Black Team Challenge week 4!



  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Lori- That dress is HOT and looks amazing on you! Now I wish we had somewhere fancy to go so I could go dress shopping again. :laugh: Well, we do have a wedding at the end of October and my fancy summer dresses aren't going to cut it....

    Busy day today..."fun" times at work, then got home in just enough time to turn the slow cooker off, change and turn back around and go right back out to meet my running group. For those not in the know, I met a group of ladies who are also training for April/May half marathons a couple weeks ago, and have been running with them ever since. Had a slightly windy, but very nice 5 miler. Wish I would have timed it, because I felt like I was pushing pretty hard. Just got home and ate my open-faced pot roast sandwich, and now time to relax.

    Oh yeah, Day 2 pudding free. Whoo hoo!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Shuntae-- I'm so happy for your running-- mine's been rather sporadic at best these days. Time hasn't been cooperating, nor have my feet and energy-- and like I said above, I'm just not into the cold/wind right now-- my bones are achin'.

    Thank God I've been really hittin' the calories hard this week-- I think it may work okay in the long run come weigh-in-- we'll see.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Have a good night team! Didn't touch the scale today. Getting ready to do some toning. Hubs is going to check his email account. I forget he has one. :)

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Lori ... You look amazing in the dress !
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Thanks for the dress compliments. I like it and for $22, how can I go wrong? I will be sure to post pics with a head after the ball. LOL

    Marla- I actually felt like I was letting the girls all hang out in that dress. I'm not overly modest, yet don't really hang 'em out either. I'm somewhere in between. I see plenty of women in dresses/bathing suits with a lot more hanging out and it doesn't look bad but I feel a little self conscious. I'll have to get over that I guess.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Lori...I really think you look amazing in the dress. If the part with the zipper bothers you, is there anything in the seam that perhaps a seamstress could let out for you to make it feel a little better. Even as much as 1/4 inch would be a plus if it means you would be able to wear a bra and therefore make yourself feel more confident that the girls would stay put. :flowerforyou:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I have decided to give up bread for the week. I have been making my own bread and for the last week I have been eating it like mad.

    Lori~ your dress is Gorgeous!! and reading your story made my heart sink for you. I don't know if I would be a strong enough woman to have a husband that had a job like that. In my abnormal psych class there is a gentleman who said he has been through I think 14 different deployments ranging back to desert storm I think. He also works with the bombs and has been going to the therapist for a year now with severe post traumatic stress disorder. You are a very strong woman!

    Tamara~ I never told you how sorry I was that you lost your father but know that I truely am sorry. Hearing you say that brought back some bad/good memories and I just needed some time to get over it before I could tell you. My heart goes out to you.

    Andrew~ remember NY isn't the bad part. the bad part is being away from your family! Have fun!

    Night everyone
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Bobbi- I think the zipper will still zip with a bra, it's just snug enough that it's so hard to do myself! I happened to throw it on after the shower so I didn't have it on yet. I'm wondering if bra would show, I would have to find one that is pretty low cut.

    Sam- unfortunately PTSD is becoming more and more common. These guys are seeing a lot. It's hard to see it once, but to keep going back time and time again starts to wear on them.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Sam- unfortunately PTSD is becoming more and more common. These guys are seeing a lot. It's hard to see it once, but to keep going back time and time again starts to wear on them.

    It's sad that all these soldiers have to deal with all this stress and have learned to hold it in. We are learning about disorders in abnormal psych right now. It's crazy!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Sam- unfortunately PTSD is becoming more and more common. These guys are seeing a lot. It's hard to see it once, but to keep going back time and time again starts to wear on them.

    It's sad that all these soldiers have to deal with all this stress and have learned to hold it in. We are learning about disorders in abnormal psych right now. It's crazy!!

    Even sadder is the fact that some of them have issues with PTSD and still end up deploying again. We've seen what it can do to people and families first hand. Very sad.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thanks for the dress compliments. I like it and for $22, how can I go wrong? I will be sure to post pics with a head after the ball. LOL

    Marla- I actually felt like I was letting the girls all hang out in that dress. I'm not overly modest, yet don't really hang 'em out either. I'm somewhere in between. I see plenty of women in dresses/bathing suits with a lot more hanging out and it doesn't look bad but I feel a little self conscious. I'll have to get over that I guess.

    Well, you know, I thought about what I wrote afterwards-- and thought it may have sounded like I was disapproving-- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to suggest at all that it was inappropriate. It's definitely hot, but not an "OH EM GEE, what is that woman thinking," dress. It's stunning, and I love it.

    We're just way on the conservative side for the daughters in their personal dress, and have a battle on our hands some days with our eldest daughter in particular for how she dresses. She doesn't show skin, but wants things skin tight some times-- and we have discussions with her a lot about her attire.

    And my hubs has his own battles for how he'd love to see me dress, and any confusing/hypocritical messages we would be sending to the girls. so, when it came time to choose my dress, it was rather like yours and I loved it, and knew husband would love it, but steered clear of it just in case it was in the gray area for what messages I'd be sending the girls.

    Did that sound like more of the same before-- like I'm tsk-tsking you? Gosh, I hope not-- 'cause I truly didn't mean to.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,068 Member
    Morning from a wet South England..... no walk to school this morning and I missed it, so will try to get some extra time in on the bike later. I think I have an early day today - all the minded children should be gone by 4.30pm, so I might go out on the bike then and see how long I can do before one of the boys starts to demand tea - they have sausage casserole tonight so it will be in the slow cooker and I will see if I can get the 12 year to serve it (what do you think, is there going to be an argument ahead!!)

    Hope everyone has a good day and will check in again later
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Yikes I hated seeing those results..But like marla says whattagonnado???

    I have to open the wonderful world of cracker barrel land this morning yippee me...NOT

    Thanks everyone for the well wishes,,,Its getting easier and easier as the time goes by.

    I so enjoyed my cereal for dinner lastnight gonna have it again..

    Well everyone its 430 and I am almost ready for work weighed my food lastnight so I am good to go, have a great day
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Thanks for the chart Andrew, you really do a great job on that!:smile:

    Wow, am I glad that its Friday! Not that much will change, but its been a really tough week. Lots of hurdles to walk through. I tell you, sometimes it really seems true that when it rains it pours:ohwell:

    Im off to the gym in a couple of hours, hoping a good workout will relieve some stress. Have a great Friday everyone and I will try to check back in later:flowerforyou:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Evening all...Had a busy day typing today. I took on some extra work in preparation for my hubby to be out with his upcoming knee surgery. He goes for partial knee replacement on Feb. 10 so I am getting a little nervous. Trying a new chicken broccoli casserole tonight for dinner, will let you know how it goes. Kinda stuck on my weight loss this week. Going to the gym after dinner. Maybe things will move again next week. Patience is not my strong point.:grumble: See ya'll tomorrow.

    Tammy - Hope everything goes well with hubby. prayers go out to both:flowerforyou:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Good Morning Black team - I slept in this morning. It was just too cold and cozy to get out of my bed and go for a run..not to mention the wind. Now I hate myself. This is the test of what MFP can do for me. I always get down to 167 and start feeling good about myself and then I slip and go back up to 170 in a heartbeat:explode: I have a busy weekend which includes Quizzo tonight - fund raiser at dd school and tomorrow I'm traveling to South Jersey to see my nephew play college basketball. His team is on an 18 game winning streak. I haven't seen him play all year and he is a Senior this year. Needless to say, I will have lots of temptations. So...........give me some pep talks Black team....I need you!

    Have a great day!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have been ill so I challenged myself to BREATH!!! :sick:

    It has been years since I was struck down like this. Dang, I still hurt all over.

    Good news is I have a job with sick pay, I work from home so I could do some stuff-even looking like I have a hangover:laugh: and I have no little kids to care for. I do not know how you mom's do it (or how I did for that fact)

    Still resting and taking meds..........drinking plenty of water........

    Have a great day Black Team:glasses:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    never mind
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member


    :love: :heart: :love: you look fabulous Lori!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Lori............I have a 50th Bday party in March for one of my good friends. We have been diet buddies for 10 years. We have gone to the gym, ate well and lost 10 pounds at LEAST as many times in as many years. This time mine stuck!

    Well her sister is a hot babe, as is all her friends. They have money, or credit cards with high limits, so they all have had 'work' done. I went to a Christmas party with about 100 of her closest much plastic and botox and tummy tucks it was sickening.

    Here is the part where my advise for YOU and I come in................we did it with DIET AND EXERCISE!! WE did it. WE......DID.....IT!

    NO suction hoses, no injections or personal trainers and chefs in our homes. No nanny to take our kids to school and do the laundry.

    These women do not look healthy..............they look haggard and bloated or unrealy.

    I think you look great!! Your arms look fantastic and your boobs do not require a bra in this dress.

    LOOK at the picture and put MY face on there. What would you say to ME??

    What would YOU say to ME??