour to 1 hour 10 minutes. Remove the foil; sprinkle the remaining mozzarella on top. Return to the oven and bake until the cheese is just melted but not browned, 8 to 10 minutes. Let rest for 10 minutes before serving.

    NUTRITION INFORMATION: Per serving: 333 calories; 14 g fat (5 g sat, 3 g mono); 41 mg cholesterol; 28 g carbohydrate; 26 g protein; 7 g fiber; 655 mg sodium; 606 mg potassium.
    Nutrition bonus: Vitamin A (128% daily value), Calcium (23% dv), Iron (21% dv), Folate (19% dv), Potassium (17% dv).
    1 1/2 Carbohydrate Servings
    Exchanges: 1 starch, 1 1/2 vegetable, 1 lean meat, 2 medium-fat meat
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    I would love to join this group if it's not too late

    My story...
    I'm 22 and a student and also work around 20 hours a week so needless to say it's hard to find time for anything besides school. Growing up I was always a chunky kid and when I got to high school it seemed to be a bigger isue with other people. I dropped about 20 pounds in high school but gained back ten by the time I went to college. Then somehow, that first summer after college. I really buckled down and got down to the lowest weight I was maybe back in middle school or before!!! I was 125 and feeling great ( I know that sounds low but I'm pretty short lol) Then of course sophomore year was tough so the weight came back on and in the last 6 months I've been heavier than ever..170!!! Yikes! So I've always been a cardio junkie and love lifting, it's just finding the time and also eating right. I live with 3 other people just out of college so it's still all about pizza, beer, and mac n cheese. lol Hopefully this group can keep me on track

    SW: 172
    CW: 170
    GW:140 (or lower :happy: )
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I also worked out with Jillian's No More Trouble Zones. I'm hoping that she puts out more. :wink: As I was eating my tortilla egg wrap this morning, I was watching ExerciseTV On Demand. There is a workout of Jillian's that I wanted to check out called Quick Trouble Zones. It was 39 min., and I found out it is No More Trouble Zones with just the warm-up / first four circuits / cool down. They have a rotation on ExerciseTV's web site that incorporates the Shred, No More Trouble Zones, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and the workout I mentioned above. Was thinking of trying this 30 day rotation.

    m2kjenn: Thanks for the recipe, will have to try it out on the family. But with that dang green stuff in it they may turn up their noses. :frown:
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Ok, here is my story -

    I am 27, a mother of two - my daughter just turned 2 on july 9, and my son will be four on Aug 30. My husband and I have a construction business and we run the office part of it out of our home. So it is super busy around here, trying to corral 2 small kiddos and do the business stuff! But I love my family and feel super blessed to be where I am at! :love:
    Well, I was 170 lbs when I got pregnant with my first baby in Nov. of 2004. I ate right, exercised, was careful during my pregnancy, but I still gained a lot of weight - and I do mean ALOT!!:angry: I stopped weighing myself about six months into it because I had already gains 30 pounds and I would cry everytime I stepped on the scale - which became quite often. I talked to my DR. and she said that some people's body just kinda freak out and do what it want's during pregnancy - no matter how careful the mom is. So I don't even know how much I gained - I refused to look at the scale.

    Well, after he was born, I think I weighed in about 227. I wasn't thrilled, but I started trying to lose the weight - with not much success. I don't know how serious I really was.
    Then came the shocker - when he was 14 months old I got pregnant again -totally unplanned, I was pretty Anyway, I was scared about the weight thing this time too, and I wasn't nearly as carefull about exercise and food - I just ate what I wanted when I wanted to - and I only gained 14 pounds!!!! Crazy!!!:bigsmile:

    She just turned two and I still weigh 235. I have lost and gained probably 15 -20 lbs over the past 2 years, but here I am - :noway: Two years since my last baby and still have the weight from my first!!!

    It makes me crazy!! I really want to feel good in my own skin again - it's funny, I don't feel like a fat girl, I don't know if that's denial, or what! But I am just embracing who I am - and working towards my goals.

    So there it is - my story. I knew it would be long!!! oops:yawn: hopefully not tooo dull!! haha! I am so glad you ladies have decided to join me on this journey, I look forward to the friendships that are going to develope along the way!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    m2kjenn - Thanks for the yummy lasagna recipe! sounds great!

    I have heard a ton about Jillian's workouts on MFP, and have been thinking about trying them - any suggestions for starters?
  • melmel12
    melmel12 Posts: 21
    just curious, where do you get her workouts? are they a dvd set? is it something you have to buy online...also is anyone doing the couch to 5k..i was thinking of starting that.
  • melmel12
    melmel12 Posts: 21
    just curious, where do you get her workouts? are they a dvd set? is it something you have to buy online...also is anyone doing the couch to 5k..i was thinking of starting that.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    I get my workouts mostly on-line.

    You can also find Jillian workouts at Target in the sporting goods section, you may pay more doing it that way.

    jtodacheeny: I would say the best one is the 30 day Shred. One of the exercisers shows beginner moves.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    just curious, where do you get her workouts? are they a dvd set? is it something you have to buy online...also is anyone doing the couch to 5k..i was thinking of starting that.

    You also might check if you have cable, do you have an "on demand" channel. Many do. If you do ,there is a free on demand section and under that an exercise tv channel - there are tons of programs there, including Jillians shred and No More Trouble zones. I just mention it because I picked up on it from another post and found I had it and didn't even know.

    I am also doing the couch to 5k - It is great. You can do a search her on the message board, there were some threads a few weeks ago that gave the websites for the pod casts. I'm finishing week three tonight!!