Black Team Challenge week 4!



  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Friday morning...Missed the gym last night because I was pooped. Hubby and I are going this morning when I finish typing. Scale hasn't moved this week but my cals were very close almost every day. Gonna cut back a little on dinner and see what happens. I'm not snacking after dinner so far this week! Supposed to snow here today. They cancelled our Cub Scout trip to camp on the USS Yorktown in Charleston because of the forecast of snow for the weekend. My youngest is very sad but it looks like me taking him to the monster truck show will make up for it. Yeah me, so not looking forward to that! Have a happy Friday:smile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Tammy- Pray DH knee sx comes out GREAT!! fast recovery and he is kind to you while healing.
    chicken and brocc casserole sounds good, got a recipe??

    ROni-good job hon!! You always amaze me!

    Marla- so sorry you have to go thru so much each would think He would give ya a break there! I mean you brought Him 9 lil ones to serve him! (and YES I believe you son will be back)

    Andrew-thank you so much for pulling this together. it has kept me on cue even with the flu. Hey that rhymes! You are just 2 pounds away from 199 can DO it!!

    Shuntae-I am so proud of you for joining the running group. Man, did you EVER think this would be your life?? You are a source of amazement for me.

    Kati-good for you! I avoided it all week. I know with the meds and weird stuff I have been eating, and prob low caloric intake with high sodium Mr Scale would have robbed me of my last good nerve


    Sam-NO BREAD??? Wow that hit me in the gut....wonder if that means I should be giving it up for Lent??

    Tanya-hope it is drying up a bit for you.

    Tamara- love to see your spirits are high again. Give yourself a break! You are doing a great job on staying healthy and I am so proud of you!

    Donna-have fun at the game and stick to your guns. Allow for a soda and a hot dog or something. When I went to the ball game I bought peanuts in the shell. Gave me an excuse to eat slower than everyone else. I couldn't believe I used to eat all that crap. Nachos, popcorn with butterstuff, huge hotdog, huge coke, no wonder I felt like crud all the time!
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Happy Friday Black Team,

    I have to confess "I am a foodaholic". It's like I can not say no. I don't feel I'm doing terribly bad, but I feel I can be doing better. I snack here and there especially from the kids plates and I know that adds up. I want to do really well this weekend so I'm really going to try. I have no problem exercising because I love to workout, but I feel I'm being counter productive.

    So, for my challenge I will focus on my weekend eating and to log all of my food in my diary.

    Thanks Black Team for listening to my vent. {{hugs}}
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Happy Friday Black Team,

    I have to confess "I am a foodaholic". It's like I can not say no. I don't feel I'm doing terribly bad, but I feel I can be doing better. I snack here and there especially from the kids plates and I know that adds up. I want to do really well this weekend so I'm really going to try. I have no problem exercising because I love to workout, but I feel I'm being counter productive.

    So, for my challenge I will focus on my weekend eating and to log all of my food in my diary.

    Thanks Black Team for listening to my vent. {{hugs}}

    I lost 5 pounds when my last kid went off to Kindergarten :laugh:

    I still have to remind myself I do not have to eat everything I see. Having a plan and a schedule really helps. Once I feel better I think I will set up a menu for the day for a week and see how I do on that.

    You are lucky to love exercise............healthy :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Lori...Hi...I don't think we've met...but please allow me to say look absolutely stunning in that dress!!! I don't know where your plans are for wearing it...but I have no doubt that all eyes will be on YOU!!! :love:
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Happy Friday Black Team,

    I have to confess "I am a foodaholic". It's like I can not say no. I don't feel I'm doing terribly bad, but I feel I can be doing better. I snack here and there especially from the kids plates and I know that adds up. I want to do really well this weekend so I'm really going to try. I have no problem exercising because I love to workout, but I feel I'm being counter productive.

    So, for my challenge I will focus on my weekend eating and to log all of my food in my diary.

    Thanks Black Team for listening to my vent. {{hugs}}

    I lost 5 pounds when my last kid went off to Kindergarten :laugh:

    I still have to remind myself I do not have to eat everything I see. Having a plan and a schedule really helps. Once I feel better I think I will set up a menu for the day for a week and see how I do on that.

    You are lucky to love exercise............healthy :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie

    Thanks Jeannie,
    You are always so positive. I guess I'll have to send my 2 year old to kindergarten:tongue:
    Food is such a challenge for me.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Jeannie...I'm sorry you are so sick. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for prayers for DH. This is his third knee surgery and hopefully his last. I used the recipe from and substituted the Bisquick Heart Healthy mix instead. It was very good but I had 2 pieces instead of the 1 I had planned on.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Thanks Jeannie,
    You are always so positive. I guess I'll have to send my 2 year old to kindergarten:tongue:
    Food is such a challenge for me.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jan~ I hear you about the eating off your kids plates. I have a 3 1/2 and a 1 1/2 year old. I think that is why I give them foods that I won't eat. Chicken nuggets! :sick: Cheese slices that have been chewed :sick: pasta that has had grimmy fingers all over it :sick: Fish sticks dipped in ketchup :sick: think of it that way and you won't eat it!! :bigsmile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    be back to check in later, Lord willing--

    Ticker action with no medicines and 1200 calories-- even with little exercise this week. whoooooooo!!!!!!!
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Thanks Jeannie,
    You are always so positive. I guess I'll have to send my 2 year old to kindergarten:tongue:
    Food is such a challenge for me.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jan~ I hear you about the eating off your kids plates. I have a 3 1/2 and a 1 1/2 year old. I think that is why I give them foods that I won't eat. Chicken nuggets! :sick: Cheese slices that have been chewed :sick: pasta that has had grimmy fingers all over it :sick: Fish sticks dipped in ketchup :sick: think of it that way and you won't eat it!! :bigsmile:

    Samantha, That is so funny. I really need to think of it that way. How do you resist McDonalds french fries, though! I'll take a couple half chewed...ewwwwwwwww that was way too much info. ROFL
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    be back to check in later, Lord willing--

    Ticker action with no medicines and 1200 calories-- even with little exercise this week. whoooooooo!!!!!!!

    that is great Marla!! I know it is so very frustrating.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thanks Jeannie,
    You are always so positive. I guess I'll have to send my 2 year old to kindergarten:tongue:
    Food is such a challenge for me.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jan~ I hear you about the eating off your kids plates. I have a 3 1/2 and a 1 1/2 year old. I think that is why I give them foods that I won't eat. Chicken nuggets! :sick: Cheese slices that have been chewed :sick: pasta that has had grimmy fingers all over it :sick: Fish sticks dipped in ketchup :sick: think of it that way and you won't eat it!! :bigsmile:

    Samantha, That is so funny. I really need to think of it that way. How do you resist McDonalds french fries, though! I'll take a couple half chewed...ewwwwwwwww that was way too much info. ROFL

    Sam and all have me walking down memory lane.

    I was on one of my many many diets one summer. The kids were eating Micky Ds (which was a treat for them, didnt get that much) when I was entering the room the eldest yelled.......LICK the bun then she wont EAT yours!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Jeannie...I'm sorry you are so sick. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for prayers for DH. This is his third knee surgery and hopefully his last. I used the recipe from and substituted the Bisquick Heart Healthy mix instead. It was very good but I had 2 pieces instead of the 1 I had planned on.

    Oh cool! I used to make chicken pot pie with bisquick......forgot all about that stuff. Ok-making that tonight. I am sick and I get what I want.....*crosses arms and huffs*
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Lori...Hi...I don't think we've met...but please allow me to say look absolutely stunning in that dress!!! I don't know where your plans are for wearing it...but I have no doubt that all eyes will be on YOU!!! :love:

    T, Lori is a sweet heart. You will love her.......
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Happy Friday! Thank goodness!

    Friends, I'm tired. I'm tired of rowing. I'm tired of biking. I want so badly to skip the gym today. But, I want to finish this thing more. So I will go. And I will bike and I will row. And, I'll enjoy it dammit.

    I've got 2 of the 3 kiddos sick. One with a fever and one with an upset belly and headache. They're all at daycare (with grandma and great grandma) so I know they'll get lots of lovin' and spoilin'.)

    And, I resisted all urges to step on the scale this morning. I couldn't let you guys down. Sunday will be here soon enough.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Thanks for the dress compliments. I like it and for $22, how can I go wrong? I will be sure to post pics with a head after the ball. LOL

    Marla- I actually felt like I was letting the girls all hang out in that dress. I'm not overly modest, yet don't really hang 'em out either. I'm somewhere in between. I see plenty of women in dresses/bathing suits with a lot more hanging out and it doesn't look bad but I feel a little self conscious. I'll have to get over that I guess.

    Well, you know, I thought about what I wrote afterwards-- and thought it may have sounded like I was disapproving-- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to suggest at all that it was inappropriate. It's definitely hot, but not an "OH EM GEE, what is that woman thinking," dress. It's stunning, and I love it.

    We're just way on the conservative side for the daughters in their personal dress, and have a battle on our hands some days with our eldest daughter in particular for how she dresses. She doesn't show skin, but wants things skin tight some times-- and we have discussions with her a lot about her attire.

    And my hubs has his own battles for how he'd love to see me dress, and any confusing/hypocritical messages we would be sending to the girls. so, when it came time to choose my dress, it was rather like yours and I loved it, and knew husband would love it, but steered clear of it just in case it was in the gray area for what messages I'd be sending the girls.

    Did that sound like more of the same before-- like I'm tsk-tsking you? Gosh, I hope not-- 'cause I truly didn't mean to.

    Relax. I never read it that way at all. I understand wanting to show your daughters appropriate dress. Luckily at this point, our daughter won't even wear deep V neck shirts because she thinks too much chest hangs out, when truly it doesn't. We'll take it while we can, cause I'm sure it will change as she gets older.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Lori............I have a 50th Bday party in March for one of my good friends. We have been diet buddies for 10 years. We have gone to the gym, ate well and lost 10 pounds at LEAST as many times in as many years. This time mine stuck!

    Well her sister is a hot babe, as is all her friends. They have money, or credit cards with high limits, so they all have had 'work' done. I went to a Christmas party with about 100 of her closest much plastic and botox and tummy tucks it was sickening.

    Here is the part where my advise for YOU and I come in................we did it with DIET AND EXERCISE!! WE did it. WE......DID.....IT!

    NO suction hoses, no injections or personal trainers and chefs in our homes. No nanny to take our kids to school and do the laundry.

    These women do not look healthy..............they look haggard and bloated or unrealy.

    I think you look great!! Your arms look fantastic and your boobs do not require a bra in this dress.

    LOOK at the picture and put MY face on there. What would you say to ME??

    What would YOU say to ME??
    Yes, we did do it. Thank you. I know I need to give myself a break. Sometimes, like today I look around at the gym, really look. None of the women in there are perfect, all of them are working hard too. I think TV and models and perfection is a ridiculous thing we get in our head, somehow it gets in our brains that we should look like that, but really, it's not reality.

    Thank you Miss Jeannie.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Thanks Jeannie,
    You are always so positive. I guess I'll have to send my 2 year old to kindergarten:tongue:
    Food is such a challenge for me.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jan~ I hear you about the eating off your kids plates. I have a 3 1/2 and a 1 1/2 year old. I think that is why I give them foods that I won't eat. Chicken nuggets! :sick: Cheese slices that have been chewed :sick: pasta that has had grimmy fingers all over it :sick: Fish sticks dipped in ketchup :sick: think of it that way and you won't eat it!! :bigsmile:

    Samantha, That is so funny. I really need to think of it that way. How do you resist McDonalds french fries, though! I'll take a couple half chewed...ewwwwwwwww that was way too much info. ROFL

    Ewww your right to much info!!! HAHAHAHAHA no really I just think about all the crap my girls touch or how many times they fall down and their hands touch the floor! :sick: now sweets on the other hand I would probably eat whatever was left on their plate!! thank god my girls have as big a sweet tooth as I do and there usually is nothing left to eat!:laugh:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    be back to check in later, Lord willing--

    Ticker action with no medicines and 1200 calories-- even with little exercise this week. whoooooooo!!!!!!!

    Woot on the ticker action!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Lori...Hi...I don't think we've met...but please allow me to say look absolutely stunning in that dress!!! I don't know where your plans are for wearing it...but I have no doubt that all eyes will be on YOU!!! :love:

    Thank you.