Black Team Challenge week 4!



  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi Black team,

    Mine would be eating healthy during the weekends and keeping to my calories, and running.

    Great day everyone!
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Good morning black team...great challenge...gain 3lbs this week so not too happy:sad: I slacked the last seven days because of my daughter having starting this week I will give up rice and up my workouts...this morning I did 50 min of celebrity fit club boot camp workout, and wk 1 day 2 of C25K...this evening I will do at least 1hr on my eliptical, yep I said 1hr...:noway:

    Good luck everyone, you all give me the motivation and drive to push through when I'm stuck...thanks:smile:
  • averys7
    averys7 Posts: 60 Member
    Good Morning! I love the new challenge...I am giving up chocolate for a whole week! That is going to be very hard for me because I always seem to be sneaking a few M & M's or something like that. No more (at least for a week...maybe it will carry longer). So, I'm on board with that.

    I also wanted to tell everyone about a little thing that has happened in my life. I have been managing the Front Desk of a hotel in Milwaukee for 4 years. Great job, I have a staff of 25ish. I was promoted two weeks ago to Rooms Division Manager which means I am now responsible for the Housekeeping Department as well.

    This is a huge challenge for me because I am now responsible for a huge staff and every room in the hotel. I've learned alot about making beds! Also, this job requires me to be on my feet for 8 hours straight. I have to inspect every room. I also help the girls strip the beds, fold laundry, carry linen....etc. My favorite part is folding the huge king sheets over and over and arms are going to be so strong! I am sweating every day at work! It is really great for my body and my weight loss struggle. I feel like I eat alot sometime but I am still loosing weight and it is because of my job. I'm excited about the change and I am happy to welcome the natural calorie burning. I'm going to buy a pedometer to see how far I actually walk in a day.

    Well, enough about that! I hope everyone has a healthy week!

  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    hmm....not sure what i'm going to give up this week. maybe the ice cream sandwiches again. i got some low fat cool whip today, so maybe i'll have that on graham crackers instead.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    good morning all-- very stiff hands this morning-- ran out of Tylenol-- so must be brief. Ouch.

    I'm stagnant this week-- TOM arrived this morning (right on schedule-- I love it) so I'm happy with no gain.

    Lori-- neener neener-- I got mine and you didn't. (hums Rock-a-bye-baby)

    Roni-- I had a falling out with my oldest, dearest friend recently-- couple years ago. It happens. If your conscience is clear, move on and let the chips fall where they may. If you need to apologize, do it to save the friendship and your conscience stays clear-- there's my nickel's worth of advice.

    Everyone else-- so sorry to post and run-- my fingers are killing me today.

  • mynulife
    mynulife Posts: 28 Member
    Just an FYI - if you take chocolate graham crackers and put fat free cool whip on them and freeze - they taste pretty close to an ice cream sandwich - it may help!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Just an FYI - if you take chocolate graham crackers and put fat free cool whip on them and freeze - they taste pretty close to an ice cream sandwich - it may help!

    mmm...thanks, i've done it with the regular graham crackers, but not chocolate. dh would probably eat them all before i could try it :laugh: love you honey!!:wink:
  • teeneu
    teeneu Posts: 21 Member
    Well I lost a half a pound this week and it was a struggle. I do well during the week when I'm working, but the past 2 weekends I've not been as diligent. So this week I'm going to log all my food over the weekend which should help me more on track. I'm also going to stop snacking while I'm making dinner. I'm adding a lot of calories when I know I'll be eating in 30 minutes, I'm going to drink water instead.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Howdy team. Screening went okay. Very quick. Only results I got today were my b/p and that is normal, which I'm thankful for. Just can't wait to get the rest.

    Had to fast before my appt, which was at 9:30. Came back and was eating oatmeal by 10, but didn't have time before heading to the gym for another snack or something. Came back from the gym feeling weak, exhausted and shakey. I know it'll pass, as I just finished my sandwich, but I'm resisting the urge to get a pop to get my blood sugar back up more quickly. challenge this week is going to be doing some toning exercises at night, after I get kiddos to bed. I'm thinking push ups, sit ups, leg lifts, squats (blech), etc. Probably not all of them each night, but just a bit to tone this body back up.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    I just have a minute to say a few things. I sat down here 10 minutes ago, said to my 9 year old DS that I was sitting down for 10 minutes and then putting away the groceries. He just informed me my 10 minutes was up. Brat.

    Beans- thanks for offering to hold my hand.

    Marla- mine came today too. 26 days exactly, I was expecting it but you guys had me freaked out. LOL. You and I are usually pretty close. I went in to weigh, did my potty time first and that's all she wrote. The scale made me want to cry. I was up over the weekend, back down yesterday and back up 2 pounds this AM.

    I was going to say I was passing, I was taking a week off, I was sitting out this inning, I was calling for a sub... something, anything to avoid actually using that weight for a weigh in... then Tamara said she's counting hers and I thought it's a dumb number, so what, just do it.

    Tamara- I have actually been thinking today about giving up my scale for the week. It's not always good for me. It can send me to some dark places.

    Ok, my minute just turned into a few more. If only those groceries could walk. I am exhausted today. Crampy, my body aches, muscles, joints, all of it. This month I have not enjoyed being female. :grumble:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I just have a minute to say a few things. I sat down here 10 minutes ago, said to my 9 year old DS that I was sitting down for 10 minutes and then putting away the groceries. He just informed me my 10 minutes was up. Brat.

    Beans- thanks for offering to hold my hand.

    Marla- mine came today too. 26 days exactly, I was expecting it but you guys had me freaked out. LOL. You and I are usually pretty close. I went in to weigh, did my potty time first and that's all she wrote. The scale made me want to cry. I was up over the weekend, back down yesterday and back up 2 pounds this AM.

    I was going to say I was passing, I was taking a week off, I was sitting out this inning, I was calling for a sub... something, anything to avoid actually using that weight for a weigh in... then Tamara said she's counting hers and I thought it's a dumb number, so what, just do it.

    Tamara- I have actually been thinking today about giving up my scale for the week. It's not always good for me. It can send me to some dark places.

    Ok, my minute just turned into a few more. If only those groceries could walk. I am exhausted today. Crampy, my body aches, muscles, joints, all of it. This month I have not enjoyed being female. :grumble:

    Someone once asked me if I was sad I went thru mentalpause (:laugh:) at 40 years old.............SAD?????

    No way! I hated the mood swings more than anything else!

    Now I am always a b*tch :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good Morning! I love the new challenge...I am giving up chocolate for a whole week! That is going to be very hard for me because I always seem to be sneaking a few M & M's or something like that. No more (at least for a week...maybe it will carry longer). So, I'm on board with that.

    I also wanted to tell everyone about a little thing that has happened in my life. I have been managing the Front Desk of a hotel in Milwaukee for 4 years. Great job, I have a staff of 25ish. I was promoted two weeks ago to Rooms Division Manager which means I am now responsible for the Housekeeping Department as well.

    This is a huge challenge for me because I am now responsible for a huge staff and every room in the hotel. I've learned alot about making beds! Also, this job requires me to be on my feet for 8 hours straight. I have to inspect every room. I also help the girls strip the beds, fold laundry, carry linen....etc. My favorite part is folding the huge king sheets over and over and arms are going to be so strong! I am sweating every day at work! It is really great for my body and my weight loss struggle. I feel like I eat alot sometime but I am still loosing weight and it is because of my job. I'm excited about the change and I am happy to welcome the natural calorie burning. I'm going to buy a pedometer to see how far I actually walk in a day.

    Well, enough about that! I hope everyone has a healthy week!


    Sara that is awesome!!! :heart:
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    still hanging in there one week without sugar.......................well not promises but I will try
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I just have a minute to say a few things. I sat down here 10 minutes ago, said to my 9 year old DS that I was sitting down for 10 minutes and then putting away the groceries. He just informed me my 10 minutes was up. Brat.

    Beans- thanks for offering to hold my hand.

    Marla- mine came today too. 26 days exactly, I was expecting it but you guys had me freaked out. LOL. You and I are usually pretty close. I went in to weigh, did my potty time first and that's all she wrote. The scale made me want to cry. I was up over the weekend, back down yesterday and back up 2 pounds this AM.

    I was going to say I was passing, I was taking a week off, I was sitting out this inning, I was calling for a sub... something, anything to avoid actually using that weight for a weigh in... then Tamara said she's counting hers and I thought it's a dumb number, so what, just do it.

    Tamara- I have actually been thinking today about giving up my scale for the week. It's not always good for me. It can send me to some dark places.

    Ok, my minute just turned into a few more. If only those groceries could walk. I am exhausted today. Crampy, my body aches, muscles, joints, all of it. This month I have not enjoyed being female. :grumble:

    Someone once asked me if I was sad I went thru mentalpause (:laugh:) at 40 years old.............SAD?????

    No way! I hated the mood swings more than anything else!

    Now I am always a b*tch :laugh:

    There's something to be said for consistency, huh Jeannie?

    Lori-- I'm feeling the same today. Like a truck ran over me. I napped for about 30 minutes with Caleb today which helped a lot, and I'll really try to get a run in tonight. Calories are good.

    You all saved me today-- just bought some Entenmann's donuts "for the kids," and was reaching for the last 1/2 of Joshua's mangled donut when I remembered this challenge-- whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And I cashed in some WIC checks today, and this year they offer bread-- so I got 2 loaves of real wheat bread, minus the HCFS, Sara-- go figure.

    Thanks, my team-- I :heart: you all!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    still hanging in there one week without sugar.......................well not promises but I will try

    you can do it, Richie-- I gave up the goodies this week, too-- woot!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I am giving up chocolate this week. Ya'll wish me luck I am back to work tomorrow...yippee actually money in my hands, sorta forgot what that feels like.

    Did ya'll see I changed my week I promise will be back down, right with lori and whoever elses when up!!

    Off to do 150 jumping jack and 150 crunches

    then hit the gym a 445 am
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey kids.

    Hope everyone had a good weigh-in today. Not sure what I will be giving up, I'll have to think about that one. For the flip side of that, I will do more strength training this week. I've started getting a lot more consistent about doing it, so now I will keep it up!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    I got on here to comment on all the people I wanted to comment on earlier and I'm tired. All I want is a hot shower and bed, so that's what I'm headed to do.

    I skipped the gym, got some retail therapy, ate like Miss Piggy and will be back on track in the AM.

    I think I'm giving up sugar. I didn't do so well with that today, but I just decided, so tomorrow is a new day. As much as I hate the scale, I am not giving it up, I'm really hoping to watch it drop. It's a sickness, I already know.

    I had some free time today so hit the mall to look for a gown to wear to DH's ball in May. I was hoping to come across some holiday clearance stuff. I refuse to pay $100-150 for a dress. I found a $130 dress, marked down to $44 and then half off the markdown, so $22. Only problem. It doesn't really fit. They had it in a 6 and a 16. I needed an 8. It zips under the arm, I can get it zipped right to my bra. It seems like it should zip the rest of the way, but I couldn't do it with one hand. Maby if I have help it will go up, I need to try it on and have hubs help. Wonder if breathing is necessary? Wonder how strong those zippers are? LOL

    Of course they have it online, but said they couldnt' do the extra 50% off the sale price and it wouldn't let them override the price. I have 90 days to return it. I think I'll keep it, hope it will fit by May and in the meantime, keep my eyes open for something else. Just an excuse to shop, you know how I love it. LOL. It's really not an easy find. Floor length evening gown, I like to wear a regular bra, so the dress have to cover it, not prom looking, too old for that and cheap. You know, you find such things on every rack!
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    sounds delicious...will have to try it..thanks

    Just an FYI - if you take chocolate graham crackers and put fat free cool whip on them and freeze - they taste pretty close to an ice cream sandwich - it may help!
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    I will also give up chocolate, as of tomorrow...I don't eat it often but sometimes get cravings for it...I bought a snicker bar today and will eat half...hope it helps take the urge away...