Black Team Challenge week 4!



  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    be back to check in later, Lord willing--

    Ticker action with no medicines and 1200 calories-- even with little exercise this week. whoooooooo!!!!!!!

    Woot on the ticker action!!!

    Double that woot!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    It has been my after gym routine to make my post workout food and get time on the computer while I eat. HOWEVER, my computer time seems to be getting out of hand. I need to reel it back in. Yesterday post workout computer time turned into several hours. I was running around before the kids got home trying to get my 'chores' done so it didn't look like I sat on the computer all day. For real. I'm a grown adult, I know better. Work first, play later.

    Today, I have plans to clean the house, so while I want to comment on everybody and read more.... I've got to work before I can play! :sad: :bigsmile:

    Later team. Have a good one.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Marla- Another woot for the ticker! We haven't had unbearably cold weather here lately, but today is a different story. It was 17 degrees when I left this morning, and they are calling for snow overnight. Ewww.

    Jeannie- Glad you are feeling a little better!

    Kati- Hope your little ones are feeling better soon.

    Everyone else- Hey, hey hey! (think Fat Albert here)

    Sitting down eating my very yummy lunch of leftover chicken cacciatore from the other good. Might be a busy weekend...BF's dad is having his second back surgery in as many years. We're hoping that this one is more helpful. I think he's supposed to go in at 1, so prayers/good thoughts would be much appreciated.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Shuntae - I am sending you the cold temperatures. Would you be so kind to keep it for a while? We could really us a break in temps right now. When I left this morning it was 3 degrees outside. Not including our windchill. Right now it's 13. But feels like 3. Tomorrow morning we'll wake up to a balmy 4 degrees. But, by Sunday we'll be 25 for a high. I'm hoping to send the kids outside, even it for only 30 minutes. I am SO OVER WINTER!!!!!! :grumble:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Shuntae - Meant to thank you for wishing my kiddos well. Seems to be going around but fortunately it's been short lived, so I hope that remains the case for us. Stay safe this weekend.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla- Another woot for the ticker! We haven't had unbearably cold weather here lately, but today is a different story. It was 17 degrees when I left this morning, and they are calling for snow overnight. Ewww.

    Jeannie- Glad you are feeling a little better!

    Kati- Hope your little ones are feeling better soon.

    Everyone else- Hey, hey hey! (think Fat Albert here)

    Sitting down eating my very yummy lunch of leftover chicken cacciatore from the other good. Might be a busy weekend...BF's dad is having his second back surgery in as many years. We're hoping that this one is more helpful. I think he's supposed to go in at 1, so prayers/good thoughts would be much appreciated.

    Yes, Ma'am, Shuntae-- we're not far from you up here in Jersey-- brrrrr, baby. Freezing.gif

    Heard the wind howling last night at my desk, no way in H-E- double hockeysticks I was venturing out in it. Yes, I'm getting faggy this year-- just can't battle the elements along with everything else right now-- hate being a wimp, but it is what it is right now.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member

    Marla, its not being faggy. We get smarter with age.

    Its a tropical 8 degrees here in the upper Ohio Valley. I'm not going outside, no way, no how , nope, forgetaboutit. . And as one of the senior members of the Black Team, yeah AARP sent me membership papers for my bday :grumble: , I am smart enough to know NOT to exercise in this weather.:noway:

    Stay warm friends, Spring is around the corner somewhere.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    And as one of the senior members of the Black Team, yeah AARP sent me membership papers for my bday :grumble:

    AARP sent me a card!!! hahahaha It said all I have to do is call the number and I can use this card when I need it. Now my husband gets his dads stuff because they have the same first name but ME?!?! They are crazy!

    Oh and I forgot to say that I made 2 loaves of bread and didn't have a bite!!! YAY ME!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    OK, it is snowing in SC. They had to cancel our USS Yorktown trip because it was supposed to snow and it actually is! Most of the time they call for snow and we get nothing or just enough freezing rain to knock the power out. DH has to work this weekend and he is so sad that he will have to work graveyards and sleep while it is snowing:sad:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    OK, it is snowing in SC. They had to cancel our USS Yorktown trip because it was supposed to snow and it actually is! Most of the time they call for snow and we get nothing or just enough freezing rain to knock the power out. DH has to work this weekend and he is so sad that he will have to work graveyards and sleep while it is snowing:sad:

    Everything must completely stop when it snows there! Get out the fat free sugar free hot cocoa!:happy:
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Thanks Jeannie,
    You are always so positive. I guess I'll have to send my 2 year old to kindergarten:tongue:
    Food is such a challenge for me.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jan~ I hear you about the eating off your kids plates. I have a 3 1/2 and a 1 1/2 year old. I think that is why I give them foods that I won't eat. Chicken nuggets! :sick: Cheese slices that have been chewed :sick: pasta that has had grimmy fingers all over it :sick: Fish sticks dipped in ketchup :sick: think of it that way and you won't eat it!! :bigsmile:

    Samantha, That is so funny. I really need to think of it that way. How do you resist McDonalds french fries, though! I'll take a couple half chewed...ewwwwwwwww that was way too much info. ROFL

    Sam and all have me walking down memory lane.

    I was on one of my many many diets one summer. The kids were eating Micky Ds (which was a treat for them, didnt get that much) when I was entering the room the eldest yelled.......LICK the bun then she wont EAT yours!!! :laugh: :laugh:


    I'm dying laughing. That's a cute story:laugh:
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    OK, it is snowing in SC. They had to cancel our USS Yorktown trip because it was supposed to snow and it actually is! Most of the time they call for snow and we get nothing or just enough freezing rain to knock the power out. DH has to work this weekend and he is so sad that he will have to work graveyards and sleep while it is snowing:sad:


    Small world! When snow hits everything shuts down:laugh:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member

    BF's dad is out of surgery and resting in recovery now. All went well. :bigsmile:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone...

    It snowed so much here, today they closed cracker barrel at 2 pm and wont re open to 10 am and its usually open at 6 am..So I have to be at work at 10 am..

    My darling husband came in got me I refused to drive in this....

    I have come to the conclusion when I get thrown out of my routine I throw my eating in the trash, I ate good all day today I get home snowed in couldnt go to the gym so I was like well I will just eat with my family...and I couldnt go to the gym like I usually do friday morning because I had to open.

    As marla would say whattayagonnado???

    Its ok I will be back on it tomorrow..

    You see my new picture???
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Hey everyone...

    It snowed so much here, today they closed cracker barrel at 2 pm and wont re open to 10 am and its usually open at 6 am..So I have to be at work at 10 am..

    My darling husband came in got me I refused to drive in this....

    I have come to the conclusion when I get thrown out of my routine I throw my eating in the trash, I ate good all day today I get home snowed in couldnt go to the gym so I was like well I will just eat with my family...and I couldnt go to the gym like I usually do friday morning because I had to open.

    As marla would say whattayagonnado???

    Its ok I will be back on it tomorrow..

    You see my new picture???

    hey tamara, how much snow did you get? i think a couple of weeks ago, we got almost 2 feet on sunday, then the kids had to go back to school on monday! and dh NEVER gets to come home early because of snow. in maine, if there's too much snow to drive, they take the snowmobile or cross country skis :laugh: glad you made it home safe.:heart:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    And as one of the senior members of the Black Team, yeah AARP sent me membership papers for my bday :grumble:

    AARP sent me a card!!! hahahaha It said all I have to do is call the number and I can use this card when I need it. Now my husband gets his dads stuff because they have the same first name but ME?!?! They are crazy!

    Oh and I forgot to say that I made 2 loaves of bread and didn't have a bite!!! YAY ME!!!

    WHAT?!?! you are much much much too young to get a card from AARP. way too young! young i say! you're practically a teenager! (if it's not obvious, me and sam are the same age :wink: )
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Shuntae - glad surgery went well

    Tamara - stay safe. Since we get snow all winter long, I sometimes forget that snow is unusual in other parts of the country. We have some good friends who live in Tennessee now, but are from our town. She sent an email one day and you could almost hear her laughter in her words. She said that the kids had a snow day that day. She attached a picture and there was what we would call a dusting. She said the whole city they live in was shut down.

    As I told Shuntae earlier, you can keep it. :laugh:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    And as one of the senior members of the Black Team, yeah AARP sent me membership papers for my bday :grumble:

    AARP sent me a card!!! hahahaha It said all I have to do is call the number and I can use this card when I need it. Now my husband gets his dads stuff because they have the same first name but ME?!?! They are crazy!

    Oh and I forgot to say that I made 2 loaves of bread and didn't have a bite!!! YAY ME!!!

    WHAT?!?! you are much much much too young to get a card from AARP. way too young! young i say! you're practically a teenager! (if it's not obvious, me and sam are the same age :wink: )

    Absolutely. They should be ashamed of themselves....the nerve. AARP cards...whatever. (If it's not obvious, I'm the same age as Sam and Beth.)
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    And as one of the senior members of the Black Team, yeah AARP sent me membership papers for my bday :grumble:

    AARP sent me a card!!! hahahaha It said all I have to do is call the number and I can use this card when I need it. Now my husband gets his dads stuff because they have the same first name but ME?!?! They are crazy!

    Oh and I forgot to say that I made 2 loaves of bread and didn't have a bite!!! YAY ME!!!

    WHAT?!?! you are much much much too young to get a card from AARP. way too young! young i say! you're practically a teenager! (if it's not obvious, me and sam are the same age :wink: )

    Absolutely. They should be ashamed of themselves....the nerve. AARP cards...whatever. (If it's not obvious, I'm the same age as Sam and Beth.)

    Uh, yeah, me too--
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    And as one of the senior members of the Black Team, yeah AARP sent me membership papers for my bday :grumble:

    AARP sent me a card!!! hahahaha It said all I have to do is call the number and I can use this card when I need it. Now my husband gets his dads stuff because they have the same first name but ME?!?! They are crazy!

    Oh and I forgot to say that I made 2 loaves of bread and didn't have a bite!!! YAY ME!!!

    WHAT?!?! you are much much much too young to get a card from AARP. way too young! young i say! you're practically a teenager! (if it's not obvious, me and sam are the same age :wink: )

    Absolutely. They should be ashamed of themselves....the nerve. AARP cards...whatever. (If it's not obvious, I'm the same age as Sam and Beth.)

    Uh, yeah, me too--

    You're not too far ahead of us Marla. I think your profile page is wrong.