Black Team Challenge week 4!



  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    An addition to my challenge this week. I'm going to give up getting on the scale everyday. The next time I'll step on it will be Sunday morning.

    So, I'm going to give up the scale for all but one day until next Wednesday a.m. And, I'm going to do some toning exercises after the kiddos are in bed, which they are right now. Tonight is ab work.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Eating better on the weekends. It kills me. Okay I can do this, dang this is pay day weekend too. Drat ! I may have to send out the bat signal on this one.

    I went for my W1D3 run today, asthma attack after segment 2. Not good, Jim made me finish with all walking. The cold really got to me. Breathing easy now and so ready for warmer weather.
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    hey guys! just to let you know, the weigh-in results probably won't be posted till tomorrow night...dh is stuck at a restaurant with his bosses, so won't get back to the hotel till late.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    hey guys! just to let you know, the weigh-in results probably won't be posted till tomorrow night...dh is stuck at a restaurant with his bosses, so won't get back to the hotel till late.

    Works for me, mine can never be posted and I'll be cool...... however.....

    I know some of my teammates had an awesome week and I'm proud of you! Way to go. Keep up the great work.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,068 Member
    Morning, not alot of sleep been had here so please excuse any mistakes. Ds4 decided to have a rough night and to take mum along for the ride!!

    Managed to walk to school this morning, before visiting a friend where I had a second breakfast - so was glad I'd walked for 90 mins :laugh:

    I don't usually get the TOM due to the contraceptive jab I have, but saying that I am bleeding today :mad: , so very glad that I weighed in yesterday :drinker:

    Hope everyone has a good day, hormones allowing :noway:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Happy Birthday, Birthday Girl! :heart: (not sure if she wants to be publically aknowledged, but I thought I'd throw that out there).

    Marla - YAY for HFCS-free wheat bread! I wonder if I could mail you a loaf of mine. Hmmmm...

    Tamara - Good luck going back to work!

    Lori - Dang it! No black team baby?! I was looking forward to that. ;) I bet that dress will fit by May or you could get it taken out a tiny bit. Take pics!

    Tanya - We had a rough night at our house, too! Wonder if it's a full moon. :grumble:

    Bobbi - Asthma attacks are no fun! I'm glad your hubby was there to make sure you walked it. *hugs*

    Kati - Glad the screening went well (well, your bp at least). Good luck giving up the scale! I'm officially addicted again. I guess that's good & bad in the same breath.

    Beth - I hope this time without your hubby isn't too rough on you & the kids. A Maine winter & being a single parent would make me nutty! *hugs*

    My scale showed me a little more love today & I couldn't help but post it. I'm not willing to put up a ticker again yet, but I'm goingin the right direction & that thrills me :smooched:

    Have wonderful Thursdays, y'all!
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    good morning everyone!

    Sara- it's been a little rough since the three of us are all in differents stages of having a cold, the kids are coughing up a lung, and i'm headachy and stuffy. i'm going to bring aiden to the bus this morning and try my best to do as little else as possible. congrats on the loss this week!:drinker:

    Have a great day, black team!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone. I dont have much time this morning so I will leave it at that for now and try to check back later:smile:

    Have a great Thursday and feel better teamies!!:flowerforyou:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Sneaking in to say hi before I start looking busy. :laugh:

    Happy Thursday!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    good morning everyone!

    Sara- it's been a little rough since the three of us are all in differents stages of having a cold, the kids are coughing up a lung, and i'm headachy and stuffy. i'm going to bring aiden to the bus this morning and try my best to do as little else as possible. congrats on the loss this week!:drinker:

    Have a great day, black team!

    Ech. That sucks! The flu is making it's way around Z's preschool & his cousins...I've been a mad woman with the Lysol! Take it easy & I hope you feel better quickly! :heart:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Good morning, good morning, good morning! I hope everybody has a great day. I'm headed to the gym to Zumba 45 minutes away. I'm undecided what to do after that... legs? more cardio? both? What to do, what to do! I skipped the gym yesterday so my schedule is off for the week.

    All I know is I'm going to burn some calories, I'm going to eat right today and I'm not going to eat SWEETS. Hear that you evil sweets? Don't bother callin', I'm not answering!

    Right now the scale is callin' and I'm trying not to answer it either. Yesterday was a bad day. BBBBAAAAADDDDD. Did I say bad? I should get on it for the wake up call. When I see the number I need to say, "Serves you right!"

    Once again, I have confirmed with myself, the mental battle during this journey is far, far harder than the phyiscal one. The exercise is easy, even eating right is easy. Being in the right place in my head, not so easy all the time and when my head's not in it, bbbbaaaaaddddd things happen..... like cheesesteaks, fries, ice cream, chocolate.... *shudder*..... and that was BEFORE dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread. :noway:

    What can I say? When I'm good, I'm GOOD, when I'm bad... I do it right. :ohwell:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member

    cheesesteaks, fries, ice cream, chocolate.... *shudder*..... and that was BEFORE dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread. :noway:

    What can I say? When I'm good, I'm GOOD, when I'm bad... I do it right. :ohwell:

    Are you SURE you aren't pregnant? :laugh:

    I agree with you about the mental aspect. When I backslid, I wasn't getting on the scale & I *knew* I was making bad choices, my brain just didn't care one teensy weensy bit. The urge to stress eat was too great & since I wasn't seeing daily confirmation of that scale number going up, I didn't care. :ohwell:

    *hugs* It was only one day. You screwed up, you know it...go Zumba it away! Woo!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Thursday...Gotta type this morning but will check in later. Have a great day!!
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Good morning everyone...have a great day :wink:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Good Morning!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    hey guys! well, so much for doing nothing today. i sat around for most of the morning, then started feeling bad for keeping ds cooped up in the house all the time, so i bundled us up and headed down to the bike path. i'm sure i didn't get my heart rate above resting cause i let riley walk along with me, and he's a dawdler. he did walk a whole mile by himself, so i'm hoping the excercise and fresh air will help him take a nap. time to give him his lunch. bye all!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    All 3 of our kids, but especially the Y2 need to get outside and into the fresh air. It's been so freakin' cold here though. I'm not just talking 20's or 30's cold. Like single digits or worse cold. Brrrrr........
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    All right, kids. I've decided that I will give up my dark chocolate pudding for the week. It's sugar free (yes, I know about the crap in them.), but still not the greatest.

    Sounds like a lot of us are getting sick...take care of yourselves! :heart:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member

    cheesesteaks, fries, ice cream, chocolate.... *shudder*..... and that was BEFORE dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread. :noway:

    What can I say? When I'm good, I'm GOOD, when I'm bad... I do it right. :ohwell:

    Are you SURE you aren't pregnant? :laugh:

    I agree with you about the mental aspect. When I backslid, I wasn't getting on the scale & I *knew* I was making bad choices, my brain just didn't care one teensy weensy bit. The urge to stress eat was too great & since I wasn't seeing daily confirmation of that scale number going up, I didn't care. :ohwell:

    *hugs* It was only one day. You screwed up, you know it...go Zumba it away! Woo!

    Yes I'm sure I'm not. If I was and ate like that I would be a whale by the end of 9 months.

    The mental thing is soooo huge. Yesterday I didn't care. I don't know why I didn't, but I didn't. I wasn't stressed. I wasn't grumpy anymore. I wasn't anything. I just wasn't caring about any of it. I didn't want to think about it. I didn't want to deal with it. I felt like a little kid when they whine 'I don't wanna'.

    Today my head is back in the game. I burned 720 at the gym, another 210 taking the dog for a walk. I have eaten well and will finish the day that way cause that's who I am and what I do. I'm not sure who that person was yesterday. She shows up uninvited every once in a while.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Happy Birthday, Birthday Girl! :heart: (not sure if she wants to be publically aknowledged, but I thought I'd throw that out there).

    Thank you Sara !!